Thursday, July 21, 2016


(Written by Sheila Gail Landgraf)

Pharaoh finally realized that He was no match for the power of God.  His arrogance and stubbornness had cost him the life of his beloved son.   Not only did he let the Israelites go; he begged them to leave and to take all they had with them.  As I mentioned before; they asked the Egyptians for gold and silver to take on their journey, and they were given everything they requested in hopes that they would just GO and LEAVE THE LAND that was still suffering from the curses leftover from the plagues.

The usual route to Canaan through the land of the Philistines was not so long; but it was full of Philistines and Egyptians who might possibly bring war against the Israelites. So; thinking they might get discouraged if they had to face war right away; God did not tell Moses to lead them through the land on the closest or most convenient routes.  He told Moses to take them through the desert instead.  They took the route that led toward The Red Sea.  They left Egypt ready and willing to face battle if they had to; but this route would seem to made that less likely.

As had been promised to Joseph when he died in Egypt so long ago; they took his bones with them, and did not leave them in Egypt.   Moses had heard the stories of Joseph and knew that Joseph had predicted that God would eventually come to the aid of the people.  Moses honored that last request of his ancestor.

So many people today imagine the people of the Old Testament stories did not know of Christ.  I see evidence in the scriptures here at the very beginning of the Exodus journey that is otherwise.  When the Children of Israel started on their long journey they traveled with a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night.  We read of this in Exodus 13:21; By day the LORD went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to guide them on their way and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, so that they could travel by day or night.

The scriptures clearly say the LORD went with them in the cloud and in the fire.  I think this was Jesus pre-incarnate.  Growing up I always heard this explained as being an “angel.”  Many times when you read the scriptures and they say “The Angel of The LORD” it is my own personal opinion that this speaks of the pre-incarnate Christ.  I believe Jesus was right there with His people all the while; directing Moses each step of the way.  He would have been interceding with the Father from the earth, just as He now intercedes for us from heaven.   He spoke to them from the cloud and the fire.   These scriptures go on to say that the cloud and the fire never left the people.  They were always there, just in front of them; leading, guiding, comforting, caring and protecting.

This is yet another amazing miracle from God that the people experienced.  In those days miracles were a constant, everyday part of daily life.  
These two pillars; of cloud and fire, are a picture of God’s faithfulness and a lesson teaching and reminding us once again that God never forsakes his people.  Hebrews 13:5-6 gives us these reassuring words:  “Let your conversation be without covetousness, and be content with such things as you have; for he has said, I will never leave you, nor forsake you.  So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do to me.”  

This scripture is just as relevant today as it was in the days of Moses.  As we approach the last days of mankind on this earth, this scripture should bring comfort to the hearts of all who know God.  It was certainly inspired by the evidence that was constantly before the People of Israel;  those who knew personally of the pillar of cloud and the pillar of fire. 

Great battles and historical events have been named in memory and respect of this protecting pillar of cloud and this constantly leading pillar of fire.  Today it still stands symbolically as a representation of God’s faithful Presence among His people.  

In November 2012 there was a military operation in Gaza called “Operation Pillar of Cloud.”  The IDF was seeking protection from bombings and they remembered how God protected the ancient Children of Israel and named their operation after the protecting cloud.   

The lyrics of many popular songs and hymns, such as “Lead, Kindly Light” by John Henry Newman, also bring these two witnesses of cloud and fire to mind.  

This manifestation of God’s power and glory and His protection and provision of his people were physically played out in the cloud and the fire that led them through the days and nights of life in the wilderness.  They followed no map; they followed God’s presence in front of them.  Their enemies could clearly see the presence of God was on them.  The cloud and the fire were visible to all for miles around.   There was no way to take the wrong turn and get lost forever if you kept your focus on God in the form of the fire and the cloud.

When I think of this, I always remember the ancient legends and stories I’ve heard of Sarah, Abraham’s wife.  It was said that a thick cloud remained over her tent because she was constantly invoking the Presence of God in the prayers she prayed as she baked their daily bread.  It was said that the candles from her menorah burned brightly and never went out from Sabbath to Sabbath.  This represents the pillar of fire to me.  

Moses was like Sarah; constantly invoking God’s Presence into the camp and their daily lives.  

