Thursday, September 15, 2016


(Written by Sheila Gail Landgraf)

Last week we left the People of God at Rephidim, near the foot of Sinai, fighting the Amalekites, and I promised this week to consider how God must feel about wars.  

This lesson will be a short veering away from the direct study of the Exodus, but I feel a pause here may be useful for all of us when we continue our studies on down the road.  The subject of war will present itself over and over in the life of the Israelites, especially war with the descendants of Amelek.
I will start this brave venture by realizing the obvious and stating it out loud; who am I to say what God feels?  It takes a whole lot of nerve to try to sort this question out because nobody really knows the mind of God; but I think God wishes for us to seek His ways and to care about His feelings and thoughts on various different subjects.  Hence; I tend to march bravely on through these types of landmines; trusting God to steer me in the right direction and show me the way.

Obviously, God was with the Israelites in the battle at Rephidim; and God was the sole reason they won the great victory.  We know that every time Moses held up the staff of God the Israelites won, and every time he lowered it, they went into defeat.  There could be no other logical conclusion but that God supported this particular war.  

Does this mean God approves of ALL war?  

In my humble opinion; I think God wishes there were no need for war at all; but since there is always a wayward human to start a war (such as Amalek's descendants in our story); I must assume that God believes in defending a just cause.  Not every war is for a just cause.

Keeping that in mind; I believe that God only approves of “just” wars.  A just war would be defined as a war where one party fights a perpetrator in order to eliminate a form of evil that is being caused by the perpetrator. 

God is holy.  Holiness and evil cannot exist side by side; thus riding the world of evil is very necessary.  It is shameful that riding the world of forms of evil would come down to war in order to achieve goodness and holiness; but people can be so evil that sometimes it does.

War should not be approached casually.  War should not be a big chess game that we play with human lives.  It is a huge and weighty decision.  The first question that should be asked when considering war is: Is it truly God’s will for us to go to war?   

Many, many wars have been fought that were NOT the will of God and Satan has used the examples of these wars over and over to achieve his purposes; which are the same purposes as Amelek; to destroy the people of God.
Through the history of mankind there have been many selfish human battles that had nothing at all to do with God’s will or defeating evil.  There are constant political wars being fought in order that mere men may gain power and financial reward.  My own country has been guilty of many such battles and I find this fact heart breaking.  We stand in the shadows though, when you look at the whole picture of evil nations fighting for evil reasons.  These wars originate from people with too much control, people who idolize themselves and think they can make the decisions that only belong to God. 

The second question to ask when approaching a war situation would be:  Are we fighting for a just cause?  Corresponding with the same question is the third criteria to consider:  Will fighting this war actually make the world a better place?

We can look back in history and clearly see that the fighting in Rephidim against the Amalekites was a just war.  The Amalekites were hoping to wipe Israel off the map before the nation ever became a real nation!  This was the very nation that God had planned to use to bring a Messiah into the world.  

What if the Amalekites had won?  

Where would we all be today?

We do not have to dwell on those thoughts because we are loved and cared for by a Holy God and Father who always has our best interest in mind.
The power and logic of the Amalekites clearly came from Satan and His intentions are always evil.   The Children of Israel were simply fighting for survival.  Their only motive was self-defense.  They did not start the trouble; it was not a human power struggle; but they were simply defending their right to exist.  This is just!  No one has the right to swing down upon another country or culture and eliminate them for their own convenience and control.  That is sheer evil.

The Amalekites were evil through and through.
These Amalekites were the descendants of Esau.  Remember how Esau sold his birthright for a bowl of soup?  All he could think about was the moment he was in and his own hunger.  Esau had no self-control and nothing held a true value for him.  Life was his for the wasting.  Nothing was sacred.  His descendants were like him.  They lived for the moment and the food they wanted to put into their bellies.  Nothing more.  They had no respect for others.  These people had long ago opted out of God’s covenant.  They wanted no part of it; though as sons of Isaac, they were entitled to be in the covenant with God.  They chose to walk away.  They chose to spit in the face of God; not caring one bit about their heritage.  

