Thursday, November 3, 2016


(Written by Sheila Gail Landgraf)

Moses and God are still out there on the mountain talking about the ten best ways to live.  There is a lot to say, and it is taking quite a while to discuss things!  Amidst the thunder and lightning and smoke God is now bellowing out the fourth commandment:

Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.  Six days you shall labor and do all of your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the LORD your God.   On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your male or female servant, nor your animals, nor any foreigner residing in your towns.  For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea and all that is in them, but He rested on the seventh day.  Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.”  (Exodus 20:8-11)

Do you realize that the Sabbath commandment is a commandment that confirms God’s mark and seal upon His people?

A “seal” is an official stamp that claims something for a specifically described owner.  In ancient times whenever a ruler made a law it was written down by an official on paper, and it was placed inside an envelope with the seal of the ruler melted and waxed over the edge of the envelope.  The seal would usually be made by the use of a signet ring dipped in hot wax and stamped over the flap sealing the envelope.  It would dry and harden and that way no one but the intended person would be able to open the message.  The wax would make a distinctive impression on the outside of the envelope that portrayed something unique to the owner of the message in the envelope.  Seals were completely original and they were always unique and very descriptive of their owners so there was no doubt who wrote the message within the envelope.
When the wax dried it sealed the message up until it was put safely into the hands of the proper receiver.  The seal was then broken and opened and read aloud to the person or people who would be listening for instructions from their king and/or ruler.  The ruler’s seal was the way that everyone had of knowing that these words within the envelope were the EXACT words and wishes of their leader.  The seal assured that the words belonged to no one else, but came directly from the ruler in charge of the kingdom.

The seal (made from a signet ring) usually contained three things:  The name of the owner of the seal, the title or description of the owner of the seal, and a description of the domain of the Owner of the seal.    

As one begins to read the exact words God gave to Moses, you begin to see that it is a clear statement containing the name of God, His official title, and a description of His dominion over the universe.  All of these things are spelled out in the words of Exodus 20: 10-11.  We hear His name; “The LORD.” (Yahweh)  We hear his title:  The Maker of The Heavens and The Earth, The Sea and All That Is In it.  (Creator.)  We hear of the description of God’s domain in the same words that describe who He is as Creator.  He is LORD over the Heavens and earth, the sea and all that is in it.  These are the three things we need to know that describe the fact that God has put His seal and signet upon the words of the fourth commandment.  It is as if He is highlighting this commandment saying; “draw close to me and listen to this; it is VERY important!”

 Why not pull out your own bible and read Exodus 20:10-11 with your own eyes.  Is this not plain to you?

Think about the exact words of the holy scriptures that are given to us by God as He speaks to us about keeping Sabbath.
Someone’s “seal” could also be called their “mark.”  The “seal” worked about the same way as a legal signature that we might use on important documents today.  It legally set the terms that made certain things official.
It is said in the scriptures that during end times people will be “marked” either for God or for the enemy of God.  The Antichrist will have an identifying mark placed on his people; and God too will have an identifying mark placed over His people.  The way you live out your life will determine the mark that is placed over your heart.

This brings to mind the words of The Song of Solomon, verse 6:8 that says: Place me like  a seal over your heart, like a seal on your arm, for love is a strong as death, its jealousy unyielding as the grave.  It burns like blazing fire, like a mighty flame.”  These words of a passionate lover describe God’s love for Israel.  It is a jealous love; and He has come to tell Israel how to live before Him. 

 God used the nation of Israel to show people how to live before Him and how best to love Him.  If you belong to God you will honor him by keeping the fourth commandment and observing Sabbath faithfully.  That was God’s passionate commandment sealed with his signet to Israel.

Keeping Sabbath on the 7th Day was important to God.  It was sacred time that He made holy and set aside for His people.  The act of Israel keeping Sabbath meant the faithfulness of His bride to Him.
Please don’t misunderstand or misinterpret any of my further comments and personal thoughts regarding the aspects of keeping Sabbath.  Keeping Sabbath is not something to be done “legally” but something to be done out of love and faithfulness.

There are relationships that thrive out of duty, and there are relationships that thrive out of a deep, passionate love.  God’s love is not out of duty; it comes from a passionate, heart-felt love.  He expects the same passion and love in return.  A passionate lover always knows how to communicate what it takes to make them feel happy and well loved.  God is communicating something to Israel that truly matters, to the depths of His heart.  He wants Israel to know His deepest desire from them.  He desires that they keep Sabbath with Him.
As I have already expressed; don’t misunderstand.  I’m not implying you must always go to a certain building and worship a certain way, like other certain groups of people are worshiping (though sometimes this is the thing you SHOULD do.)  The ancients often kept Sabbath right inside their own homes with their own immediate families.  They could not always get to the Temple.  They went to the temple on sacred holy days and whenever else it was possible, several times a year; but not every Sabbath.  Still, they kept Sabbath wherever they were at the time.   

