Friday, August 19, 2016


(Written by Sheila Gail Landgraf)

Watching the Olympics and seeing the athletes from around the world that are praising God and giving God glory with their bodies has been so very refreshing!  

Sometimes we get bogged down here in America with the bad news of how the culture is caving and doing so much to dishonor God; yet in the Olympics this year I have been surprised to see this is NOT trending in so many other places that are represented; and I’ve also been very grateful for those American Olympiads who have taken a firm stand against the culture and proclaimed their faith out loud in front of the whole world and given glory to God.  

These brave individuals are living examples of 1 Corinthians 6:19-20:  “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of The Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?  You are not your own, you were bought at a price, therefore; honor God with your bodies.”

I can almost guarantee you that these faithful Olympians know the value of the food they are putting into their bodies every day!

So are you using the three most nutritious vegetables (watercress, bok choy and chard) a lot more often?  I hope so.  They are loaded with nutritious value! 

You probably think you are going to hear about the fourth most nutritious vegetable in today’s blog; but I’ve decided to be random today!  I have no idea where broccoli fits on the most nutritious vegetable list; but I’m pretty sure it has to be close to the top.  I’ve discovered something I want to share here, about broccoli, and about pretty much any other nutritious vegetable for that matter; they all taste better when they are roasted or grilled!

I have eaten broccoli most of my adult life.  I hated it when I was a child, simply because I never gave it a chance and never tried eating it.  Finally, it was broccoli salad that first grabbed my tastebuds.  I found that I liked broccoli prepared that way and eventually I found I liked it steamed and mixed with other vegetables.  That is the same old boring way I’ve eaten broccoli since I grew up and started eating like an adult. 

A few weeks ago I was reading through some food blogs and discovered the REAL way to fix broccoli!  You roast it! 

Set your oven to 400 degrees.  Prepare a casserole dish with cooking spray.  Clean, dry and chop your broccoli into flat slices and sprinkle sea salt, fresh ground black pepper, garlic powder, and onion powder all over them.  Toss the broccoli in extra virgin olive oil and arrange in a casserole dish.  Sometimes I add finely chopped onions or mushrooms to the mix.  Roast in the oven for about 20 – 25 minutes.  In the meantime, mix 1/3 cup extra virgin olive oil with 1/3 cup lemon juice and 2 Tablespoons soy sauce in a small bowl.  When roasting is done, remove the broccoli from oven and toss in this mix.  Delicious!   

So there is another interesting and tasty vegetable to add to your fast days (when you are only eating vegetables and fruits and nothing else)! 

Are you still alternating fast days and moderate days with one feast day a week?  I’m sticking to this plan and it seems to be working well.   I’m down twelve pounds in spite of the fact that I’ve celebrated this week with birthday food, and will be eating the festive foods from two baby showers this week (I may have to confess more next week).  You don’t have to be legalistic about this diet; it works so well when you follow the weekly patterns of fast/moderate day/feast.  You will have room to stray a little here and there for special occasions as long as you don’t go wild and remember to keep up your exercise routines going.  

I exercise by walking laps around my office building (it is a large building in an office complex.)  The six laps I divide up into twos three times a day probably equal to a mile each day of the work week.  Find something that works for you and fit it into your schedule daily (if you make it like brushing your teeth – you won’t feel the same if you forget it!)  

My daughters go to their gym on a regular basis.  I have a friend who enjoys working with horses and she gets her exercise by riding and training horses.  I have another friend who hikes every weekend.  I know several people who are “mall walkers.”  They are out there every morning, walking the halls of the mall as soon as it opens, getting their exercise and a little window shopping done at the same time.  I've heard a lot of people say they love pilates. Cycling is also a great way to get exercise, either outdoors or inside your own home on a stationary bike.  Just get an exercise routine and follow it faithfully!  Try to make it “doable.”  Something that fits into your day easy and natural, that way you will be sure to keep it up. 

The same "doable" factor should apply to your daily meals.  Try not to prepare recipes that are too complicated or take too much time and effort.  The simpler; the better, that way preparing meals at home do not become a dreaded chore.  The broccoli is easy and “doable” and should be a simple compliment to any of your nutritious meal plans.  

Broccoli is known for its cholesterol lowering abilities.  Broccoli also helps the body with detoxification.  It lowers your retention of unwanted contaminants.    In case you haven’t noticed, America is under a Vitamin D deficiency epidemic.  Almost everyone is deficient in this one vitamin.  Broccoli is full of vitamin D, and it can help to overcome this problem.  Every home in America should be preparing broccoli often!   

Broccoli contains ample supplies of vitamin A and vitamin K which we need to work with the vitamin D in our metabolisms.  This combination of vitamins is a winner every time.   If you are using vitamin D supplements, eating broccoli could only help them to work better. 

Broccoli is rich in kaempferol, which helps stop inflammation as well as wards off skin allergies.  A lot of us are allergic to the unnatural things we are absorbing in pre-packaged foods.  Broccoli can help your body to fight these things. 

So many people today seem to be suffering with problems of the stomach and the lining of the stomach.  Sometimes this happens because of the overgrowth of a bacterium called Helicobacter pylori.  This bacterium forms excessive attachments to the inner stomach lining.  Raw broccoli sprouts appear to provide special stomach support with respect to these unwanted overgrowth and over-attachement circumstances.  Researchers have studied the provision of HG broccoli (high glucosinolate broccoli) in the genetic activities of the stomach lining cells.  The glucosinolates in broccoli are clearly a key part of broccoli’s ability to support stomach health, and they seem to alter gene expression in cells that provide the stomach with its inner lining.  So, if you are experiencing stomach problems, get some ordinary broccoli and eat it without cooking (in salads and with dips) to help provide plenty of those glucosinolate phytonutrients that your stomach may be lacking. 

As well as everything mentioned above, broccoli has good qualities for fighting cancer.  

If all of this information isn’t enough for you; consider that broccoli also provides chromium, folate, dietary fiber, pantothenic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin E, manganese, phosphorus, choline, vitamin B1 and vitamin A (in the form of carotenoids), potassium, copper, vitamin B1, magnesium, omega-3 fatty acids, protein, zinc, calcium, iron, niacin and selenium!  That should convince anyone that broccoli is a perfect addition to your menu at any time or place.

Exodus 15:26 proclaims how God has put healing factors in our foods (such as these nutrients found in broccoli):  He said; “If you listen carefully to The LORD your God and do what is right in His eyes, if you pay attention to his commands and keep all of his decrees, I will not bring on you any of the diseases I brought on the Egyptians, for I am The LORD who heals you.”

Keep speaking to THE ONE WHO HEALS YOU.  God is always listening and always ready and willing to help us understand these things better.  Who better to consult about your body than the One who created it?

So keep eating that broccoli; because God has given it healing qualities that your body needs!  Keep the Olympic spirit going of those who are faithful and give glory to God for the victories and medals they achieve.  He is our provider and the One who causes us to be champions!