Thursday, July 30, 2015


(Written by Sheila Gail Landgraf)


Well there they were, Jacob and Leah and Rachel; starting a marriage together.


Does that sound a bit weird to you?  It should!  This wasn’t the way it was supposed to be.  God does give us free will, but sometimes our own free will can lead us into paths that are not so perfect.  God allows this.  He lets our hearts decide how to love.  Even when the odds are stacked against us and we are tricked into certain circumstances, still our hearts have choices.  Our choices prove out our lives.   

It was obvious that Jacob loved Rachel and not Leah.  Something tells me this home wasn’t the most peaceful home on earth!  No matter how Jacob turned one of his wives was going to have her feelings hurt.

In a way, this was Jacob’s fault.  He had been tricked into the marriage for sure; but he could have accepted what he knew of God as true after he found out he had been deceived.  It would have been a sad, hard decision, but he could have made the choice to live with Leah only and not be in a relationship with two sisters.  He knew this type of arrangement was never God’s plan.  Jacob KNEW God wanted every man to have only one wife; despite the cultural customs.   The patriarchs all carried God and His ways in their hearts, even before the Ten Commandments were given to Moses and made official to the rest of the world.  Jacob KNEW this type of relationship would have normally displeased God, yet he was in a strange situation.   Was there any right and true answer for doing the right thing?

He also KNEW he had promised himself to Rachel, and that was what he finally based his reactions on; that mixed with the fact that he wanted what he wanted and would have what he would have.  Jacob had always been this way.  That part of him had not changed even in all of the years of trials and test and troubles while working for Laban. 

Even though he had been tricked into marrying Leah, Jacob could have accepted it as “done” and followed what he knew to be God’s will for a man to have only one wife.  He could have chosen to not marry Rachel.  If that had happened, nothing about Jacob’s marriage would have been wrong; but that wasn’t what happened, and instead of seeing God’s power and might when His will is perfectly carried out in ALL situations; we get a glimpse of how graceful and merciful God can be to those He loves when this doesn’t happen and humans act in a human way.  God did not leave Jacob in all of this.  God still loved and blessed Jacob. God kept His promises to Jacob.   As a matter of fact,  God was right there for all three of them, Jacob, Leah and Rachel.

After such a great deception on his wedding night with Leah, and knowing and understanding that she willingly participated without telling him a word of the truth; Jacob didn’t much care how Leah felt about anything.  The Hebrew translations say Jacob “hated” her.  The word is used so strongly that it brings violence and abuse to mind.  Do you see this pattern that led to hate?  Jacob deceived Esau.  Esau hated Jacob.  Leah deceived Jacob.  Jacob hated Leah.   Laban deceived everyone and everyone detested Laban.  It seems that deception and lies lead to hate. 
What goes around comes around. 

When the wedding week of Jacob and Leah was over everyone was thinking “poor Rachel.” 

Now that both marriages had happened and Jacob loved Rachel more; the table turns and one begins to think, poor Leah! 

What man in her life had ever loved her?  Leah had been used by her father and brother for gain and forced into a marriage that would forever make her hated in her sister’s eyes as well as her husband’s eyes.  There was no chance of Jacob loving her under these circumstances.  She would spend the rest of her life just being tolerated, hated and ignored.  What wife wants that in her marriage?

Nobody was ecstatically happy here! 

Poor Leah though had to endure lasting hardship.  Her hopes of things getting better in life were probably non-existent at this point. 

When the LORD saw that Leah was not loved, he enabled her to conceive, but Rachel remained childless.  

What strange words!  Can you imagine what Leah must have felt like to not be loved by her own new husband?  He had not chosen her.  He did not love her.  Her own father had made her deceive him.  How could a girl's father be so callous, so cold, and unloving?  Leah's father and brother had dreamed up the whole scheme, thinking only of themselves, never giving her feelings a second thought.  Now she must spend the rest of her life married to a man who didn't want her, who only had eyes for her sister.

I wonder how many Leah's are out there still?  How many women are feeling unloved by a father, husband, brother or son?  These countless women who live out their lives feeling unloved, unwanted and unnoticed; like someone whose existence does not matter at all.  How many women have to deal with the pain and the shame of unrealized expectations in life and keep going as if everything was okay?

