Friday, December 30, 2016



Blessed art thou O Lord Our God, King of The Universe Who has given to us holidays, customs, and seasons for gladness. For the glory of The Lord Yeshua, Our Messiah, The Light Of The World.

Blessed art Thou, Lord Our God, Master of the Universe, Who performed miracles for our fathers in those days at this time.

We kindle these lights to commemorate the wonders and the miracles and the saving acts that You have performed for our forefathers, in those days at this time, by Your Holy Priests.  And all throughout the eight days of Hanukkah, these lights are holy and we are not permitted to make use of them, but only to behold them, in order to offer thanks and praise to Your great Name, for Your miracles, for Your wonder, and for Your salvation.


Phil. 2:14-16:  Do all things without murmuring and disputing that ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world.  Holding forth the word of life; that I may rejoice in the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain, neither labored in vain. 

 (Comments by Sheila Gail Landgraf)

Once again the Apostle Paul is giving us good instructions on how to be light-bearers.  Are you cheerfully going about your destiny as a light bearer?

Funny thing about lamps; they are mostly seen and not heard.  Paul says we should not murmur and we should not be getting into disputes.  He advises us to remain blameless and harmless even if we are living among crooked and perverse people.  We are simply to be like a light post - and just stand still and shine!    

Why would a person who has been given the life and light of Christ to dwell in ever have a complaint?  

How could we possibly murmer?  

Let us go about the work of God with cheerful uplifted hearts and not consider the things that he called us to as work, but of a joy unspeakable.

For now we DO live in a crooked and perverse world, but He is coming again and we will behold Him.  What a glorious day that will be!  

Has the reality of this sunk into your spirit and appeared on your face today?  Are you living in the light?

Do not hold back the joy that God has blessed you with.  Share it with the world.  

Let His light beam out from your face and spill over into your smile.  

Let your light shine before men that they may see Christ living in you.  

May the beautiful light of Hanukkah stay in our hearts all through the coming year and may the light be a blessing through every day that we live. 

Do not run your race or do your labor in vain!  Let the light of Christ help you to




May His light ever shine down on the path before you showing you the way home.

Share these blessings along the way.  Give the Light of The World to everyone that you meet. 


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