Sunday, August 28, 2016


(Written by Sheila Gail Landgraf)

We are now living in the time period of the Hebrew month of Elul.  It is the last month of the sacred year, just before the first month of Tishri when we celebrate The Fall Holy Days of God.  I am a Christian that wasn't born Jewish, yet I chose to  celebrate these Holy Days because I noticed in my bible that God called them HIS Holy Days.  He is my God.  I try my best to live like Him though I fail miserably; so I set aside and celebrate His days with Him.

Notice He doesn't say "the Holy Days of the Israelites" even though He was speaking to the Israelites when He first commanded that these days be kept.  He chose the Israelites to be the first people who laid out the patterns of days that He created for feast and festivals.  Through them, the rest of us may come to know the fullness of truth. 

The first people of God (the Israelites) were great at preserving history, and preserving
His-story.     Anyone following God earnestly may study these observances and keep this beautiful intricate pattern of times He has so precisely sketched out in the scriptures.  Read about the end times and you will come to agree that these days do not belong to a certain people or group; they simply belong to the God of the Israelites.  This is the same God that I worship as a Christian.  He loves everyone.  He is not stingy.  God loves everyone and provides a way for everyone who desires to come into His Kingdom.  Don't get this backwards.  It is about you coming to Him and His ways, not Him changing to fit into your little world.  I am speaking of His Holy Days, not MY days or the Christian's days, or the Jewish days, or the Israelites's days; but God's days.

God did chose the Jewish people as the people who would live out the original pattern and keep and tell His story to the world.  He honored them by letting His Son who chose to be born of flesh to save the world share in their heritage.  What an honor they have been given!   What a loving task they have undertaken to preserve the days.  I have so much respect for how faithful they have been through every generation to honor God with the knowledge they have been given.  Also, what a blessing for Christians to be able to look upon the lessons of these days kept through generations and generations and see the story of Jesus Christ in each season and day.    

When you read about these days you eventually begin to understand that the Hebraic people use many different types of calendars for many different reasons for dates in each passing year.  One calendar is for recording sacred times, another is for recording civil dates.  The number and name of the month you are in  depends on which calendar you are reading.  For instance, the seventh month and the first month are the same period of time on two different calendars when you refer to the scripture passages; one month named is simply the calendar for measuring civil days and one month named is simply the calendar for measuring sacred time.  Both speak of the same time and days in different numerical sequences that start and end at different places.  

Leviticus 23:2 says: Speak to the Israelites and say to them: 'These are my appointed festivals, the appointed festivals of the LORD, which you are to proclaim as sacred assemblies.

God goes on in this passage to name seven feast and/or festival days that He desires to be kept.  Four of these special times are in the spring and summer, those four are Passover, Unleavened Bread, Firstfruits, and Pentecost.  The other three days come in the Fall. 

Here are some of the scriptures that proclaim how we should keep these Fall Feast Days of God:  The times are calculated by the phases of the moon unlike the commonly used calendar which calculates time by the phases of the sun.

FOR ROSH HASHANAH/FEAST OF TRUMPETS: In 2016 - From sunset Sunday, October 2nd through sunset Tuesday, October 4th:

Leviticus 23:24:  "Say to the Israelites: 'On the first day of the seventh month (the first month if you are reading the sacred calendar) you are to have a day of sabbath rest, a sacred assembly commemorated with trumpet blasts.

FOR YOM KIPPER/DAY OF ATONEMENT: 2016 from sunset Tuesday, October 11 through sunset Wednesday, October 12th.

Leviticus 23:26-28:  The LORD spoke to Moses, saying, "On exactly the tenth day of this seventh month (it is the seventh month of the Hebraic civil calendar and the first month of the Hebraic sacred calendar) is the day of atonement; it shall be a holy convocation for you, and you shall humble your souls and present an offering by fire to the LORD.  Do not do any work on that day, because it is the Day of Atonement, when atonement is made for you before the LORD your God.

FOR SUKKOT/FEAST OF TABERNACLES: 2016 from sunset Sunday, October 16th through sunset Sunday, October 23rd, with the Great Last Day ( the eighth day) being on Monday, October 24th.  