For today’s people, I am saying in order to observe this commandment, you should be keeping the seventh day Sabbath that God has commanded inside your heart in a respectful way that will honor and worship God wherever you are.  God DOES state in these scriptures that this worship should be done in a holy convocation; which would mean that you should be open to worshiping with other believers.  This could happen right inside your own home, with your own family; or inside a church full of a million people.  A convocation is simply a group of people; not a specific number – it could be a number of between two to one million or more.  Where ever two or more are gathered in His Name; God is always there.

You can form a convocation anywhere; in a house, in a prison, in a hotel, in a crowd walking down the street – it doesn’t HAVE to be inside any building; but it is also JUST as appropriate to do this worship inside a building with many other believers.  God will be looking at the intentions of your heart, your honest desire to worship and serve Him, and your love for your fellowman that reflects this.

It is the addition of God into the crowd that makes the convocation real and holy.  God inhabits the prayers and praises of His people; so I would say anywhere there is prayer and praise to God being lifted up, that is a holy convocation.
The place isn’t important; but the day IS important.  The scriptures clearly say the “seventh” day.  Following the ancient calendar back to the days of Moses; the seventh day was always on the day we now call Saturday.  It was the day after the sixth day that the manna rained down from heaven in which NO manna could be gathered.  God had already shown this day to the people, even before he called Moses up to the mountain.  He was already raining down the manna and expecting them to gather up enough to last through the seventh day in which God rested and expected the people to rest also.  They were to gather ahead of this time before the Sabbath so that they would not be working on the Sabbath.

God set the calendar by the way the manna fell from heaven.  The people always knew the day in which they gathered twice as much was their “preparation day” for the Sabbath, and the next day, the 7th day, was the Sabbath.
This “seventh day” was the day of worship that was observed by the early churches even during a long period of time after the death and resurrection of Christ.  The observance wasn’t changed by the actions of people, or in the writings of the church congregations until A.D. 321 when an edict from the ruler known as Constantine was declared and this edict was accepted 16 years later by the Catholic Church through the Council of Laodicea.
Here; I have to argue with the right of the Catholic Church to change the decree of God.  It doesn’t matter to me how many councils meet.  This signed, sealed and delivered commandment was still the recorded words of God to His people as He drew up their wedding vows.  God never changes.  He is the same today as He was yesterday and He will be the same forever into the future.  I have to question an emperor’s right or a council’s right to change the word of God, especially after all of the Apostles who walked and talked with Jesus were dead and gone and not there to defend the scriptures that proclaimed otherwise.
Think about this:  why would God go down to a mountain top to proclaim the best ways for us to live before Him and then change the wording later?  I think not.

There were no changes made to the understanding of this commandment during the lives and times that Jesus walked the earth, or even during the time and the lives of the Apostles.  It was after the death of every Apostle that this day’s observance evolved into the time of another day called Sunday.   I think that is because the Apostles would not have approved.  I highly suspect this change was more about the government of mankind than the spiritual growth of mankind.  I also think it was made in order to change the thinking of the people from their very Jewish roots into a more Roman/Greek way of thinking.  It seemed to also be very helpful in uniting people and forming a world empire from which Constantine would rule the world.  On hindsight; it seems very self serving for the still highly revered ruler.
In other words, I suspect this changing of the day of worship was more about Constantine’s rule than God’s direction for the church.  However, it did happen and the seventh day Sabbath has not been observed by many of the faithful since that time.  Perhaps God will consider those who changed his dates on judgment day instead of blaming the blind sheep who followed them without question.  I would rather not have to find out.

Over the years I have listened patiently to many who believe other than what I am stating here, and I have heard them defend Sunday worship in a million different ways.  Satan has used this tool over and over for dividing and conquering God’s faithful.  I have tried to keep an open mind; but my heart and spirit will not let me accept that what God uttered on the mountain to Moses wasn’t the whole truth that will last throughout eternity.  All of the other laws seem to be playing out to be true in the universe.  Why would this one be different?

I do not feel that Sunday worship is wrong; quite the contrary.  EVERY day is fine and acceptable for worship.  We must worship with every breath we take.  That doesn’t change the fact that God set aside one special day of the week and called it the Sabbath.  This day was the seventh day.

None of the other commandments were changed over time; why would we think it would be acceptable for this one to change?

Please don’t think I’m a Seventh Day Adventist.  I disagree with many of their teachings as being not scriptural; but the keeping of the Sabbath day is one point in which I DO agree with them.  There is no denying the scriptural evidence portrayed both in the new and the old testaments for this argument.
As in all things, I look to Jesus for an example of accuracy.  All of his life Jesus kept the seventh day Sabbath.  If he intended for this to change after his resurrection; don’t you think He would have discussed it with at least one Apostle?  There is no evidence of this ever happening.

