Friday, February 17, 2017


(Written by Sheila Gail Landgraf)

As promised last week, in our adventurous quest to organize our lives in the search for healthier life-styles, we have begun the journey together of organizing the food prep in our lives, as well as hoping to make cooking at home easier, faster and healthier for all of us. 

A little work up-front will pay off in the long run.  I've done some organizing of our breakfast menus and recipes for you!

As a first step in this little stroll through the land of healthier eating and working in an organized kitchen; I have created 4 weeks worth of nutritious and delicious  menus that follow the basic eating plans we have discussed in previous articles.   (There are a few minor variations where flour and sugar are used here and there, but for the most part, these recipes follow what we have agreed to use as our eating plan.  

We emphasized that we would leave off any type of refined flours and breads and only use whole wheat breads and flat breads.  

We decided to leave off sugar and butter except for when we desire to use them in our one FEAST DAY a week.  

We agreed only to use extra-virgin olive oils for cooking instead of vegetable oil or any other type of oils. 

The bulk of our eating will consist of whole, organic fruits and vegetables and everything will be made from scratch at home in our own kitchens.  

We will only use lean meats occasionally, and mostly from chicken, turkey and fish; with the exception of some beef and pork in moderation.   

 Most of these recipes are make-ahead recipes that will only involve you setting aside a little bit of cooking time one day a week to prepare ahead.  

Almost all of the items can be frozen, and the bulk of these recipes will keep for up to 3 days safely in your refrigerator and up to 3 months safely in your freezer.  

Feel free to mix and match and repeat or re-arrange as you like.  You know what works best for you and your own lifestyle.  You know your own goals for health and weight loss and nutrition.  

I am setting the menus up for variety so as not to get bored with the eating plan; and I am trying my best to follow the established eating plan of every other day being a fast day, and every other day being a moderate day, except for every seventh day being a feast day when you can eat any way and anything that you please.  Life should have its little rewards so that we never feel defeated; however, the more you eat healthy, the more your appetite will change to conform to what is good for you.  You will find your taste changing and you will notice that you DESIRE healthier foods. 

So flex my plan into your plan and your goals.  If you prefer one recipe over the other, just mix them the way that works well for you.  There is a grocery list after each week that conforms to the items I have chosen for that week’s menu.  This is designed  to make grocery shopping simple and easy.  If you change the order of the menus, just change your grocery list accordingly. 

If you REALLY want to do easy, have the same meal all week and that will cut down on your grocery bill and your prep time tremendously, but I chose to mix it all up because I didn’t want to get bored with the same foods every day. 

Use what works for you.

I will state here again that I am not a medical doctor and do not claim to be a health expert; so if you have medical issues, consult with your doctor before following any eating plan.  This one was formed from my own limited self-education and experimentation in my own life.  You know what works for you, and your doctor can back that up. 

Most everything (with the exception of a few feast days, is something you could easily take with you to wherever you are going and/or eat in the car if you must.  I often eat breakfast at my desk at work just after I arrive.  I have a cup of coffee before I leave the house to tide me over until I can get to a place to sit down and eat without interruption.

Once you do the first few weeks of cooking ahead and freezing, you will have a lot already prepared in your freezer for later; so the work will become less and less as you go along, and the grocery shopping list will get smaller too. 

I will also list all the equipment you will need to prepare these meals.  That should be your first purchase before getting ready to shop and cook.  Check out what you have on-hand and purchase the things you find missing from your kitchen.  I would encourage you to buy the best instead of skimping on this task.  Once you have purchased the right equipment for your kitchen; you should be able to use it for a lifetime.  How many things can you say that about these days?

So good luck with the first month of healthy, simple, easy to prepare and convenient breakfasts!  I hope you enjoy every bite!

Next week we will do this same thing for lunches; so don’t forget to check the AN APPLE A DAY blog next Thursday for those new menus, meal plans and grocery lists. 

Please understand that I’m experimenting with this right along beside you; so when we hit snags or need to make improvements and changes we all will need to comment and share.  I cherish your comments.