Leviticus 23:33-37:  Again the LORD spoke to Moses, saying, "Speak to the sons of Israel, saying, 'On the fifteenth of this seventh month (the seventh civil month and the first sacred month) is the Feast of Booths for seven days to the LORD.  On the first day is a holy convocation; you shall do no laborious work of any kind.  For seven days you shall present an offering by fire to the LORD. On the eighth day you shall have a holy convocation and present an offering by fire to the LORD; it is an assembly. You shall do no laborious work.  For seven days present food offerings to the LORD, and on the eighth day hold a sacred assembly and present a food offering to the LORD. It is the closing special assembly; do no regular work.

The official names for these days are not mentioned in the passage above, but they have come to be called Rosh Hashanah (The Feast of Trumpets), Yom Kipper (The Day of Atonement) and Sukkot (The Feast of Tabernacles.) 

With Rosh Hashanah and the Days of Awe (the ten days leading up to Yom Kippur), we enter the new Hebrew month of Tishri, and we also enter a new year on the Hebraic sacred calendar.  Right now though, in Elul we are leading up to these very holy days.  It is a time of getting ready, a time to prepare, a time to think and meditate about the things in your life over the last year.  It is a time to be making amends with your fellow man and a time to be making repentance before God. It is a time for planning for both serious days and festive days to be spent with God.

You can't end a year properly in just one day.  Cleaning up the trail of sins of over a year takes a lot of time, meditation, thought, prayer, and asking forgiveness.  You've had a whole year to make mistakes, to sin, to offend your brothers and sisters.  It will take awhile to remember it all and confess it all. Yes, Jesus Christ has forgiven us for our sins, past, present and future, but He wants us to wash our feet from the journey.  He wants to hear the condition of our hearts as we go from one year of our lives unto the next.  He wants to atone our sins on The Day of Atonement and help us to stand before God lifting holy hands at The Feast of Tabernacles.  He has presented pattern of holy worship to be followed by showing us the feast days.

Of course you can go ahead and take care of this in YOUR OWN WAY and YOUR OWN
TIME every day of your life and keep short accounts with God.   That would be great, if we all were perfect, but honestly, have you done this?  I don't think many would be able to answer yes to that question.  You might have done SOME of it SOME of the time, but have you done a thorough job of it?  If you have, good, your a great exception to the rest of us sinners, but you MIGHT need to look into the subject of self-righteousness a bit.....  Even if you have done a perfect job of it, you still need to take time to stop and examine things GOD'S WAY in GOD'S TIME.  

During Elul we should all set the time aside to ponder and talk with God about where our lives are going and what God has in store for us in the future.  We should all learn to consider how we are living into that picture.  

Be especially sure to take this precious time to listen to God and consider what needs to change in your days.  If you simply take the time out to listen and pray you might be amazed at what you will hear God speaking to your heart.  Hebraic legend has it that God is walking the earth, searching out the hearts of those that He loves, watching, waiting on them to turn and return to Him and His ways. The scriptures speak of how He looks at each of us with loving eyes, because we are all beloved of Him.  He wants us to speak to Him.  He wants us to repent, to change, to turn, to see what is right and learn to follow those ways.  

Maybe you didn't intend to commit a certain sin, and maybe it is all a misunderstanding or a mistake, but you now have this whole month to consider the matter.  You can think it through.  You have time to reconsider what you COULD have done right and to examine the ways to do this right the next time in the year that is to come.  God is not looking to see that you are a perfectly oiled machine performing without missing a beat; No!  He is looking at your heart to see if it is willing to change for the good, to show love and compassion, to be willing to adjust for the good of the Kingdom.    Isn't that great?  

We have all of the month of Elul to get our thoughts straight and clean out the cobwebs
forming around our hearts from sins of the year gone by.   We can take this time to go to our fellow man and make amends, however that needs to be done.  Ask God, He will tell you.    We can go to God to ask forgiveness afterwards.  If we have approached your brothers with the right attitude and true apologies, we can be sure God will blot our sins out of His book and remember them no more.

Yom Kipper is coming.  By Yom Kippur we need to have confessed all of our sins and have spent time with God in communion listening for His sure instructions for our lives and getting ourselves back on track if we have taken a wrong turn or gone a wrong way.  By Yom Kippur, God will seal the state of our hearts for the year we have just past.  He will decide whether to let us go on, or whether we have reached the end of our heart's capacity for growth and maturity.  All Christians should be constantly renewing their spirits before God and participating in the process of rebirth and new life.  