I have many friends which I highly respect that are Catholic and Presbyterian and other forms of Protestant.  They strongly disagree with me.  I can agree with them on almost every other issue but this one.  This saddens me; but my first allegiance is to God.  It would be even sadder for me to find that I deliberately and defiantly disobeyed God knowing what He has taught me personally and through the scriptures.   Perhaps that is why I do not believe in denominations any more.  Every little splintered group, including even the Catholics who splintered off from the original church (though they don’t seem to recall this) have some issue with which I cannot claim complete loyalty because I find scriptural discrepancies. 

However; I do accept that we are now living under grace, and I do believe these people all to be faithful and sincere Christians and I realize it is not my place to judge them anymore than it is their place to judge me.
On the other hand; it is my job to proclaim what I consider to be the unflawed theology of the scriptures as humbly as possible, never thinking for one moment that I too cannot fall into the traps of the enemy of God.  I too am human and very capable of making huge mistakes.  Hence; it all boils down to the fact that we all have to answer for our own decisions. 

No thing, interpretation or organization will ever be completely perfect until Christ returns; but as for me; I chose to stand outside of most of these highly structured organizations and simply claim to be a Christian following God’s word as closely as I know how from the power and guidance of God’s Holy Spirit living within me.  That is why I often proclaim that I belong to no other group other than those who are saved by Christ and covered in His blood.  This would include people from all denominations and all walks of life; and it would also release me from any doctrines that I consider wrong in practice.  It would make me simply an imperfect sinner within a sea of other imperfect sinners who have faith in the perfect blood of Jesus to save them from their sins.  We all live humbly under the grace of God.  It is the blood of Jesus that makes us all brothers, and it is out of love for him that I speak out of what I know as truth. 

Getting back to the subject; some hold that Sunday is The Lord’s Day and the first day of the week and the day of the Resurrection of Christ; so they find Sunday an acceptable day of worship for those reasons.  With reverence and respect to them as brothers and followers of Christ, I have to speak the truth in love and say that I think every point in that statement is flawed. 

I will start by saying I don’t think the resurrection was on Sunday, but late on Saturday evening.  Do the research; I dare you.  I’m not going too far into that here – but I will try to give a brief description of what I have come to believe:

After growing up in the Baptist church and observing and loving the celebration of Good Friday, and Easter Sunday for years; I discovered the significance of the Jewish Holy Days in relation to Messiah.  In my early twenties I began celebrating Passover and Unleavened Bread and Early First Fruits, which relates to the Jewish festivals and Holy Day celebrations; but with the significance of Christ being our Messiah.  I have done this now for forty years of my life. 

Through celebrating the holy days, careful and prayerful reading of the scriptures and thinking about how God laid out the Holy Days and considering the various ways mankind has changed the Sabbath from Saturdays to Sundays on their own accord after the Apostles and Christ walked the earth, I have come to accept the following scenario as to how the resurrection must have really happened:

I believe that on the year Christ was crucified for my sins and yours, the Passover occurred on a Tuesday evening through a Wednesday evening.  On Tuesday evening Jesus celebrated the Passover Seder meal with his disciples.  This was on a Tuesday night.  He then prayed at Gethsemane, and was later arrested and led away to be crucified.  He was crucified at 9 a.m. on Wednesday (the traditional time of the Passover lambs being slain) and died at 3 p.m. that same day and was hastily buried at 6 p.m. on Wednesday evening (Nissan 14 on the Hebrew calendar.)  At sunset (after 6 p.m.) on Wednesday began the high Sabbath of Passover which lasted until sunset (after 6 p.m. on Thursday).  Wednesday night and Wednesday day would have been the first night and day in which Jesus lay in the tomb.  (Nissan 15.)  From sunset on Wednesday to sunset on Thursday was also the First Day of the Seven days of Unleavened Bread.  The First Day of Unleavened Bread is considered a holy day on God’s calendar.  The Second Day of Unleavened Bread would have been from sunset Thursday till sunset Friday.  This would have been Jesus’ second night and day in the tomb. (Nissan 16.)      From Friday at sunset till Saturday at sunset would have been Jesus’ third night and day in the tomb.  (Nissan 17)  This day, as well as being the WEEKLY SABBATH, is known also in the seven days of Unleavened Bread as the day of Early First Fruits.  It is the THIRD DAY OF UNLEAVENED BREAD DURING PASSOVER WEEK.  It was the day Jesus rose from the tomb.  Three nights and three days in the tomb on that particular week would have ended at 3 p.m. on Saturday evening, so I believe Jesus rose from the dead between 3 p.m. and sunset on that Saturday (the 7th Day Sabbath and the Third Day of Unleavened Bread – often called The Day of Early First Fruits, which is symbolic of the first fruits of the harvest, both physically and spiritually.  Jesus is the First Fruit of the harvest of God’s Kingdom.  He was the first One to rise from the dead in Resurrection.    

