Saturday, April 5, 2014


Just before we began our Passover meal ,
We will show a video of a fabulous group of dancers called The Silhouettes.  They tell the story without a word, just dances that appear like shadows on the wall!   
Words could not describe the story better. 
Here is a photo of us watching a few years ago; under the photo I will post the video for  anyone who wishes to view.  You can find it on You-tube.

Everyone was spell bound by the awesome presentation of the silent story,told only through shadows that changed and formed new shadows. 

Isn't this an awesome way to tell the story?  Enjoy!
In many ways Passover was and is a SHADOW of  the things to come.

We always know every Passover that we will hear the same story we have heard  last year and a million times before; but in a million different little ways we have come to  realize that we will learn something new each time.  You think you know it all, then you hear the story again and God shows you something else that is totally amazing.  
It is a wonderful mystery!

We begin our meal after sunset with the lighting of the Passover Candles.  
I, as the eldest woman of our household, have the priviledge of saying the candle lighting prayer. 

"Blessed art Thou, Lord Our God, Master of the Universe, who sanctifies us with Your commandments and commands us to kindle the light of Passover."

My husband, as priest of our home, blesses the first cup - The Cup of Sanctificaton.  The cup that signifies God saying to His people, "I will take you out of Egypt."  
Sanctification here means, to set apart.

At this point there is a song we love to sing together, it is called  The Passover Song, and the You-Tube version of it is included below for your enjoyment too.  

(Written and performed by Shira)

Don't you love the words to the lyrics?  Here they are all spelled out for you to ponder:

He said this is my body as He held up the bread,
Each time you eat of it remember
That I was broken for you
Just like the bread
My body, broken……just for you.
This is my blood, He took the cup and said,
Each time you drink of it – remember –
That it is a token of the blood I shed,
Oh -
  Take the cup I pour for you.
A new covenant I give to you,
Poured out my love so you could live new life,
Always remember that I died for you
When you eat of the bread and drink the wine.
He said this is my body as He held up the bread.
Each time you eat of it remember –
That I was broken for you
Just like the bread,
My body,
Just For you.
This is my blood, He took the cup and said
Each time you drink of it remember
That it is a token of the blood I shed,
O take the cup I pour for you.
A new covenant I give to you
Poured out my blood so you could live new life
Always remember that I died for you
When you eat of the bread and drink the wine.
For I am the Passover Lamb.
The One prophesied.
I came to be the sin offering,
The final sacrifice.
A new covenant I give to you,
Poured out my love,
so that you could live my life.
Always remember that I died for you
When you eat of the bread and drink the wine.

My husband, as the priest of our home, says the blessing over the first cup and we drink together.  

We move on to the blessing of the children of the household:
This is the traditional prayer that we recite over each child, grown or not...

O Lord hear our prayer of blessing over our sons:
May God make you like Ephraim and Manasseh.
O Lord hear our prayer of blessing over our daughters:
May God make you like Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel and Leah.

This year is special, in that we have a new granddaughter to join in this blessing!  It is my prayer that her Mom and Dad always say this prayer for her as she grows each day.  The prayer has been answered for us with the new life this daughter has brought into our family!  We will express our thanks to God for this during this time.

We perfom the ceremonial washing of the hands, 
then the dipping of the Karpas.  
We remember the last supper, when Jesus washed the disciples feet.  We remember that He has washed our sins away.  
When we eat the parsley dipped in the salt water we are reminded of the salty tears of slavery.  

My husband holds up the Matzot and breaks it.  

"This is the bread of afliction that our forefathers ate in the land of Egypt.  All who are hungry - let them come and eat.  All who are needy - let them come and celebrate the Passover with us."

The service has many more elements.  I will share them with you tomorrow.  
It is too rich for just one post!

1 comment:

  1. This is beautiful Gail, thanks for sharing. Your family is a wonderful loving family. Family should always be as close as your are to each other. God has bless each of you in your own special way.