Food Processor:  buy one that will process food and mix smoothies too according to the setting you use.  If you have a smoothie blender, and want to chop your other food by hand, that will work too.
5 old fashioned Ice trays
1 large roll parchment paper
1 large roll of aluminum foil
3 large cooking trays that will fit inside your freezer, about 1 inch in depth (not flat, but with a short section around the sides.)
Plastic spatula
Wooden spoon
Extra Virgin Olive Oil Cooking Spray
12 small canning jars with lids that seal
Muffin Tin that makes 24 mini muffins
Muffin Tin that makes 12 regular sized muffins
Pepper grinder
Cheese grater (if your food processor doesn’t do this for you)
Sharp knives in different sizes for cutting, slicing and chopping
2 boxes of gallon sized freezer bags (zip-lock is good)
1 box pint sized zip-lock baggies
1 large biscuit cutter
1 skillet (any type you like)
Muffin/cupcake liners (regular size and mini-sized)
Waffle Iron
1 large mixing bowl
1 medium sized mixing bowl
1 small mixing bowl
Set of Measuring cups
Set of Measuring spoons
1 gallon sized glass measuring cup with a pour spout
Tote bag for carrying food on the go (if you can get one that is insulated that might be nice.)
Black permanent marker
Pastry brush
Chopping board
Bakers wire cooling racks

Day 1 - Fast Day:  Strawberry/Banana Smoothie (Freeze some extras.)
Day 2 - Moderate Day: one apple, one bag of Lemon Blueberry Granola (freeze some extra.)  One pint of skim- milk.  You can either drink the milk, or put in on your granola and eat the granola as cereal.  The granola is very good simply to use as a crunchy snack right out of the bag; eat however you prefer.
Day 3 – Fast Day: Mixed-Berry Smoothie (Freeze some extras.)
Day 4 – Moderate Day : 1 orange cut into bite sized slices.  1 Sausage, Egg and Cheese Breakfast Burrito. (Freeze the extras)
Day 5 – Fast Day: Mango-Pineapple Smoothie (Freeze some extras)
Day 6 – Moderate Day:  Fresh Honeydew slices and 1 Whole Wheat Banana Nut Muffin (Freeze the extras)
Day 7 – FEAST DAY! -1 bowl fresh strawberries with whip cream on top, Cinnamon Waffles And Honey. (Freeze the extras)

2 large containers of fresh strawberries (freeze any you do not use this week)
1 large container of fresh spinach leaves
1large tub of Greek Yogurt
1 gallon skim-milk
1 large bag of organic flaxseed
1 organic apple
2 4-stick boxes unsalted butter
1 jar lemon honey cream
2 dozen bananas (freeze what you do not use this week for the rest of the month)
2 boxes regular rolled oats
1 bag dried pineapple chunks
1 bag chopped walnuts
Local organic honey
Vanilla extract
Sea salt
1 bag dried blueberries
1 fresh lemon
1 fresh orange
1 lb. ground Italian Sausage (if you do not eat pork substitute ground turkey)
3 dozen organic, cage-free eggs
1 block cheddar cheese
Fresh pepper corns
2- 8-pkgs. of 9” flour tortillas
1 bag frozen mangos
1 bag frozen pineapple chunks
1 bag frozen mixed berries
1 honeydew melon (cut up and freeze any leftovers)
1 lb. Whole wheat flour
1 lb. All purpose flour
Baking powder
Baking soda
Ground cinnamon
Ground nutmeg
Spray whipping cream
Granulated sugar
Extra virgin olive oil (quart size)


3 Bananas
1 pint cleaned strawberries with the leaves removed
¼ cup spinach leaves
1 cup plain Greek yogurt
6 cubes frozen milk
1 Tablespoon flax
Dump ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth.  Enjoy!  Freeze the pre-measured fruit portions for this drink in plastic bags in order to use the next time.  Keep a gallon of milk ice cubes frozen in order to use with all of the smoothie recipes.  Once frozen you can put 6 cubes inside the individual fruit bags. 

