Wednesday, January 11, 2017


A Morning Poem by Sheila Gail Landgraf

This morning I cried.
I cried about everything,
Everything  I’m losing and 
Everything I’m gaining
As I continue on with the day-to-day of life.
I thought about every minute ticking by,
And every moment that has not yet arrived.
About the power of existing in and with each moment.
I am not totally happy, I am not totally sad,
I just am.
It is good some days just to be.
Always learning, always changing, always growing,
Always discovering new miracles.
I’m just alive in a constantly changing world,
And this morning the thought of the miracle of life amidst it all grabbed me unexpectedly.
As I watched the sun peak the sky 
Life  formed a knot in my throat,
and I cried.
I cried mostly  because of how it all comes together,
piece by amazing wonderful piece
like an artist brushing on stroke on top of surprising stroke
then finishing with His signature.
Every lifetime exactly as it should be,
Original, unique and oh so beautiful.
I am thankful for life and all the unannounced arrivals of life.
My moments are my moments and my minutes are my minutes,
None of them can be wasted!
I pull them closer to my heart
As I hear time ticking on and I sense the things that really matter.
They all mesh together with this unending love 
That extends itself through past, present and all the tomorrows.
For a few minutes in the early morning light my heart was wide awake and fully grasping
The total wonder of life,
Of blessings and constant surprises.
Suddenly I found it so overwhelming.
So; this morning I cried.
But please don’t worry about me,
I felt God hug me very tight.
I know; He said.
Everything will be alright.
Keep moving!

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