I’ve looked carefully through the scriptures with this scenario in mind, and I do not find any contradictions, especially if you look at things from a Messianic/Hebraic perspective.  So I do not believe that the “First Day of the Week” or “Sunday” could be considered the day of the Resurrection, which takes away all logic for calling Sunday the Day of The Lord.
The Day of The Lord is actually described in Revelation 1:10 in a vision of John, and it is far from a Sabbath.  It actually relates to the Apocalypse and it is a day of God’s wrath, not a weekly day of worship.  It is one day at the end of time that should be seen for, what it truly stands for.   Calling Sunday The Day of The Lord seems to create confusion here; which again; I attribute to being a major trick of Satan.
I’m sure I’ve lost many of you at this point; it always happens.
We are all like little robots programmed to believe whatever others have fed us all of our lives.  All I can ask is that you sincerely pray and study the scriptures and ask God to reveal the truth of His Sabbath to you, because the experience of keeping Sabbath is one that is unbelievably awesome and one of the best practices you will ever put into your days. 

Search the scriptures and see if you can make Friday evening through Sunday morning into three 24 hour periods; or if you can take the Holy Days of Passover and Unleavened Bread into consideration where these days are also called “Sabbaths” in the scriptures and not make another assumption about when the resurrection actually took place.  There are about a million arguments for the late Saturday resurrection; but I will not belabor the point; I’ll just say in relation to it making Sunday become The Lord’s Day; that it doesn’t hold water with me.

Another big argument  presented for Sunday Sabbath is that the resurrection of Christ was the beginning of all new things.  Long before the death, burial and resurrection of Christ we hear him say:  “I make all things new.”  I ‘ve always loved that truth.  He DOES make us new.  He transforms us into something better.  I have to say I think of this and the Resurrection as the “fulfillment” of all things, not the “changing” of the old but the “transformation” of the old.  We do not actually have an old thing changed to a completely new thing, but an old thing transformed, improved and made better.
Even with this point given, it isn’t the DAY that is changed, or fulfilled; it is the PEOPLE that Jesus died for that are changed.  The day is still the same sacred, holy point of time that God created from the beginning of creation.  From the beginning God set aside the seventh day. 

So not only do I think the Resurrection of Christ happened on the Sabbath (the 7th day) but I also think it brought about a “transformation” of God’s people’s hearts; not a change of a date on the calendar.      

One commentary I read gave words like this as logic for Sunday Sabbath: 

In this light we can see the significance of the practice of the New Testament church in its meeting on the first day of the week, beginning with the disciples and Jesus (John 20:1,19,26) and continuing on in the life of the church (Acts 2:1, 20:7; 1 Corinthians 16:2). The first day of the week is observed as the continuing Sabbath because it is, by virtue of the Lord's rising on that day, "the Lord's Day."

I have already addressed my thoughts on the resurrection on Sunday theory being wrong.  Now I will examine the above scriptures quoted as logical reasons for Sunday worship:

(John 20:1)  Early on the FIRST DAY OF THE WEEK, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and saw that the stone had been removed from the entrance.
It is highly possible and probable that Jesus could have risen from the grave and left the tomb late on Saturday (the 7th day of the week) right before Mary rose early and went to the tomb on Sunday (the 1st day of the week).  Exactly what is the argument here for the resurrection being on Sunday?  The tomb could have been just as empty toward the end of the Sabbath as it was on Sunday morning.  It is simply not good logic to use this scripture as a reason for Sunday.

(Acts 2:1)  When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place.
The Resurrection and Pentecost were two separate occasions.  The Resurrection made Pentecost possible and both days are to be celebrated; but this isn’t comparing apples to apples.  It says nothing about the resurrection of Christ being on a Sunday.  It is saying that PENTECOST occured on a Sunday.  They are two different times and two different subjects, though.   It doesn’t seem logical to use this scripture reference as proof for a Sunday Sabbath either.

(Acts 20:7)  On the first day of the week we came together to break bread.  Paul spoke to the people and, because he intended to leave the next day, kept on talking until midnight.   This passage is neither about the resurrection nor Sunday or the Sabbath either.  It is simply naming the day of the week that they met with Paul while he was visiting in the area.  It doesn’t seem logical to use this scripture in reference to calling Sunday the Lord’s Day.

(1 Corinthians 16:2)  On the first day of every week, each one of you should set aside a sum of money in keeping with your income, saving it up, so that when I come no collections will not have to be made.  Some have suggested this verse was Paul telling the church who had started worshiping on Sunday to take an offering on that day.  I don’t think that is what it means at all.  I simply think Paul was reminding the people to start on the first day of their labor to set aside a portion of money for the offering all during the week.  By the Sabbath (the seventh day) they would have a weeks worth of money set aside and would not have to calculate it or go find it when he arrived.  It seems just that simple; and nothing about this suggests a logical way to say Sunday is the day of worship to me.