(Makes 2 quarts)
½ cup unsalted butter
½ cup Lemon Honey Cream
½ cup dried pineapple chunks
4 cups rolled oats
1 cup chopped walnuts
1/3 teaspoon salt
½ cup dried blueberries
2 teaspoons lemon zest, optional
Line two baking sheets with parchment paper.  Preheat oven to 300 degrees F.  Melt butter and honey cream in a small sauce pan.  Mix oats, walnuts and salt together in a large bowl.  Drizzle butter and honey cream mixture on top of oats and walnut mixture and stir to coat well.  Spread into baking sheets and bake for 30 minutes.  Remove from oven and sprinkle with blueberries and lemon zest.  Stir and press down to form large chunks of granola.  Let cool and store in airtight freezer safe glass containers.  (To freeze leftovers pack into freezer safe jars without any air pockets leaving about ¼” headspace at the top of the jar.  Defrost overnight at room temperature.  Do not refrigerate; that will make the fruit tough.  You should have enough of this frozen to keep from re-making the next time.  

1 Banana
1 pint mixed berries (buy the frozen ones at the store)
¼ cup spinach leaves
1 cup plain Greek yogurt
6 cubes frozen milk
1 Tablespoon flax
Dump ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth.  Enjoy!

Note:  Freeze the pre-measured fruit portions for this drink in plastic bags in order to use the next time.  Keep a gallon of milk ice cubes frozen in order to use with all of the smoothie recipes.  Once frozen you can put 6 cubes inside the individual fruit bags.  Just pull out and add the rest.

3 Bananas
1 pint cleaned strawberries with the leaves removed
¼ cup spinach leaves
1 cup plain Greek yogurt
6 cubes frozen milk
1 Tablespoon flax
Dump ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth.  Enjoy!

Freeze the pre-measured fruit portions for this drink in plastic bags in order to use the next time.  Keep a gallon of milk ice cubes frozen in order to use with all of the smoothie recipes.  Once frozen you can put 6 cubes inside the individual fruit bags.  Just pull out and add the rest.

(This recipe makes 16 burritos which can be wrapped individually and frozen to be eaten one at a time)
1 lb ground spicy Italian sausage
1 cup of fresh baby spinach leaves
16 eggs, beaten
Salt to taste
Pepper to taste
2 cups mild cheddar cheese, shredded
16 – 9 inch flour tortillas
Brown the sausage in a large pan over medium-high heat.  Add the spinach and stir until it wilts.  Add the eggs and sprinkle in the salt and pepper.  Stir all together well and set aside for about 20 minutes to cool.  Shed your cheese and set aside.  Arrange 16 squares of waxed paper into lines.  Place one tortilla on each piece.  Top each tortilla with ½ cup sausage-spinach-egg mixture and sprinkle each with the shredded cheese.  Fold over one side of each burrito (length-wise against filling.)  Fold in both small ends.  Then fold over the last side.  Place each burrito seam side down on the wax paper and wrap.  Then wrap each burrito in a piece of foil.  Place the wrapped burritos into the gallon-sized plastic freezer bags.  Zip, removing as much air as possible and place them in the freezer until needed.  (These can be frozen for up to 3 months, just label and date with a marker.)  When you are ready to eat them, just unwrap from foil and waxed paper and microwave on high for 2 minutes. 

1 Banana
½  pint frozen mangos (buy the frozen packages from the store)
½ pint frozen pineapple (buy the frozen packages from the store)
¼ cup spinach leaves
1 cup plain Greek yogurt
6 cubes frozen milk
1 Tablespoon flax
Dump ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth.  Enjoy!

Freeze the pre-measured fruit portions for this drink in plastic bags in order to use the next time.  Keep a gallon of milk ice cubes frozen in order to use with all of the smoothie recipes.  Once frozen you can put 6 cubes inside the individual fruit bags.   

2-1/2 cups whole wheat flour
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. baking powder
1-1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
½ tsp salt
¼ tsp. ground nutmeg
5 bananas – very ripe
1/3 cup plain Greek yogurt
½ cup honey
2 eggs
1 tsp. pure vanilla extract
½ cup walnuts, chopped
Preheat your oven to 350 degrees F.  In a large bowl combine flour, cinnamon, nutmeg, salt, baking powder and baking soda.  Set aside.  In a food processor add the bananas, yogurt, honey, vanilla and eggs.  Pulse together.  Add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients and mix.  Fold in the nuts.  Pour the batter in muffin liners and bake for 25-30 minutes in a muffin pan.  (Makes 18 muffins that can be frozen for up to 3 months.)  Put them into small baggies and put the small baggies into gallon bags, removing air and freeze.  Thaw about 10 minutes before eating.  They are so good, whether you have them hot from the oven or cold from the freezer!