But then God looks down into the broken hearts of such women, just as He looked down and saw Leah living out a hopeless life.  God will teach these women their worth.  He will show them who they are, who He created them to be.  Ladies, if you are having trouble with your man, the best help you will ever receive will come from God.  He knows the answers, just ask Him!  Never doubt this.  Just ask Leah!  She will tell you how many years can be wasted if you let them be so.

One of the greatest tests of love is to wait.  Jacob loved Rachel so much that he was willing to wait for her for seven years.  It wound up being seven years and one week and seven more years of work for him to have her.  Even after the great deception took place; he was willing to work seven more years for her!  Jacob’s love was willing to wait for Rachel.

 Now it was Leah’s turn for waiting.  Some believe that she had been in love with Jacob all along and that was why she had been willing to go along with the trickery of Laban.  It wasn’t a good workable plan though.  Tricking someone into marriage is never a good idea!  The consequences of deception are usually painful and distressing.  In spite of the horrible start of their marriage and the awful way that Jacob treated her, Leah probably still thought she was in love with Jacob.  She never said one word about leaving.  She wanted the marriage still.  She was willing to wait.  She thought eventually her love for him would shine through and capture his heart.  So a lot of Leah’s life was simply spent in waiting for her husband to change his mind and love her

As she was waiting patiently, God looked down and saw Leah’s broken heart.  He saw her lack of revenge in these circumstances.  He noticed her shame for her own actions and her shame for the rejection she was feeling both from her husband and her sister.    He saw that she had not reacted in a jealous way toward Rachel.  He saw how she sat patiently waiting as night after night Jacob courted Rachel and loved Rachel more and more. 

God knew the love of a child would bring comfort to Leah.  God began to bless her with sons from Jacob.   

 In these real life circumstances Rachel’s true character that had been veiled and hidden from Jacob’s eyes because of her great beauty became more prominent, apparent and open.  The ugly green-eyed monster called jealousy reared it’s head from the deep of Rachel’s heart.   She was so jealous of Leah bearing Jacob children that she said to him “Give me children, or else I die!” 

This one fact just shows us how much alike Jacob and Rachel really were.  They BOTH were self centered.  They BOTH would rather have their own way and if that could not happen they would chose to die rather than to live without their own way.  They both were stubborn and relentless when they wanted something. 

When Jacob saw that Rachel was becoming selfish, discontented, envious and demanding, he lost his temper and became angry with her.  Self-serving people are often quick to overlook the trait in their own hearts and point it out in others.  Jacob said to Rachel;  “Am I in the place of God, who has withheld from you the fruit of the womb?”

Let’s not leave this part of the story without discussing what happens when a person becomes discontent.  Discontentment is one of those sins that just sneaks up on you in the process of life.  You hardly ever notice it.  Discontentment doesn’t knock on the door and make an announcement of its presence or give you fair warning that it is about to approach and turn your joy to sorrow.  It enters quietly without warning and slinks in uninvited.  It causes chaos, confusion and disaster. 

Never, ever let discontentment open the door to your marriage or your personal relationships.  It is a sin that has the ability to destroy everything if left alone to function and grow.  Heed the word of God and find contentment with the circumstances in which He has placed you. 

Discontentment brings curses and trouble.  Contentment brings blessings and joy.  Try to stay on the joy side whenever possible!  Learn like the Apostle Paul to be content in whatever circumstances you find yourself living.  Oh that Rachel had heeded these words!

Rachel in her sin of discontent gave her handmaid Bilhah to Jacob in order that she and Jacob might have sons by her.  

Here we go again. 

 The miracle of conception always and only lies exclusively within the power of God.  Men should never tamper with this. 

Remember how Abraham and Sarah had to learn this the hard way?  

Well guess what.......................history always seems to repeat itself. 

Tuesday, July 28, 2015


(Writing and photography by Sheila Gail Landgraf)

I've been going to the craft festivals at Homestead Hollow for years.  They started up when I was just out of high school and now I'm a grandmother!  I've never known a local community event to have such substance or last so long.  I've pondered why this is so; perhaps the quality of the wares the craftsmen have been selling here for years, perhaps the beauty of the recreated little pioneer town, perhaps the delicious food or simply the feeling that you have stepped into a time machine and gone back a few centuries.   All I can tell you is it is a special place and I enjoy it more each time I go. 