We all have our own opinions.  I have given you mine.  I hope and pray that I am right; but that should not matter to you.  Everyone should offer their time up to God and allow God to direct how it is spent.  Pray for God to reveal the truth of the Sabbath to you and follow exactly what God says to you.  Search the scriptures to these things even further.

This lesson has been the basic foundation for thoughts on keeping Sabbath according to God's commandments.  Next week we will dig deeper into this and expand these thoughts into two parts.  The next part will explore all the joy that comes to one who decides to follow God's specific instructions and set aside the seventh day to keep it holy.  This can truly change your life in an amazing and powerful way.

The Church is the Bride of Christ.  We should be found keeping Sabbath when He returns.  This is the very thing that God has put His seal upon for us to know to do.  Let us be found worthy; and let us be following this commandment straight from the passion of our hearts.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016


(Written by Sheila Gail Landgraf)
Thanksgiving doesn't have to be a hassle you know!  
It is about being thankful, not being frantic.  
Slow down and enjoy the season this year.  

Below are 15 simple tips that will make your time easier and less stressful:
.....Invite early.  People get committed and those that you want to invite will already be busy.

.....Buy dry goods at least two weeks ahead.

.....Buy frozen goods at least two weeks ahead, especially the turkey.  Things start disappearing and prices start going up closer to the holiday.

.....Make your menu out and have a detailed grocery list.  Buy the fresh produce and perishable items a few days before Thanksgiving.  Try to go shopping after nine in the evening, or during work hours and avoid the large crowds.  Tuesday mornings are the best.

.....Make things that will keep over the two weeks leading up to Thanksgiving, cookies, candies, cakes that can be frozen and iced the day of.

.....Have a day before just for baking.  Play music and have fun being creative, it helps you to get in the right mood for guest.

.....Remember a turkey usually takes about four days to thaw in the refrigerator.  Go ahead and cook your turkey the day before.  Slice and arrange in nice trays and put in the refrigerator.   Take out just before time to serve.

......You don’t have to make EVERYTHING from scratch.  Mixes are great these days and no one  will ever know the difference if you chose the right ones.

.....Have your casseroles all put together the day before and store in the refrigerator. 

.....Before you start to do the casseroles and salads spend a few hours just chopping vegetables and store them in the refrigerator in large plastic zip lock bags.  When you start to assemble everything, just take what you need.  It will save you a lot of time in the end.

.....Have your table set ahead of time.  Study the silverware and the napkins and make sure everything is sparkling clean and arranged attractively.

.....There are a lot of boiled eggs used in Thanksgiving dishes.  Have about a dozen pre-boiled when  you start to arrange your dressing and casseroles.  Remove the shells and store in plastic zip  lock bags. Have some of them already chopped in zip-lock bags.
.....If you're on a budget and want to add color to your table, check out the dollar store for
       decorations and even colorful plates and napkins.  You might be very surprised.

......You can download free music on the Internet that has thanksgiving themes.  Makes good background music.

.....Surround candles with pine cones and pecans from your own yard.  They will make a good center piece for your table without spending a penny.

.....Just a few little ideas.  You can do these things with ease.  Let everyone chip in and bring dishes that you coordinate so you don’t have to spend hours in the kitchen. 

Remember the reason for the holiday and just be thankful!  

No need to stress at all. 

Still too hard?  Okay....hop in the car and drive straight to Moms or Grandmothers!

Tuesday, November 1, 2016



(Writting and photography by Sheila Gail Landgraf)

Party Bread
Seven Layer Salad
Orange Congealed Salad
Turkey and Dressing
Warm Cranberries
Deviled Eggs
Sweet Potato Casserole
Squash Casserole
Green Bean Casserole
Pecan Cobbler
White Chocolate Cheesecake

Any turkey can put this menu together.  Simply go buy the groceries on the list provided below, read the recipes and get started cooking your feast!  Have a little glass of wine, turn on some music and make it a party as you prepare for your guests!


1 Round loaf sourdough bread (1 pound)
1 pound Monterrey Jack Cheese
½ cup butter, melted
½ cup chopped green onions
1/8 cup poppy seeds (optional)
Preheat oven to 350°. Cut bread width-wise into 1-in. slices to within 1/2 in. of bottom of loaf. Repeat cuts in opposite direction. Cut cheese into 1/4-in. slices; cut slices into small pieces. Place cheese inside cuts of bread.    In a small bowl, mix butter, green onions and poppy seeds; drizzle over bread. Wrap all in foil; place on a baking sheet. Bake 15 minutes. Unwrap; bake 10 more minutes or until cheese is melted. One loaf feeds 8 people.  If you have a crowd you might want to double or triple this.   

