Saturday, April 25, 2015


(Written By Sheila Gail Landgraf)

Note:  Passover is behind us now.  Both of the much talked about blood moons of Passover have already happened.  There is one more blood moon in this famous and well published tetrad, and it occurs next on The Feast of Tabernacles in October.  So many have been using God's signs to create fear and anxiety over the land.  I only see the signs in the sky as a communication from heaven saying "I am watching and this is part of the warning I will give you.  Seek MY wisdom and live MY way.'  I do not claim to be a prophet.  Below is an expanded version of this thought pattern, giving my own personal thoughts on Passover and  the blood moons that we have already been through as well as the one that is left.  I will probably write an article related to The Feast of Tabernacles when the last blood moon draws nearer.  I am reminded of those wise men who saw the star just before the first coming of Jesus.  Everything that happens in the sky is just a reminder that Yeshua is coming again.  Are you ready?  

America, this is a time and a season for you!  

Look up - the skies will tell you a story!

We have just passed through the season of Passover.  Do you think it strange that I say that Passover this year and last year was a time for America, the land so full of protestant, non-Jewish Christians?  It might sound strange to you because the culture we live in has hidden the truth very well; but the average person in America should  actually find it very easy to identify with God's people from the days of Pharaoh.

That first great Passover was celebrated in Egypt, and the Israelites were living as hopeless slaves.  God said to them:  “I will pass through Egypt and strike down every firstborn.“   God said:  “The blood will be a sign for you on the houses where you are; and when I see the blood, I will pass over you.”  The blood on the doorpost was a sign over a nation.  It was a sign that saved the Israelites and led them out from their misery and slavery.
This Passover, so many many years later, most of the households that make up America were also held under some type or form of bondage.  It may not be apparent immediately that in most families today a person has to work so hard to survive and pay his way that he feels like it is a type of slavery.  There is no other life outside of work for many here in America today.  We have very high standards, and we pay for them.  There are hardly any mothers or children that can afford the luxury of staying home instead of working or going to day care while their Mother works.  There are hardly any men who can keep up with the high standards of our culture without working two and sometimes three jobs.  There is no relief from the tax burden of  a government that no longer cares about the average, every day person.  We no longer work to live, but we live to work.  This is the opposite of how God intended for things to be.  Most Americans, though they look very blessed are deeply in debt and only a few days short of the debtor's prisons that seem to be regaining popularity with our so-called leaders.  The Sabbaths have been pushed aside to glorify the mighty dollar that is demanded every way we turn.  If you don't believe this, just do an interesting eye-0pening experiment.  Jot down how much money you spend from sun rise to sunset today.  You might be shocked at what it cost to merely "survive" here in the land of the free that isn't so very free any more.  It is so bad that retail establishments feel they have to be open 24/7 in order to turn a profit.  Many people would rather take their Sabbaths, but they feel forced and pressured and trapped into working that extra day to survive.  

The stress of all of this has created some very common problems that should be very solvable, but people no longer seem to know the answers.  They have become hopeless and only cover up with whatever addiction they find works for them to give some type of distraction that only brings temporary relief.  It may be that a person has become a drug addict or an alcoholic or maybe they find themselves in bondage to some other type of common addictions so prevalent in this land.  It may be immorality that is holding some captive - a dark place that they cannot escape or leave.  They need help from outside themselves.  That box in our living room that we listen to every night for hours on end doesn't have the right answers!

It may be that others find themselves in an unending struggle through the circumstances of poverty, always striving to leave the state but never quite making it from one struggle to the next.  They feel as if they have been caught in a trap, every way they turn, they lose.  There is always something else to overcome.  

There never seems to be light at the end of the tunnel for a nation growing more hopeless and helpless each day with the hours of the clock that keep ticking down.  

Maybe a person is held in bondage by some fatal disease, lying in a hospital bed without proper treatment because they could not afford to go into debt for proper medical care, or even in a place where there is the proper care but no one seems to care if they get it or if they lay dying; they are just holding on to what is left of their last few breaths of life.   They lay there lonely and forgotten by the world full of people intent on their own pleasures.  

These are only a few of the many examples I could give.  Many in America are not free at all.  Freedom is only an illusion that we cannot maintain for any amount of time.  We are a lot like those who lived in the hopeless community that slaved for Pharaoh in Egypt to build expensive buildings and elaborate dwellings for the rich and prosperous of an elite group of people who did not care for them and would not help them.  They only existed to feed the needs of the greedy.

I have good news!  There is a Passover!   It happened back then, and it happens here in America every year.  Our future is never hopeless because it too contains a Passover.

