Wednesday, June 10, 2015


(Writing and Photography by Sheila Gail Landgraf)

Mt. Laurel is a lovely place, even if you aren’t there on Market Day, but Market Day is very special. 

The day I was there it felt like God had put up His bluest sky just for me!  It seemed He had intensified the landscape with bright blazing colors. The delicious scents of fresh cut flowers and the heavenly aroma of the amazing foods being sold at the market were so inviting. 

The moment I drove into the community, I felt completely surrounded by beauty.  This new urban-type community conforms to the land, and serves it’s inhabitants well by keeping everything needed for a rich daily life within walking distance of their homes.  There are beautiful churches, a school, shops, restaurants, a library, a grocery store and a hardware store, as well as other business establishments.  The architecture was lovely, quaint and well planned. 

Each front door of the homes seemed to say "Welcome!  Come visit me today."  I passed rocking chairs on porches that whispered, “Come sit a spell.”  There were comfortable benches scattered in shaded nooks.  I resisted the temptation to stop at a few of the open houses, just to peek into their lovely rooms, and to wonder through the streets and step inside the very interesting and unusual shops and restaurants.  Every little area looked like a place where I would enjoy sitting down with coffee and a good book.   

I had no time for that today though, after all, I was here for the out-door market which is held every Saturday starting in the spring and lasts through the summer.  The day can get away before you know it, and those marketers like to start early in the cool morning air.  I’m told that most of what is sold here is grown on the property locally and organically.  The growers host various educational classes to teach people the science of maintaining and growing your own food and eating and living nutritionally.   I didn’t need anyone to teach me that I had stumbled upon a good thing. 

Who could resist the smell of freshly baked bread?
I certainly could not pass it by.  The samples get you every time too, especially when they have all those jars of fresh jam and honey to add to the already perfect backed goods.

If you can "can" it, you can find it here.  Amazing how many flavors, just waiting to be tasted.

Veggies and flowers make a perfect combination on any table.  Forget planning out the tablescapes, this is a natural tablescape; designed by the greatest of all designers.

Just look at the beautiful sunflowers!  You know, I'm sure I passed the field they came from on the way in.

Do you have a little girl in need of a dance costume?  You've come to the right place.

Or maybe she only needs a hair bow.  You can find it here.  There is even a tea party going on for Moms and daughters around the corner after the market.   
Maybe you would like some cheerful glassware for your spring table.  Aren't these wonderful?

If you don't want to prepare your own veggies for cooking, someone here has done it for you!

This is truly a fruitful place.  The peaches were to die for

Soon my tummy and my shopping bag were full of fresh foods and crafts for the home.

I passed the people walking their dogs and the moms pushing their babies in strollers and made my way back to my car.  A beautiful window box caught my eyes as I was leaving.  It looked "just perfect."  It said in flowers how I felt about this beautiful day.  I gave thanks to God for the experience and headed for home to try some of the goodies I had found.


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