6 cups chopped romaine lettuce
4 cups chopped tomatoes
4 cups chopped cucumber
1 (16 ounce) pkg. frozen baby peas, thawed
1/2 cup sliced green onion
2 cups radishes
2 cups sour cream
1 cup mayonnaise
1/4 cup fresh lemon juice
2 teaspoons salt
1-1/2 cups shredded sharp cheddar cheese
6 slices bacon cooked crisp and crumbled
 In a large clear trifle dish layer lettuce, tomatoes, and cucumber.  In a medium bowl combine peas and green onion, and layer on top of cucumber.  Layer radishes over pea mixture.   In a medium bowl, combine sour cream, mayonnaise, lemon juice, and salt, stirring until smooth. Spread evenly over radish layer, sealing edges. Top with shredded cheese and bacon. Cover tightly with plastic wrap, and refrigerate for at least 8 hours or up to 24 hours. Let stand at room temperature for 15 minutes before serving cold.

1     (6-ounce) package orange flavored gelatin
1     (8-ounce) can crushed pineapple in heavy syrup
2 cups buttermilk
1     (8-ounce) container frozen nondairy whipped topping, thawed
¼ cup chopped pecans
Combine gelatin and pineapple with syrup in a large saucepan and bring to a boil; stirring to prevent sticking. Cool slightly and stir in buttermilk. Fold in whipped topping and pecans. Pour into mold (spray the mold lightly with vegetable spray)  Un-mold when completely congealed right before serving.  Fill center with whipped cream and garnish with fresh orange slice and a sprig of mint


 12 oz bag fresh cranberries
¾ cup orange juice
  cup brown sugar
  cup white sugar
Optional: 2 oz gold rum
 Place all the ingredients in a sauce pan and cook on medium-high for 15-20 minutes or until most of the liquid has reduced – stirring occasionally. You will hear the cranberries popping – don’t worry, that’s what you want them to do.  Remove from heat and serve. Cranberry sauce can be made ahead and brought to room temperature or slightly heated before serving.

10 boiled eggs 
4 oz. cream cheese
3 tbsp. sour cream
1 tsp. Dijon mustard
3 tbsp. onion, minced
1 tsp. fresh dill, minced (or more, to taste)
3 dashes Tabasco sauce
3 dashes Worcestershire sauce
2 tbsp. milk 
salt and pepper to taste
Your eggs will peel easier if you wait for the water to boil and lower them into the pan with a soup ladle.  Boil them for 10 minutes and the peeling will come right off.  Use a sharp knife and slice each boiled egg in half.  Use a teaspoon to carefully scoop out the hard yolk, and place the yolks in a small mixing bowl.  Put the white halves onto your deviled egg platter.  To your yolks, add the cream cheese, sour cream and all other ingredients. Use your hand mixer to beat them. Using a mixer makes the stuffing creamy -and it's a lot easier on your arms than smoothing out the yolks and ingredients using a wooden spoon.  Add salt and pepper to taste. (The mustard and Tabasco add a bit of bite, so add only a little salt at first, taste, then add more if necessary. It's easier putting salt in than it is taking it out.)  Add the milk in, a tablespoon at a time, until the mixture is smooth and creamy.  Pipe your yokes back into the egg halves using a plastic bag with the corner cut out for the tip.  Garnish however you like.

1-18 lb Whole Turkey (Neck and Giblets Removed)
1 Cup Kosher Salt
½ Cup Butter, melted
2 Large Onions, (peeled and chopped)
4 Carrots, peeled and chopped
4 stalks Celery, chopped
 2 sprigs fresh Thyme
 1 Bay Leaf
1 cup Dry White Wine
Remember to thaw your turkey several days ahead in the refrigerator.  It takes about one day to every four pounds of turkey to thaw.  Rub the completely thawed turkey, inside and out with the kosher salt.  Place the bird in a large stock pot and cover with cold water.  Place in refrigerator and allow the turkey to soak in the salt and water mixture 12 hours or overnight.  Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.  Thoroughly rinse the turkey and discard the brine mixture.  Remove the neck and giblets.  Brush the turkey with ½ the melted butter.  Place breast side down on a roasting rack in a shallow roasting pan.  Stuff the turkey cavity with 1 onion, ½ the carrots, ½ the celery, 1 sprig of thyme, and the bay leaf.  Scatter the remaining vegetables and thyme around the bottom of the roasting pan, and cover with the white wine.  Roast uncovered 3 ½ to 4 hours in the preheated oven, until the internal temperature of the thigh reaches 180 degrees F (85 degrees C).  Carefully turn the turkey breast side up about 2/3 through the roasting time, and brush with the remaining butter.  Continue cooking.  Allow the bird to stand about 30 minutes before carving.

3 tablespoons butter
3 tablespoons all-purpose flour
3 cups turkey or chicken stock
Poultry seasoning or dried ground sage (to taste)
Salt and pepper (to taste)
2 Boiled eggs (optional)
2 cups shredded turkey or chicken (optional)
Melt the butter in a sauce pan over medium heat and sprinkle in the flour.  Let bubble for 30 seconds then whisk in stock until smooth.  Bring to a simmer than add seasonings.  Cook 2 to 3 minutes until thick.  You may wish to add chopped eggs and/or shredded turkey bits to this when done (optional).