My daughters seem to share in this love for Homestead Hollow events.  I took them there when they were growing up, and now they call me up and invite me to go with them!  One daughter took me there as a present for Mother's Day about four years ago (remembering what fun she had enjoyed there while growing up) and she treated me to the delicious homemade food and some of the handmade jewelry.  We had a blast!   Not to be outdone, her twin took me for Mother's Day the next year!  We had so much fun, especially since we decided to take my Mother along with us, which along with my new granddaughter, gave us four generations of our family enjoying Homestead Hollow's treats in one day.  Homestead Hollow is a great place for your family to make memories.  Be sure to put their events down on your list of things to do this year.  There are festivals scheduled every May, October and November.

The next event will be in October of 2015.  You have plenty of time to fit it into your schedule if you write it on the calendar now.  Gates are open from 9 a.m. till 5 p.m.  Why not arrive early and get your Christmas shopping done?  You will be amazed at the crafts on display.

You can also rent the area when the festival is closed for weddings and special events.  It is a great venue to enjoy!

There is a lovely, quaint, down-home beauty about this open air crafter's market.  Maybe it is the history associated with it all that fascinates me, or maybe it is the unique crafts that are displayed, or maybe it is a combination of a million sounds, smells and visions that come alive in this little dot on the map called Springville,  Alabama, but I love this festival held in the small town valley nicknamed "the hollow."

Admission is $7 for adults, $3 for those under 12 and those under 2 get in free.  Parking is free.  Expect to be delighted!  Every pioneer demonstration imaginable will be taking place. 

There will be whiskey making, quilting, gardening, blacksmithing, iron-working and carving in the pioneer village.  You can take a tour of an authentic log cabin and see how people lived in this valley years and years ago.  I especially enjoyed the doll making and the spinning.

You will find local bands and entertainment all along the banks of the winding little brook that runs through the lovely wooded land.  You might want to take the buggy ride offered, it is lots of fun. 

There are pony rides, a moonwalk and a petting zoo for the kids.  Even the grown up kids will enjoy the sweet little lambs in the petting zoo!  Use the setting as a live history lesson and they won't even notice that they are learning.  Teach them how honey is made by showing them the bee farm.  Teach them about how medicine was first made at the root cellar.

Don't waste a minute worrying about getting hungry.  No problem here.  The General Store is open with it's fried pies and homemade jellies and jams.  The peach fried pies are my favorite!  There are sandwiches, including smoked BBQ and corn on the cob.  How about a candied apple?  Or maybe some homemade fudge?  Why not taste some of the freshly churned homemade ice cream?  Whatever you are craving, you will more than likely find it on your journey through this hollow.

Can't make it in October?  It happens all over again in November!

Y'all come!

Thursday, July 23, 2015


(Written by Sheila Gail Landgraf)

In the next season of Jacob’s life, he comes to some very hard circumstances.  Sometimes our hard circumstances are not our own fault.  Often they are set into motion by the actions of others and we are simply caught in the middle.  It is our reaction that makes all the difference.  This is exactly what happened to Jacob.   His  own actions  had caused him to flee to his mother’s relatives in the first place, but; it was the actions of Laban that caused him to stay so long.

There are people who come along in history who seem to have been put there simply to cause chaos, confusion and trouble.  Laban was one of those people who by way of his family had been strategically placed in a position of power that he had not acquired from his own efforts.  He had earned nothing.  Everything was simply given to him.  As a child, being the only son, he was probably a spoiled brat!   He came into this comfortable place without logic or reason because he was simply born in the right place at the right time.  This was the man who was allowed to control the destiny of Leah and Rachel; his two beautiful and gifted sisters.   

Laban simply had all the family connections.  He was Rachel and Leah’s brother. He was the son of Bethuel, who was born of Nahor, who was Abraham’s oldest brother.   He was  Abraham’s great nephew, Isaac’s cousin and brother-in-law and Jacob’s cousin.  Jacob had to deal with Laban and it was Laban who caused all the troubles to happen.

Laban was a very busy and industrious man as he lived out his days in the land we now know as modern day Iraq/Syria/Turkey between the two rivers called the Tigress and Euphrates. Laban was ALWAYS plotting.  He was ALWAYS scheming.  He looked for every opportunity.  He was constantly asking himself; ” how can I get something from nothing?”  With Laban, money and possessions were the key to everything.  He could never get enough.  

