Monday, February 18, 2013


Well, I'll bet you thought three girls got tired of meeting once a month for dinner, since you haven't seen me post any of our wild adventures for December or January.  Not at all!

It is just that blogging about winter activities is surprisingly time consuming!  I thought I would enjoy sleeping through winter a bit like a bear in hibernation, only writing one lazy article at a time while waiting for spring.  Actually, as it turns out, we've had Christmas, New Years, Epiphany, President's Day, Mardi Gras, Valentine's Day, Ash Wednesday and Lent so far, and we are quickly headed for The Fast of Esther, Purim and St. Patrick's Day.  I just can't write fast enough during the winter season!  It is a struggle to get any of it done in timely fashion, especially since I've also thrown in a few up close and personal life experience articles, so some of it has had to go by the wayside this year.   

With that said, I have to tell you I could never leave out Three Girls Out On the Town!  I never tire of meeting up with my two BFF's for dinner once a month.  They are my anchor in the storm, the calm through the hurricanes of life, and we always have a great time together.  We were out of touch so many years between high school and mid-life that we will definitely have to spend the rest of our lives catching up on the past; but we all have so much going on in the present too, that we are just enjoying sharing our blessings of today as much as catching up on what we missed.  Now I cannot imagine ever letting a whole month go by without seeing them.

In December we met at Applebee's.  It was a great place for our Christmas gathering.  Our budgets were tight but we wanted our meeting to be special anyway, not just any place, so Applebee's fit the bill perfectly.  Well prepared food and good prices in a nice atmosphere.  I'll leave all the politics to you for this place.  My opinion is that I do not believe in forced tipping, yet, I do not believe in waitresses violating the privacy of customers and businesses either!  So you decide, we were just there for other reasons and we thoroughly enjoyed our visit!

We were able to get a booth that was quiet enough for us to talk, and there was some Christmas music mixed into all the usual sounds to enjoy in the background.  I ordered my meal from the appetizers menu and had a drink for under $15.  I had more food on my plate than TC and Bucket who ordered from the regular menu.  I forced them to share.   Our food was great.  Applebee's is consistently good with their fare. 

TC surprised Bucket and I with a beautiful gift of a bracelet and some cute new T-shirts from their business that were sold to support a local charity.  That's TC; she and her husand are two good solid citizens that always support a good cause.  Both the beautiful bracelets and the T-shirts were a sweet surprise to Bucket and I, because we don't have a formal "exchange gifts" thing going on in this group.  The whole idea is to keep things simple on our visits, but any of us are free to surprise the others whenever the notion takes over.   It is really a lot of fun, because you never know when the surprise is coming.   Often and unexpectedly one of us will decide to surprise the others with something that we know would mean something to them.  It doesn't matter when.  We were very blessed because TC was in the Christmas spirit!  I've already had about a million compliments on my bracelet and I've worn the T-shirt a lot.  

We all were in the Christmas spirit actually.  We spent most of the night discussing our family and work plans for Christmas and sharing all the busy church activities that we all have been involved with during this season.  I shared that I was making all my gifts.  I got some great new ideas to add to the list from Bucket who shared some of her sweet Mom's craft ideas with me.  We spent some time thinking about the fond memories of times shared with all our Moms.  TC and Bucket's Moms were probably looking down from heaven and shaking hands while they watched us; glad to see that we were all still getting together once a month.  My Mom is elated that we still meet with one another on a regular basis after all these years.  I constantly am reminded from these two good friends of how fortunate I am to still have both of my parents with me.  I often thank God for this blessing. 

Last year I shared a chapter a month of the cookbook I put together with each of the girls. not that they needed this; they are both probably better cooks than I am; but I thought it would be fun just to share and swap some favorite recipes.  The cookbook was also laid out like a family scrapbook, and these girls know all about my family, so I thought they might enjoy having it.  This year I decided to  share portions of the first novel I've finished writing to each of them once a month.  They are my best critics.  I love sharing my writing with them.  I trust them to tell me the truth and give me good advice.

I can't tell you how many little books and book bags and special things Bucket has passed on to us unexpectedly.  This is a giving group of friends.   

Janaury was a whole different flavor.  We went a bit "country" and met at The Texas Roadhouse.  I found it to be interesting, very reasonable for a steak house, of course you could order specially picked and prepared steak if you wanted, but that would have been a bit pricey.  We stuck to the menu specials.  If you love country music and line-dancing, this is your place.  Those are not my first choices for entertainment these days, but it is fine for a change now and then. 

Our waiter was very attentive and entertaining.  He laughed and joked with us a lot.  I have to say I did love their rolls with cinnomon butter.  Very tasty.

We all were recovering from a very busy holiday season and it was nice just to sit and relax together and share our Christmas and New Year's experiences. 

We discussed the important matter of two birthdays coming up in February, not mine of course.  That leaves two other choices.  Since that was the case, I allowed them to pick the place for February.  Wouldn't you know TC wanted to meet at Carrabas again, and Bucket agreed.  I've told you all about that great restaurant before; so all you will hear from me this time is the best of the gathering and nothing about the restaurant.  I'm not into repeating myself over and over, despite what my husband might tell you.

I would love to get these ladies over to the Southside of town somehow to enjoy some varriations on our meeting places, but it is nearly impossible given the long distance they already drive to meet me once a month.  My hushand and I often enjoy Silvertron's and Bitola's and Slice, and there are a million other good choices if we could travel further when we meet.  I would love for TC and Bucket to share some meals at these places too.  Maybe some Saturday mid-day meeting in the summer when no one has to drive at night.   I'll bring it up.

TC may bring her daughter-in-law with her when we next meet in February.  That will be a blessing for us.  She is VERY pregnant, and we can hear all about the exciting plans for the next child.  Of course Bucket and I will be envious of the fact that TC is about to have TWO grandbabies and we haven't even married off most of our stuborn grown children.  At least I'm holding out hope for one daughter who has enjoyed three years of a great marriage so far.  Maybe one day!

So that is the extent of Three Girls Out on The Town in December and January.  I'll try not to be so late in reporting in February!  So looking forward to our next gathering!