1-1/2 cups all purpose flour
½ cup cornstarch
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp baking powder
½ tsp baking soda
2 tsp. cinnamon
1-1/2 cups buttermilk
½ cup skim milk
¾ cups olive oil
2 eggs separated
2 Tablespoons granulated sugar
1 tsp vanilla
Heat waffle iron.  In a large bowl, mix flour, cornstarch, salt, baking powder, baking soda and cinnamon.  Set aside.  In a medium bowl combine buttermilk, milk, olive oil and egg yolks.  Set aside.  In a separate medium bowl using an electric mixer, beat egg whites until soft peaks form.  Add sugar and vanilla.  Continue beating until stiff peaks form.  Pour buttermilk mixture into dry ingredients, whisking until just mixed.  Fold in egg whites until just combined.  Pour batter onto pre-heated waffle iron, cooking to desired crispness.  Remove waffles, separate sections and allow them to cool.  Place cooled waffles in a gallon sized plastic bag.  Freeze left-overs to reuse another day. When ready to eat, remove desired number of waffles, cook in toaster or overn until desired crispness is reached. 

Day 8 – Fast Day: Make-Ahead Apples and Banana Fruity Oatmeal
Day 9 – Moderate Day:  Pieces of cantaloupe cut up inside a jar, 1 Breakfast Sandwich. (These can be frozen and you will only have to cook once a month.)
Day 10 – Fast Day:  Make-Ahead Blueberry and Walnut Oat Meal. (Extras keep in the refrigerator for three days)
Day 11 – Moderate Day:  Egg, Sausage, Spinach and Cheese Breakfast Burrito (already frozen from week one) and a cluster of purple grapes
Day 12 – Fast Day: Make-Ahead Ginger, Apricot, Cherry, Almond Oatmeal (Extras will keep in the refrigerator for three days)
Day 13- Moderate Day: Herbal Egg Whites and Feta on an English Muffins  (Freeze the extras and you will not have to cook the next time) and one fresh sliced orange.
Day 14 – FEAST DAY!: 1 Lemon Poppy Seed Scone (freeze the extras and you will not have to cook the next time.), a cluster of red seedless grapes and 1 Breakfast Sandwich (Frozen from Day 9).

5 organic apples (any flavor you like)
1 cantaloupe
1 box steel cut oats
18 cage-free organic eggs
Skim Milk (quart size)
1 pkg. bacon (if eating pork)
1 pkg. sliced cheese (favorite kind)
6 English Muffins (whole wheat)
2 pints fresh blueberries (freeze what isn’t used in plastic bags)
Purple Grapes (seedless) (freeze any unused for other meals)
Red Grapes (seedless) (freeze any unused for other meals)
1 bag slivered almonds
1 fresh orange
1 bag dried cherries
1 bag dried apricots
Ground ginger
1/2 gallon purchased egg whites
1 quart half-&-half
Fresh basil leaves (freeze leftovers chopped in ice cube trays)
Fresh chives (freeze left overs chopped in ice cube trays)
1 jar basil pesto
1 package crumbled feta cheese
Package English Muffins (12 per pack)
Spelt Flour
Bag of sugar
Unsalted butter
4 fresh lemons
1 bag confectioner’s sugar
Poppy seeds


Apples, chopped very small
Bananas, chopped very small
Steel cut oatmeal.
Cook the steel cut oats as directed on the package.  Add apples, bananas and honey as desired and stir.  (These can be made in a large batch with the oatmeal prepared and stored in small individual sized jars in the refrigerator for up to a week. Just put the chopped fruit desired in a small plastic bag on top and mix other ingredients in on the day you carry to eat.  Seal jar again and drop into your tote bag.)  Carry a plastic spoon and this makes for a good grab-n-go breakfast-take-along.)  Heat for one minute in the microwave to warm.