When the people saw this appearance of the cloud and the fire as they stood in the doorways of their tents they bowed down and worshipped God.  It was a constant reminder of how God led them one step at a time, shinning the light just far enough so that they could see their next step. 

The Children of God traveled to Sukkoth.  When they left there they camped at Etham on the edge of the desert.  They followed the pillar of cloud and fire in front of them.  When the cloud moved; the people moved.  When the fire moved; the people moved.  They could travel by day or night; however God chose to lead them.   When the cloud and the fire rested; the people rested.  They walked bravely on with faith as they were led into a wilderness that was vast and desolate and uninhabitable under normal circumstances..  

Had the pillar of fire at night and the pillar of cloud during the day not led them; they would have perished.  You must KNOW and UNDERSTAND this desert wilderness to survive its perils.  The desert is a very dangerous place!  Normally, no man would venture into the land without a good, experienced guide.  

Not only were the elements and  conditions hard; the people were only aliens and sojourners in the land.  They were being led to a place that would prepare them and test them.  Little did they know their first test would soon be that of Pharaoh changing his mind and sending his special forces after them to bring them back to Egypt.  They moved on following the cloud and the fire not even knowing what was just around the corner.  They were simply waiting on God to show them the next step; oblivious to all the dangers that lurked ahead.  The cloud and the fire gave them a sense of security and the courage to move ahead. 

Thinking past the time in the wilderness to the time of the ministry of Christ, we can remember that He too was led by The Spirit into the wilderness for forty days of preparation for his mission to save the world.  There in that place, He too, encountered testing and spiritual warfare. It was there in the wilderness during those forty days that Jesus proved his readiness to obey and trust the Father for everything.  

God’s children were also, even before the Messiah, being given the tests and preparations they needed to become a mighty nation that would represent God to the world.  From them would come the Messiah.  They needed to be ready and prepared.  God would teach them in this harsh desert land.  

We too, even in modern days, must face tests in this wilderness we call life.  The Holy Spirit is our modern-day pillar of cloud and fire.  If we belong to God we too are aliens and pilgrims on a journey to a promised land.  Through the indwelling of His Holy Spirit God guides us each step of the way.  We have been given this great gift, a miracle of God’s love; to guide us and to lead us on.  

Like the ancient Israelites stepping into the unknown of the wilderness, we too must submit to the tests and spiritual warfare and we must pass through to the other side of the wilderness by learning to follow God.   This must be done by all who seek Him; in order to become prepared for a Kingdom that shall never pass away.  

Are you following God’s Holy Spirit in your life?  

Are you submitting to the cloud and the fire of His Holy love?  

Are you worshipping from your doorway every time that you realize the Presence of The LORD has passed through the land and is leading you?  It happens today; just as it did for those ancient Israelites.  God will always lead His people.  Those who are awake and waiting and worshipping from their doorways will look up and see Him passing by.  They will feel His Presence in their lives!  What more is needed?

What is the modern doorway from which we can worship God?  It is none other than Jesus Christ.  He gave us the key to understand this when He said in John 14:6; "I am the way the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me."

I am reminded of a very popular old song.  I’ll try to link you to it here.  

This version is sung by a group called Libera, and the song was written by David Evans.    Just in case you can’t get the link; the words go like this:

Verse 1:
Be still for the Presence of the Lord; The Holy One is here.
Come bow before Him now with reverence and fear, in Him no sin is found.  We stand on holly ground.
Be still for the Presence of the Lord, The Holy One is here.

Verse 2
Be still for the Glory of the Lord is shining all around.  
He burns with holy fire.  
With splendor He is crowned.  
How awesome is the sight.  
Our radiant King of Light.
Be still for the Glory of the Lord is shinning all around.

Verse 3
Be still for the Power of the Lord is moving in this place.
He comes to cleanse and heal,to minister His grace, no work too hard for Him.  
Receive from Him. 
Be still for the Power of the Lord is moving in this place.

Knowing the lesson of the pillar and the cloud should remind us to keep our focus on The Presence of The Lord in our own daily lives.  We should be worshipping through Christ the doorway of our hearts.  

Let us follow Him to a Kingdom that never ends, a place of joy and peace.  Having the vision ever before us will wipe away the hurt and the pain of the wilderness testings of this earth and bring us home to a land that is free and full of love.  

We must forever heed that old scripture:  "Be still and KNOW that I AM God."

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