Tuesday, December 27, 2016




Blessed art thou O Lord Our God, King of The Universe Who has given to us holidays, customs, and seasons for gladness. For the glory of The Lord Yeshua, Our Messiah, The Light Of The World.

Blessed art Thou, Lord Our God, Master of the Universe, Who performed miracles for our fathers in those days at this time.

We kindle these lights to commemorate the wonders and the miracles and the saving acts that You have performed for our forefathers, in those days at this time, by Your Holy Priests.  And all throughout the eight days of Hanukkah, these lights are holy and we are not permitted to make use of them, but only to behold them, in order to offer thanks and praise to Your great Name, for Your miracles, for Your wonder, and for Your salvation.


Luke 11:34:  The light of the body is the eye; therefore when thine eye is single, thy whole body also is full of light; but when thy eye is evil, thy body also is full of darkness.

Acts 26:18:  To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are unsanctified by faith that is in me.

(by Sheila Gail Langraf)

There is such a deep, deep message in these scriptures for our world today.  It is a message about being a missionary of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

The light of Hannukah was to help us see.  

Those early worshipers of God saw, as we do today; that He was a God of miracles.  Yet; there is MORE to see now!  

When we light those candles we use the tallest candle, the servant candle to bring the light to all the others one at a time one day at a time; and with this act we think of Christ and how God gave Him to the world to save us from our sins.   

A King came as as servant to serve us in order to bring the light of God into the world!  

It is a great miracle!  It is an eye-opening miracle that brings light into the soul.

Having the light; the concern is to use it for sight.  

Why would we be living in light and not see?  

I am not sure how people can do this; but they do.  

They do not see the obvious works of God all around them.  They see and use the evil instead of the true things from God that are good and help us to live.  

The light of the soul is its understanding and judgment and its power to discern between good and evil, truth and lies.   

God has given us great light!  

Let us open our eyes to see!

Brothers and sisters be sincere in your seeking of truth and be ready to receive it in the light and love and power of God, not in the same way of the men of this generation to whom Christ preached who never sincerely desired to know God’s will.  There are many living, even right now, who are also deceiving others and pulling them away from The Kingdom of God.  No wonder so many walk in darkness.   To walk in the light we must display pure truth.  

When I was a young girl I was very active in a missions group called Acteens.  I made many lifelong friends participating in that little group and attending summer camp with them each year.    We had a lot of fun and we learned a lot about life and living in the The Kingdom of God together.  

We learned about the message of the light of Christ!

Way back then the Acteens had a theme song which is an old hymn sometimes sung in churches today.  That old song comes to mind as I light the fourth candle today.  It seems so relevant to the message we have presented here at the lighting of the fourth candle of Hannukah.

I did not even understand Hannukah back then; but the theme of the message was in my heart in the things that we did in Acteens.  It was a message of truth and light!  The words of this old song are still inside my heart and they seem even more significant now than ever:

Let those who know Christ and worship The One True God of Heaven and Earth go forth and proclaim the message of truth and the light to all the earth.

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