In doing this evil thing; they cursed the generations that came after them.  None of these generations have shown a change. Rampant evil still exists on the earth.  When people are willing to change; God is merciful and forgiving.  Jesus died for the Amalekites too; hoping that they would and could be transformed.  There has been no evidence through the many generations of such a change; yet God still holds out His hand; wishing to see such a thing; hoping that they chose to change the events of the timeline of history that God can already see at the end as He stands outside of time.  
The Israelites had politely requested to pass through the land of Edom where the Amalekites were living in nomadic groups.  They did not rudely intrude.  They sent messengers ahead who stated they came in peace and would stick to the King’s Highway and pass right through, without taking even food or water.  All they wanted was safe, peaceful passage.   

The Amalekites hated Israel though, with a hate that has lasted through the generations of mankind.  It has never left them.  Over and over, even after the Israelites came into the promise land, the Amalekites attacked the Israelites; looted their homes, murdered the men, raped and murdered their wives, and killed their children.  This deep-rooted evil way of life and hate never left them. 

When God gave the Israelites the first victory at Rephidim; God commanded that Moses write it down as a record.  God asked for Joshua to pay special attention.  I believe this was symbolic.  I think Joshua represents all commanders of war that go to war for a just cause, fight a godly battle and leave victorious because they listened and obeyed the God who sent them into the battle.  

Such men do not fight for the sake of hate, power or sport.  They only fight for a just cause, one to defeat evil in the land and to bring glory to God on the earth.
The Israelites, fighting such a war in the wilderness in order to survive as The People of God; have definitely made the world a better place.  The name and glory of God was honored and the nation that would bring Messiah to earth was preserved.  Perhaps this battle might have been one of the most important battles in history. 

Thus it just seemed necessary to me that we take a long pause too (just as Israel did after that battle) and consider what we know of God and how He approaches war.  We will see many, many more wars as we go through the old and new Testaments.   Sometimes; we will even be called to participate in wars.

So many have twisted the words of the scriptures and made it seem as if Christianity is evil because it has chosen from time to time to take a stand and fight for good over evil.  People making such statements are only considering the loss of human lives and not considering the good that comes to humanity whenever good prevails over evil.
I’m sure God takes no joy in the loss of lives, whether they are good lives or evil lives; yet there is a necessary time to defend your beliefs with the giving of your own life if required.  Jesus is our main example of such an honorable occasion.  

Christ was willing to lay down His life in the spiritual battle against evil, so that we could have a better world from which to live.  The journey to the cross was actually a very deep spiritual battle; which has been proclaimed "the battle to end all battles."  It achieved God’s main priority; a choice to rid the world of evil and injustice through mercy and kindness.  

Those who respond to this choice of the cross cannot be harboring evil and hate inside their hearts.  Unfortunately, there are many who do not respond, even to the message of the cross.  They cannot comprehend such a God, and they falsely claim that God has declared genocide against the Amalekites because He is an unjust and unfair God!  

This is far from the truth when you actually look at the whole picture!

We must remember that God has the advantage over our own human concepts because He is standing outside of time and we are still inside of time.  We cannot see the end.  We do not know how everything wraps up.  God does!  He stands outside of time and says; if people will be loyal enough to Me and My causes; I’ll change this point of history for them and abolish an evil end at this point in time.  He leaves the final outcome in our hands.  We all chose our own destiny.

God could see ahead when He gave the order to Saul to wipe out the Amalekites, women, children and even animals; so that none of them would ever exist again.  Saul failed on his mission and mankind has had to live with the results of wars with the ancestors of Esau ever since.

Was God declaring genocide on innocent people?  

Hardly!  Generation after generation of the Amalekites have been at war with Israel and God.  They always start the battles; and it is always for two reasons; hate and evil.  They are the ones who want to commit genocide.  They wish for anyone associated with Israel or God to be annihilated from the earth forever. 

The Amalekites have always believed in genocide.  They are the evil side of this battle; not the Christians who carry the goal of peace on earth.   

God has given us glimpses into how we will be judged in eternity.  He has said in Matthew 7:2:  For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.  God’s orders against the Amalekites were only returning upon their heads the way they treated others; specifically Israel and The People of God. 