Why is Yom Kippur so holy and why do you need to be so ready?  Because the most precious blood ever was sacrificed to save us all, and this is the day that the atonement of that blood is made in the tabernacle of heaven for the sins of the year.  We have been SAVED by grace and we are ATONED every year, like washing your feet when you have been on a long dusty journey.  We must clean the parts of us that we have soiled on the journey.  It is the most important day in the Christian calendar.  It is when atonement is applied to our sins.  The perfect sacrifice of Jesus has been made once for all.  No more sacrifice is necessary.  You simply need to ask God to apply atonement for your sins this year before Yom Kipper.  God will apply the atonement for you if you have confessed your sins and taken all the steps possible to rectify your sins.  When Jesus saved you, He sent The Holy Spirit into your heart and the Holy Spirit will put this longing inside of you, to always be pure before God.  Through the sacrifice of Jesus and the working of God's Holy Spirit within you, God will continue to give you the gift of being clean before Him as you begin the next sacred year.

The perfect blood of Jesus will blot your sins out of the book of remembrance and they will
be remembered no more.  If you haven't accumulated sins on your account since last Yom Kippur, I would venture to say; you are not human.  God knows how we are; He made us.  He gives us a way to atone.  He gave us the greatest gift of all, His very own Son, Jesus Christ.   All you have to do is ask God with a true and sincere heart and believe in the miracle of the sacrifice of Jesus that has been offered freely for your atonement.  You can start the year out and stand clean before your maker on Yom Kipper. 

In the days before Jesus a new sacrifice had to be offered in an earthly temple every year for the sins of the people.  A High Priest, totally prepared in advance for the special day.  He would stand in the Holy of Holies, himself being totally clean, wearing clean and appropriate clothes and make atonement for himself and the people through the lighting of the menorah, the burning of the incense and finally the offering of 15 different sacrifices. He would sprinkle the blood of a red heifer on the altar.  If the sins of the people were forgiven the white cloth that was tied to the priest would turn red.  This is what Jesus does for us now, He intercedes with God for atonement.  This is the whole meaning behind Yom Kippur.  One day our Jewish friends who haven't discovered that Jesus is Messiah will believe and come to accept this.  Christians must accept it NOW.  This is the day that God has proclaimed that you come before Him with holy hands and thankful and humble hearts.  

Growing up Baptist, it took me years to get this.  I could read the scriptures and see the
words, but other words were screaming back to me and confusing my thoughts about them.  The words were not really confusing though, it was the author of confusion, that old devil that is always working against the kingdom of God that was causing the confusion.  He was using confused people to create chaos in the simple order that God laid out so long ago, preserved through the Israelites, and had faithful scribes record in the holy scriptures.  Today I find that many of the Baptist denomination have come to understand the significance of these days too!  As for me; I simply had to let God re-teach me.  I simply started keeping the fall holy days and honoring the once for all of Christ on The Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur.)  Each year, layer upon layer, God taught me more and more of the concept straight from the holy scriptures until I came to the point of the journey I'm on today, where I set aside time to think, meditate, pray, confess and repent both to God and to my fellowman during the month of Elul. I am always confident of my salvation (salvation is not the issue at Yom Kippur; but confession of sins is a way to honor God and show that we hold the precious blood of Jesus as sacred and powerful to wash away our sins forever), at Yom Kippur I am simply washing my feet for the year, removing the sins of the dusty journey of 365 more days on the earth.  On the sacred day, I want to wear white robes that are not sin stained as I stand in holy worship.  Jesus did this for me.  I honor and respect this.  I do not take it for granted.  I want to have clean feet, this is accomplished with the washing of the days of Awe and Elul.   It is comparable to Jesus washing the feet of the disciples before the Passover meal.  I've found observing Yom Kippur in its fullness is refreshing and good for my soul.  I have more of an awareness of God's Kingdom constantly growing and working in the world.  Now, I see why God so wisely laid out these days for us to follow forever.       

So I observe Elul, The Feast of Trumpets, The Days of Awe, The Day of Atonement and finally The joyful days of The Feast of Tabernacles each year during the fall feast days of God.  I did not go into The Feast of Tabernacles here, but will save it for another blog.  It is the last and most joyful Fall Holy Day period.    It is an awesome way to end the sacred year, and keeping these other days first prepares my heart to receive all the joy it holds.

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