10 large eggs
1 cup skim milk
1 tsp. kosher salt
6 slices bacon (optional)
6 slices cheese (either cheddar, Monterey Jack or Swiss)
6 English Muffins
Heat oven to 375 degrees F.  Whisk eggs together with milk and salt in a large mixing bowl.  Spray a 9 x 13 cooking tray with cooking oil.  Pour the eggs into the pan.  Place on the lower rack in the oven.  Bake until the eggs are puffed around the edges with golden spots, and a paring knife inserted in the middle comes out clean (25 – 30 minutes)  Cool completely.
Fry the bacon – this is optional if you do not eat pork.  Line a baking sheet with foil and lay the bacon down on it in a single layer with no pieces overlapping.  Turn up the edges of the foil to catch the grease.  Place bacon in the upper rack of the oven and bake until bacon is crispy (about 15-20 minutes)  When done, transfer the bacon to a plate lined with paper towels to drain.  When the bacon is completely cooled and drained break each piece in half to make them fit on top of the sandwiches.  Finish the bacon and egg cooking; then toast the English muffins, cut side up on a baking sheet, until the edges are toasted.  Set aside to cool.  Using a spatula to lift the eggs out of the pan and onto a cutting board, take a biscuit cutter (or a drinking glass will do) and cut 6 rounds out of the eggs.  (You don’t have to waste these scraps, use them for cooking some of your lunch items later, or freeze for breakfast casseroles.)  Assemble the sandwiches by laying the bottom halves of the English muffins in a row on your counter.  Top each one with an egg round, a slice of cheese, and 2 pieces of bacon.  Finish by adding the muffin tops.  Wrap each sandwich in a square of aluminum foil.  Use a permanent marker to write the contents and date on the sandwich.  Put all the sandwiches in a freezer bag or container.  (These will freeze for up to one month.) 

Walnuts, chopped very small
Steel cut oatmeal.
Cook the steel cut oats as directed on the package.  Add blueberries and walnuts and honey as desired and stir.  (These can be made in a large batch with the oatmeal prepared and stored in small individual sized jars in the refrigerator for up to a week. Just put the chopped fruit desired in a small plastic bag on top and mix other ingredients in on the day you carry to eat.  Seal jar again and drop into your tote bag.)  Carry a plastic spoon and this makes for a good grab-n-go breakfast-take-along.) Heat for one minute in the microwave to warm.
Slivered Almonds
Dried Apricots, chopped small
Dried Cherries, chopped small
1 Tsp. Ginger
Steel cut oatmeal.
Cook the steel cut oats as directed on the package.  Add ginger, apricots, cherries, almonds and honey as desired and stir.  (These can be made in a large batch with the oatmeal prepared and stored in small individual sized jars in the refrigerator for up to a week. Just put the chopped fruit desired in a small plastic bag on top and mix other ingredients in on the day you carry to eat.  Seal jar again and drop into your tote bag.)  Carry a plastic spoon and this makes for a good grab-n-go breakfast-take-along.)  Heat for one minute in the microwave to warm.

Cooking spray
1-1/2 quarts purchased egg whites
1-1/4 cups half-and-half
1 teaspoon kosher salt
¼ cup finely chopped fresh basil leaves
1/3 cup finely chopped fresh chives
¼ cup basil pesto
¼ cup salted butter, at room temperature
¾ cup crumbled feta cheese
12 whole wheat English Muffins, split
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.  Prepare a baking sheet with baking spray.  Set aside.  Whisk together the egg whites, half-and-half, and salt in a large bowl.  Stir in the basil and chives.  Pour the egg white mix into the prepared baking sheet and bake on center rack until the egg whites are set and lightly browned around the edges, 18 – 20 minutes.  Let cool.  Using a large biscuit cutter or drinking glass cut eggs into rounds.  (Use the scraps for something else later, salads, sandwiches, freeze for future egg casseroles, etc.)   To assemble the sandwiches, spread a thin layer of butter over the cut side of the English muffin bottom, spread a thin layer of pesto on the cut side of each English muffin top.   Place one egg round on top of the buttered half of each English muffin.  Top each egg round with 1 tablespoon of feta cheese, close the sandwiches with the top halves of the English muffins.  If not serving immediately, tightly wrap each sandwich with aluminum foil and store in re-sealable bags in the refrigerator or freezer.  When ready to reheat place them uncovered in a 325 degree F regular or toaster oven until they are warmed through (approximately 30 minutes)  These can be stored in the refrigerator for 3 days and in the freezer for 3 months.  Label appropriately and date.  