Think for a moment beyond Rephidim and Saul.  Think of the story of Esther and of the evil villain named Haman.  He was a descendant of Esau, an Amalekite, a descendant of Agag (the name for the rulers of the generations of the Amalekites.) Haman was evil and he hated and detested anyone who had descended from Israel, and anyone who followed the ways of The God of Israel.  God clearly disapproved of Haman; and Haman met his end by the hand of his own ways; just as the other Amalekites who troubled the people of God.

By the time we get to the story of Haman on the timeline of God’s people it becomes apparent that the Amalekites clearly represent those who are hopelessly evil and wicked; those who will never change from their hateful ways and follow the ways of a good, caring and loving God.  They are those who have no interest in covenanting with a loving and saving God.

Again I must point out that the only just wars are the wars that God has truly led men to fight.  Men cannot know the outcome of such wars; only God can see into the future.  Who is to say that the evil man stirring up the war is not like Paul, who converted and changed from a murderous hater to a loving and kind servant of God?  Yet again; the evil leader may turn out to be like Hitler, who decided on his own that one race could be superior to all.  Who is to say?  Only God knows.  Hence; if you go into battle without the support of God Almighty; you will lose and people will suffer needlessly.  Yet; there will be times when God will lead good and godly men to take up arms against evil and fight for their families and their nations.  The crucial thing is to make sure God rides ahead of you into battle.  Be very sure when you enter a war that you are following the will of God!

To say that God doesn’t approve of “just” wars would be laughable when you consider the fact that the scriptures plainly speak of a final battle, one led by Jesus Christ Himself. 

It seems that bible prophecy actually reveals NINE wars leading up to end times.  Most people only know of one – Armageddon.  Ezekiel 38 and 39 speak of the war of Gog and Magog.  Most believe this will be a battle between Russia and a host of Muslim nations invading the land of Israel.  Most scholars think this may be the next big war we see on the horizon.  However; the scriptures say that when this war happens Israel will be living securely in un-walled villages.  This certainly isn’t the case today.  Israel is constantly under attack, nothing feels secure and there is a wall running through the country for protection from their enemies.  The villages are certainly not “un-walled;" leading many to consider that this particular war may NOT likely be the next war.

Some think a future war mentioned in Psalm 83 will precede this war of Gog and MaGog mentioned in Ezekiel.  The prophecy states that once again someone will come against Israel in order to wipe Israel out as a nation; yet another Amalek.  Some think Israel will be victorious in defending their borders and after this war the nation will expand their territory and enhance their natural resources.  Scriptures found in Zechariah and Amos tend to back this theory up.  (Zechariah 12:6 and Amos 9:15.)  For a while Israel will feel safe and secure, then it is possible the Arabs will turn to their ally; Russia and the war of Gog and MaGog may result at that time.  Perhaps the Russians will state they wish to help the Muslim nations destroy Israel; but they will actually be seeking to control the oil reserves of the earth that are found in the Middle East. 
This has long been their desire.  

Ezekiel 39:4 states that these invading armies will be supernaturally destroyed by God.  It will happen through earthquakes, pestilence, fire, hail and brimstone and confusion on the battlefield.  (Similar to how God treated Egypt when they were holding His people captive and would not let them go, also similar to the plagues we read of in Revelation at the end of time.)  Some think, as a result of this victory, the Jews will recognize that God has defended them and they will turn to accept Christ.  144,000 Jewish people will convert and be used of God in the time of tribulation.  Many think the tribulation will not officially begin until right after this war takes place, though events of our current day tend to make us feel like we are already there!  

It is said that Israel will spend seven years destroying the weapons used in this war.  (Possibly taking care of ridding the world of its nuclear waste?)  All we can do right now is speculate. 
No one actually knows!

Only God knows the true end of this story of wars and evil on the earth.  

What I CAN tell you is that at the end of the story of war and evil is a thrilling new beginning!  God will bring us into a world of peace.  It will be a world of no wars and our leader will be The Perfect Lamb of God.  He will give us all that we desire forever and we will dwell with Him throughout eternity.  

Whatever we must go through to get there, whether it be in war or peace, will be worth it all.

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