 Not only was Laban materialistic and greedy; he was also evil and pagan.   Some of the pagan practices of Laban had to do with the culture that he grew up in.  This place where Laban lived was his inherited home.  He had inherited it from Abraham's family of origin.  Abraham had stepped out in faith and journeyed from Ur, then the whole family had come to the place Laban now called home.  God had brought Abraham to this area for awhile but God had commanded Abraham to move on.  Many of Abraham’s relatives had been traveling with him until he arrived in this particular part of the earth where they then decided to quit traveling with Abraham and stayed in the area.

 These relatives of Abraham had chosen to live in a land that knew nothing of The One True God.  Laban, living in this same pagan place, had spent years and years of his life surrounded by idolatry.  He showed an outward appearance of worshiping Jacob’s God from time to time, but it was not true.  He also worshiped other gods.  He thought nothing of it.  This practice of idolatry in the land had been a detestable thing to Abraham, however; and even if it meant departing from his family of origin, Abraham and Sarah had chosen to move on.  They had left their relatives and moved to the next place that God commanded them to live. 

Laban is known in Midrashic literature as Laban HaRamai.  It means “Laban the Deceiver.”   He truly lived up to his name!  Though Jacob himself had previously been guilty of the evil sin of deception, this time it was Laban, not Jacob, who was to blame.  

As we follow the scriptures through the formation of The Great Family  we will discuss later in more detail a story concerning a wall that was erected by Laban and Jacob at another time when they were agreeing to a truce.   I only vaguely bring this up now because it is interesting to note that according to the Midrash; Balaam the Aramite prophet in this later story  was summoned by the Moabite King Balak to curse the Children of Israel on the eve of their entry into the Holy Land.  This person we hear called Balaam the Aramite prophet is the very same Laban living under a different identity.  It is simply another time of deception for Laban.  Of course this all happened years and years later than our story today, and it remains another story of its own.  However, our bibles, in telling of Balaam and Balak and the Children of Israel do not point this out, perhaps to keep the story simple and easy to follow.  I wish to point it out here simply so you can better see the continuous pattern of deception in the life of Laban, even after Jacob. 

It is also explained that the wall (or pillar) against which Balaam’s ass crushed the prophet’s leg in this later story (Numbers 22:25) is the very pillar erected by Laban and Jacob on Mount Gilead.   According to this story written in the Midrash; Laban/Balaam was more than 400 years old when he was finally killed in Israel’s war with Midian.  It would seem from reading these much later facts that Laban never repented from his deceptive ways and never changed in the eyes of God.

The whole point in giving you those pieces of history so early is to clarify just how very deceptive Laban was.  This man carried deception to an art form.  He was the expert!  Jacob had met his match in the area of deception when he came to know Laban. 

Reading between the lines we can easily determine that Laban was evil.  He worshiped idols and had a house full of them.  He had inherited them from Abraham’s father who was an idol worshiper that had actually sold idols for a living before converting to worship The One True God he learned about from his son Abraham.  That was not the case with Laban.  Laban had not converted at all.

So we see this pagan idol worshiper who is greedy and evil inviting Jacob to come into his home and calling him flesh and blood.  He quickly realizes that Jacob has fallen for Rachel.  Jacob is so distracted and carried away with his love for Rachel that he isn’t paying attention to much of anything else.  He fails to see the horrible character of Laban and he falls for every trap that Laban lays in his path.

Many Christians today are very much like Jacob in this story.  If we are distracted and not watching carefully with discernment for those things the devil plants in the minds of evil people; we too will fall into a trap that is hard to escape.  This “trap” is a place that is full of illusions.    God does not want us basing our lives around falsehood and illusion.  We must pray for discernment!

Laban, the king of deceptions;  is a perfect picture and shadow of the false religion and idolatry Jesus describes to his followers in the Olivet discourse of Matthew 24:4. 

Jesus warns:  “Watch out that no one deceives you.”  It seems that when end-times are near the Bride of Christ, His true church, will go through the same types of times that the original Children of God have been through; only in slightly different ways.  The main difference will be that they went through these things in ancient days and cultures.  God followers in the modern world will see these things come to pass in modern ways and in the ways of modern cultures. The old is just a shadow of the new.  God gave us patterns to observe and meditate upon.  The answers are the same, whether you are living in the ancient world or living in today’s modern world.  God’s answers are timeless and they never change. 