For Scones
1-1/4 cups all purpose flour, plus more for forming scones
1-1/4 cups spelt flour
1/3 cup sugar
¼ cup poppy seeds, plus more to sprinkle on top
1 tablespoon baking powder
½ tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. kosher salt
6 tablespoons cold unsalted butter, cut into ½ inch cubes
¾ cup plus 2 tablespoons buttermilk
1 large egg
1 tsp. vanilla extract
2 tablespoons lemon juice
2 tablespoons fresh Meyer lemon zest
For Glaze
½ cup powdered sugar, plus more if needed
1-1/2 tablespoons lemon juice plus more if needed.
Line a baking sheet that will fit inside your freezer with parchment paper and set aside.  In a medium bowl, whisk together the flours, sugar, poppy seeds, baking powder, baking soda and salt.  Add the cubed butter.  Using your hands or a pastry cutter, rub or cut the butter into the flour mixture until it resembles small, course peas.   In a small bowl whisk together the buttermilk, egg, vanilla extract, lemon juice, and lemon zest.  Add to the dry ingredients.  Using a wooden spoon or flat spatula stir until the dough gathers together in an uneven ball.  Let the dough sit for 10 minutes to allow the whole-grain flours to soak up a bit of the moisture.  Take out a large wooden board and sprinkle generously with flour before turning out the dough onto the surface.  With well-floured hands, quickly gather the dough into a ball and pat or push it down so that it’s circular in shape and about 1 inch thick.  Cut into 8 wedges.  Place the wedges on a prepared baking sheet and place in freezer.  Freeze until firm, about 1 hour.  Place scones in freezer bag and label.  Store in the freezer until ready to bake later. 

To bake:  preheat the oven to 375 degrees F.  Line a baking sheet with parchment paper or a silicone baking mat.  Arrange the scones to they are lying flat on the sheet, 2 to 3 inches apart.  Bake for 25 – 30 minutes, or until tops are lightly brown.  Cool on the pan for 5 minutes before transferring to a rack.

While cooling, prepare the glaze:  Stir together the powdered sugar and lemon juice with a fork.  Adjust consistency with a little more sugar or lemon juice as needed, if too thick.  Drizzle the glaze over the slightly warm scones with a fork or spread with a pastry brush.  Sprinkle with the extra poppy seeds.  Allow to cool completely before serving. 

These will keep in the freezer as frozen for baking for two months.  Date your package with a marker and label what is inside.  (This is one of the few recipes that you will have to make from home, so plan this one on a day off.)

Day 15 – Fast Day:  Freeze Ahead Apples And Oranges Smoothie
Day 16 – Moderate Day: 1 Whole Wheat Banana Nut Muffin (already frozen from Day 6 Week One)  and 1 cup fresh sliced strawberries.
Day 17 – Fast Day: Freeze Ahead Raspberry and Mango Smoothie
Day 18 – Moderate Day:  Herbed Egg Whites and Feta on An English Muffin (already frozen from Day 13 – Week Two) and 1 cluster of purple grapes.
Day 19 – Fast Day: 1 Apple and 1 bag of Lemon and Blueberry Granola (already made ahead and frozen on Day 2 Week One)
Day 20 – Moderate Day: 1 sliced orange and one Breakfast Sandwich (already made ahead and frozen on Day 9 – Week Two)
Day 21 – FEAST DAY!:  One bowl of fresh blueberries, One banana, 1fried egg and one piece of bacon.

Orange Juice
3 Apples
Fresh Spinach Leaves
1 large Plain Greek Yogurt
Skim milk (quart)
1 pint fresh strawberries
1 bag frozen mangos
1 bag frozen raspberries
Purple Grapes
1 fresh apple
1 fresh orange
1 pint fresh blueberries
1 fresh banana
Sliced bacon


2 Bananas
½  pint chopped apple
1 cup orange juice (juice from a fresh orange
¼ cup spinach leaves
1 cup plain Greek yogurt
6 cubes frozen milk
1 Tablespoon flax
Dump ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth.  Enjoy!
(Remember to freeze extra fruit and ice cubes ahead for next time)