(Yields: 12-14 servings)

Ingredients For the dressing:
2 onions
3 stalks celery
8 tablespoons (1 stick) butter
1/2 tsp. salt
Egg Bread (recipe follows)
1 can cream of chicken soup
 32 oz. chicken broth or stock
 2 tsp. salt
 1 tsp. black pepper
 3/4 tsp. poultry seasoning
 3 eggs
 Additional bread crumbs, saltine crackers, leftover biscuits or stale bread
Ingredients For the egg bread:
  2 cups finely ground white cornmeal, sifted
  2 tsp. baking powder
  1 tsp. salt
  3 eggs
  2 cups buttermilk
  3 tbsp. cooking oil
The egg bread should be room temperature, so it’s easiest to make it the day before making the dressing.  Make the egg bread: Preheat the oven to 450 degrees. Sift together the cornmeal, baking powder and salt. Add buttermilk and eggs, alternately.    Pour the cooking oil into an iron skillet and place it into the hot oven. Let the batter rest while the skillet and oil are heating (about 5 minutes). Quickly pour the batter into the hot skillet and return immediately to the oven. Bake for 20-25 minutes. 
Instructions for making the dressing:
 Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F. Chop the onions and celery.  Melt the butter over medium heat in a large saute pan. Add the onions and celery cooking slowly until tender but without browning at all. Sprinkle with the 1/2 tsp. salt while cooking.   Meanwhile, crumble the egg bread into a large baking dish. Add the soup and broth and mix well using a potato masher to break up the egg bread to a fine texture.  Add the sautéed vegetables, salt, pepper and poultry seasoning. Taste and adjust for more salt or spices if needed.  Lightly beat the eggs and add to the dressing mixture. Your mixture should be fairly “soupy.” If you think it’s too thin, you can add some additional bread, crackers, etc. to thicken it. Be sure to crumble them well and incorporate them into the mixture. Bake for 35-45 minutes or until the dressing is golden brown on top and cooked throughout.

3 cups peeled, cooked, and mashed sweet potatoes or yams
1 cup sugar
1/3 cup butter, melted
2 large eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1/4 cup heavy cream, half-and-half, or whole milk
1 cup firmly packed brown sugar
1 cup walnuts, chopped
1/3 all-purpose flour
3 tablespoons butter, melted
Preheat oven to 325 degrees F.  Grease a 2-quart baking dish.
Mix together all ingredients except for toppings and cream.  Beat at medium speed with an electric mixer until smooth, but not soupy.  Add in cream.  Pour all into a prepared dish.  Mix topping ingredients together and set aside until baking is done.   Bake 25 to 30 minutes, sprinkle toppings over casserole while still hot.

1 lb. cooked summer Squash
½ stick Butter
1 T Sugar
½ cup Mayonnaise
½ cup chopped Onion
½ cup chopped Green Pepper
1 Egg
½ cup grated Cheddar Cheese
½ cup Pimento
1 can sliced Water Chestnuts
Fresh Bread Crumbs
Combine all ingredients and pour into a prepared casserole dish.  Sprinkle bread crumbs on top.  Bake for 30 minutes at 350 degrees F.

1 can (10-3/4 ounces) Campbell's Condensed Cream of Mushroom Soup
1/2 Cup Milk
1 teaspoon soy sauce
Dash ground black pepper
4 cups cooked cut green beans 
1-1/3 cups French's French Fried Onions 
Stir the soup, milk, soy sauce, black pepper, beans and 2/3 cup of the  French’s French Fried Onions together and pour into a 1-1/2 quart casserole.  Bake at 350 degrees F for 25 minutes or until the bean mixture is hot and bubbling.  Stir the bean mixture well.  Sprinkle top with the remaining French’s French Fried Onions.  Bake for five minutes more or until the fried onions on top are golden brown.

1 box Pillsbury refrigerated pie crust, softened as directed on box
2-1/2 cups light corn syrup
2-1/2 cups packed brown sugar
1/2 cup butter, melted
4-1/2 teaspoons vanilla
6 eggs, slightly beaten
3  cups coarsely chopped pecans
Butter-flavored cooking spray
cups pecan halves
Vanilla ice cream, if desired
Heat oven to 425°F.   Grease 13 x 9-inch (3-quart) glass baking dish with shortening or cooking spray. Remove 1 pie crust from pouch; unroll on work surface. Roll into 13 x 9-inch rectangle. Place crust in dish; trim edges to fit.  In large bowl, stir corn syrup, brown sugar, butter, vanilla and eggs with wire whisk. Stir in chopped pecans. Spoon half of filling into crust-lined dish. Remove second pie crust from pouch; unroll on work surface. Roll into 13 x 9-inch rectangle. Place crust over filling; trim edges to fit. Spray crust with butter-flavor cooking spray.  Bake 14 to 16 minutes or until browned.  Reduce oven temperature to 350 degrees F. Carefully spoon remaining filling over baked pastry; arrange pecan halves on top in decorative fashion. Bake 30 minutes longer or until set. Cool 20 minutes on cooling rack. Serve warm with vanilla ice cream.