The Egyptian term for Passover means “to spread the wings over something and protect it.”  Jesus once gave a picture of this speaking of Jerusalem.  He spoke of a mother hen gathering her chicks under her.  The Great God of Heaven who gave us Passover still stands guard over His people.  Do not be deceived into thinking this is only one tiny little nation.  God's people today are those who believe in Him and are committed to His Kingdom.  They live in all corners of the earth.  God watches over the houses all across every continent that have the blood of Christ sprinkled over the doors of the hearts and souls of the inhabitants inside. He knows where we live.  He found the slaves in Egypt and brought deliverance, and He will find us.  He knows where to find His people, even in times when they cannot find each other.  He found Noah in the days that the world was completely evil, and He gave a warning for 120 years before He acted to destroy the evil.   This same God has even put a  blood moon in the sky on the evening of  two consecutive Passovers for a sign like the rainbow that was given to Noah, as if to say, "I'm still here, I'm still watching, I'm still God - Don't be afraid."  The death angel could at any time be passing through the land, but even the ignorant people of God who haven’t studied enough to observe the Feast of Passover instructions in God's instruction book have received God’s mercy and protection because this year and last year there was a merciful blood moon hanging over the land.    

This amazing blood moon hung in the sky over our land as if to say, "I know you haven’t listened.  I know you have not heeded My words, I will not strive with you forever, but I have seen your bondage and I am merciful and I am forgiving, and right now I am still protecting you."  Like in the days of Noah I am sending out the message by signs in the sky in order to say you still have time to repent! 

I believe that God gave the blood moon to shine over America in answer to the cries of His people who have prayed long and earnestly about their frustrations with our leaders in the land.  Many frustrated godly people have cried out to God and asked for His intervention for our nation and the nation of Israel.  The sky messages are God saying, "I have listened and I have heard.  I will have mercy on you and protect you for a while longer."  

Numerous pastors have picked up on the message that a God in Heaven is sending a sign and signal with the blood moons, four of which will occur consecutively over four of the festival days that God long ago gave to the people of Israel to observe forever.  Two of these blood moons have already occurred on the very nights of two consecutive Passovers.  Everyone knows God is saying something with these moons and they are all trying to guess what it is.  Many are giving warnings and grave prophecies, but all anyone has to do is to go back and study the meaning of the days in which the moons occur.   I am no prophet, but even I can discern that.

Two of the blood moons occur on Passover.  Passover means that if you have the blood of the lamb over the door-post to your heart you will be safe during the tribulation.  God does nothing that he does not warn the faithful first.  He is saying to us – take comfort and do not be afraid!  I sent the blood moons to cover you in your ignorance, just as I sent my Son to die for you in your sins.  I love you and you can trust Me to protect you and take care of you as long as you are covered with the blood of Yeshua.  For now, until you look up and remember for the next two years – I am showing you mercy and waiting on you to turn back to the ways I have taught you from the days of old. How many will heed this?  How many will get it?

Look up America and observe the blood moons sent by God to remind you that He is still there.  

He is still watching.  

It still matters that you have that blood sacrifice applied to cover your sins.

The blood moons speak of His mercy, just as the blood on the doorposts spoke of His mercy back at the first Passover.  

Wake up America and turn your face back to God.  He has given sure and certain commandments.  Have you decided that He threw out several of them just because American did not want to accept them?  Not so.  They are still commandments and Yeshua has told us not a jot or tittle will ever change.  God has spoken, have we listened?  

His mercy is long and He has been very patient with us – turn around and give Him your hearts again.  He will bring you out from the bondage of the terrible leadership that you have been under.  He will take you to a place where He will feed you and guide you.  He will show you the promised land again; just look up and see His signs in the sky and KNOW that He is the God of Passover – forever.  Know that the promise of your redemption draweth neigh!  He will defend you in the times of troubles like a mother hen defending her chicks.  Has He not said this?  The giver of the blood moons will protect His own. 

People of God, now is the time to bring forth your faith.  Passover requires faith and total obedience.  Had the Israelites merely hidden behind the doorposts covered with the blood of the lamb without faith in the deliverance of God they would not have been redeemed.  Faith and obedience go hand in hand and both are necessary.  These two things will get our country back on track.  Faith and obedience to God will bring us back to the promised land that we remember as if it were a dream, but we must chose to obey God’s word – all of it.  We must put our faith to action. 

Just as the ancient people taught us how to walk through Passover, we too
have a part to play in the lives of the generations to come.  We will be the shadow for them just as our ancestors were the shadow for us.   Our actions now will be a shadow of the things to come for their future.  What we do now matters.  It is crucial.  It is important.  Let’s give them truth and life and hope.  Let’s teach them about Passover.  Let’s show them redemption in its truest form.  Let’s show them faith and obedience.  Let’s teach them the word of God (all of it) and how to follow it.  Let our lives be living sacrifices dedicated to more than just our nationality, let us dedicate our lives and our nation to a Kingdom that cannot be seen with eyes, and The King of that Kingdom will save us from ourselves.  He will bring our nation out.  Let us keep our eyes on The Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.