1 Banana
½  pint frozen mangos (buy the frozen packages from the store)
½ pint frozen raspberries (buy the frozen packages from the store)
¼ cup spinach leaves
1 cup plain Greek yogurt
6 cubes frozen milk
1 Tablespoon flax
Dump ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth.  Enjoy!
(Remember to freeze extra fruit and ice cubes ahead for next time)

Day 22 – Fast Day:  One Apple sliced into thin slices, leave the peal! 
Day 23 – Moderate Day:  Sausage, Egg and Cheese Breakfast Burrito (already made and frozen ahead from Day 4 – Week One), 1 Banana
Day 24 – Fast Day  Mixed Berry Smoothie (Frozen Ahead with those made  on Day 3 Week One)
Day 25 – Moderate  Day: One Blueberry Bran Muffin, one orange sliced.
Day 26 – Fast Day: Mango Pineapple Smoothie (Frozen ahead from  Day 5 Week One)
Day 27 – Moderate Day: One Sausage, Egg and Cheese Breakfast Burrito, (Made and frozen ahead in Week One) Several slices of honeydew melon.
Day 28 – FEAST DAY!  Mini Frittatas and a Lemon Poppy Seed Scone (made and frozen ahead in Week Three)

1 fresh apple
1 fresh banana
1 fresh orange
1 dozen eggs
1 fresh lemon
1 box bran cereal
1 bag pecan halves
1 honeydew melon
Deli sliced ham
Grated parmesan cheese
Fresh parsley


(This recipe makes 12 – Freeze the extras!)
2 eggs
1-1/2 cups buttermilk
½ cup olive oil, melted and slightly cooled (although still liquid)
1-1/2 teaspoons kosher salt
2 teaspoons baking soda
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 tablespoon fresh lemon zest
¾ cup sugar
2 cups bran cereal
1-1/4 cups whole wheat flour
1 cup all purpose flour
2 cups fresh or frozen blueberries
1 cup pecan halves, optional for garnish
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.  Whisk together the eggs, buttermilk, coconut oil, salt, baking soda, vanilla extract, lemon zest and sugar.  Stir in the bran cereal and both flours and mix well until thoroughly combined.  The batter should be pretty stiff.  Carefully fold in the blueberries.  Prepare 12 standard sized muffin sleeves in a muffin tin and fill each to the very top with better.  Scatter the tops of the muffins with the pecan pieces.  Bake for 35 minutes; or until the tops are firm and slightly brown.  Let cool for 15 minutes before removing muffins from tins.  Serve warm or cover and store at room temperature for up to 3 days, or wrap individually and freeze in gallon bags for up to 3 months.

(Makes 8-10 mini frittatas)
8 eggs
½ cup skim milk
½ tsp. black pepper
¼ tsp. salt
4 ounces ham, chopped
1/3 cup parmesan cheese, grated
2 tablespoons parsley, chopped
Pre-heat the oven to 375 degrees F.  Spray 2 mini muffin tins, each with 24 cups each with nonstick spray.  Whisk the eggs, milk, pepper and salt in a large bowl to blend well.  Stir in the ham, cheese and parsley.  Fill prepared muffin cups almost to the top with the egg mixture.  Bake until the egg mixture puffs and is just set in the center, about 10 to 15 minutes.  Using a rubber spatula, loosen the frittatas from the muffin cups and slide the frittatas onto a platter.  (These can be frozen and reheated for up to 3 months)

Day 29:  Fast Day:  Raspberry and Mango Smoothie  (Already prepared and frozen ahead from previous weeks)
Day 30:  Moderate  Day  1 Whole Wheat Banana Nut Muffin (Already prepared and frozen ahead from previous weeks) with small bowl of fresh pineapple chunks.
Day 31:  Fast  Day:  1 box raisins, 1 orange and 1 banana

Fresh pineapple chunks
Small boxes of raisins
1 fresh orange
1 fresh banana

No new recipes to worry with; no new meals to cook; all have been frozen ahead and you should have some left over for next month; so make those menus go around what you already have prepared in advance so that you may use it all up before it becomes too old or freezer burned.  Don’t you love how the grocery shopping got less and less with every week?

I am excited about these new breakfasts and how they have been organized. I hope they make our lives much easier, and much healthier.  I would love to hear how things go for you! 

Good luck; and stay turned to AN APPLE A DAY next Thursday for the same type of menu for lunches for a month.

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