Ingredients for CRUST:
2 cups crushed graham crackers
1 cup slivered almonds
1/2 cup white sugar
1/4 cup clarified butter, melted
2 tablespoons caramel topping
Ingredients for FILLING:
 1 pound white chocolate, chopped
4 (8 ounce) packages cream cheese, softened
3/4 cup white sugar
4 eggs, beaten
2 egg yolks
1 tablespoon all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Ingredients for TOPPING:
1/2 cup white sugar
1 teaspoon cornstarch
1/4 cup water
1 pint fresh blueberries
2 teaspoons lemon juice
Preheat oven to 275 degrees F (135 degrees C). Make the crust: In a food processor or with a hand held mixer, blend together the graham cracker crumbs, almonds and sugar until the almonds are ground fine. Pour in the melted butter and caramel while processing, until mixture is combined. Press the mixture onto the bottom, and half way up the side of a 10 inch springform pan.  Make the filling: In a metal bowl over a pan of barely simmering water, melt the white chocolate, stirring until smooth. Remove from heat and set aside. In a large bowl, beat the cream cheese and 3/4 cup sugar until smooth. Beat in the eggs and the egg yolks, one at a time. Beat in the flour and the vanilla and blend in the melted white chocolate slowly, beating until the filling is well combined. Pour filling into crust. Bake in the middle of preheated oven for 1 hour. Then turn off the heat, and crack the oven door an inch, letting the cheesecake cool in the oven to room temperature. The secret to keeping your cheesecake from cracking on top is to do this and let it sit for several hours before moving. Cover loosely and refrigerate overnight before removing from pan.  Make the topping: In a saucepan, combine 1/2 cup sugar and cornstarch.  Stir in water and blueberries. Bring to a boil, simmer for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Press through a fine sieve. Stir in lemon juice and allow to cool.  Store in a glass jar until you pour over top of cheesecake.


1 Round loaf sourdough bread (1 pound)

1 pound Monterrey Jack Cheese
1 pound shredded sharp cheddar cheese
2-4 pkgs. Butter
Sour Cream (2)
½ Gallon Buttermilk
2-8 oz. containers of Cool Whip Topping
Orange Juice
Eggs – 3 dozen
Cream Cheese (8 oz pkgs.) (8)
1 Heavy Whipping Cream
1 Half And Half
Pillsbury Frozen Pie Crust (1 box)

Green onions (2 bunches)
White Onions (1 large bag)
Romaine lettuce
Fresh Cranberries
Bag of Carrots
Bag of Celery
Sweet Potatoes
1 lb. Squash
4 Green Peppers


1 package frozen baby peas
1 large package of cut green beans

Lemon juice
Dijon Mustard
Tabasco sauce
Worcestershire sauce
Dry White Wine (1 bottle)
2 jars pimentos
Soy Sauce

1 jar caramel topping

8 ounce can crushed pineapple
3 Cans Cream of Chicken Soup
3-32 oz. chicken broth/stock
2 cans sliced water chestnuts
3 cans cream of mushroom soup

6 ounce pkg. orange flavored gelatin

1 box Graham Crackers


1 lb. White Chocolate

Chopped Pecans
Coarsely Chopped Pecans (for cobbler topping)
Pecan halves
Chopped Walnuts

Slivered Almonds

2 boxes brown sugar
1 large sack white sugar
Finely ground white cornmeal
Baking Powder
Cooking Oil
Vanilla Extract
All Purpose Flour
Bread Crumbs
French’s French Fried Onions
Light Corn Syrup
Butter flavored cooking spray


Fresh Dill
Kosher Salt
Fresh Thyme
Bay Leaf
Poultry Seasonings
Ground Cinnamon
Ground Nutmeg

Bacon (2 PKS)
1 Large Turkey

Things to Ponder:

If you are on a tight budget, skip one of the deserts and one of the salads. Consider using Turkey Breast instead of cooking the whole turkey. If you have waited to late to thaw a turkey, buy a few hens and cook them and incorporate your chicken into your dressing (or on top of it.)  No one will ever be the wiser!   That will cut down the grocery bill quite a bit.  You could also use regular rolls instead of the Party Bread and save that way too.  Whether you use all the menu items or not; everything will be wonderful and taste good, especially if you have made your table festive and made your home say "welcome in."  Fresh flowers and candlelight go a long way here when added on top of a clean and orderly home.  

Now that your planning is cut down quite a bit, you have more time to reflect on all the things you are thankful for this year!  I'm sure they will cross your mind and come to you as you are preparing this delicious meal for your family and friends.