 If you are not watching and waiting for the return of Christ, you will miss some of these very obvious messages that God gave us in the lives of his ancient people.  That is why it is so important that we see Laban for who he really was.  Through Laban God is showing us what deception is.  Most deceptions happen right before our very eyes, but we do not notice.  That was what happened to Jacob on his wedding night.  That is what is going on inside some of our churches today. 

With the ancient shadows of the stories of Laban and Jacob, we can see a picture of the deception that will cover the earth in the last days.

 Christians wake up!  Be alert!  Do not be deceived!  Do NOT give your devotion to the wrong bride!!!!!

The seven years were up and Jacob went to Laban to claim Rachel as his wife. 

Laban “forgot” to tell Jacob something very important.  It seemed that it was not customary to marry off a younger daughter before the older daughter was married.  How could Laban have forgotten to mention this at the beginning of their agreement?  Why had it taken him seven years to bring this up?

Here I bring another word of caution for modern-day Christians.  Watch out for extreme Zionist, beware of deceptions.  God loves Israel and will always bless Israel.  Jerusalem is a mirror image of a heavenly place, but there are enemies who wish to deceive us in the same way that the Pharisees deceived the ancient people.  Jesus spoke loudly against such people.  Some of our modern leaders are false and deceptive like Laban.  Never follow them blindly.  The rebuilding of the next physical temple is only a trick to deceive you.  The new temple that Jesus Christ has built is your physical body.  God lives inside you and you carry Him wherever you go and whatever you do.  God has sent His Holy Spirit into the world and He can no longer be contained in a building designed and built by men.  It didn’t work the first two times, and it will not work the third time.  If you have become one of these modern-day Pharisees, please look inside your white-washed sepulchers and cleanse your souls.   I love Hebraic things and the ancestors of Abraham more than anyone. What a blessing Israel has been to those of us who follow Christ and know God through Him.   Just be sure when you listen to them and follow them that they are listening to God and not to Satan. The deceivers are out there and they are many.  Jesus told us “even the elect may be deceived.” 

There is salvation and restoration for Israel, but it will come in the form of the saving grace of Jesus Christ.  He is the way, the truth and the light.  He is the ONLY door to heaven.  The next Holy Temple is a heavenly one that comes down from heaven to Jerusalem.  There will be seven years of tribulation on this earth; then Christ will return for his bride!  

Decide right now to be a TRUE over-comer.  Do not fall for falsehoods that will be rampant in these times.  Stay focused on the REAL Bride, not the false one.  Beware of false leaders and false prophets that say “go here” and “go there.”  Know that they are experts at illusion.  Keep your eyes planted firmly on the face of Jesus, your faithful Bridegroom.  It is by His blood that you will be able to overcome the world.

Laban decided to trick the trickster (Jacob) and have him marry Leah instead of Rachel.  He convinced Rachel’s father to go along with this because of the custom.  Many a man has fallen into the trap of tradition.  Just because something is customary and people have traditionally done it for years and years; that does not mean it is right!  

For many profitable reasons of their own, Laban and Rachel's father did not tell Jacob about this custom!

Laban prepared a huge feast and invited everyone to come.  Jacob thought he was marrying Rachel.  It was customary in those days for wedding celebrations to last a whole week.  A special place was prepared for the bride and the groom to spend their honeymoon in the midst of the celebration. 

The haunting question that comes to mind in this part of the story is the question that seems to remain hidden from our eyes and it is not spelled out or explained in the words of the scriptures.  Where was Rachel during this time?  Did she not cry out to Jacob?  What did she know and what did she NOT know?  Did she let this deception go on?  Did she play along with it?  Was she also deceived in some way so that she could not speak out? What was going on with her?  Did she grasp the fact that she was being manipulated?  

Does the church grasp the same fact?  Are we too blind to see?  God forbid that we let ourselves be married to the wrong bride groom!  Sometimes everything looks right, but is all wrong.  Satan loves to hide in the pews of our churches.   Church is the easiest place of all for Satan to do his work. He loves to spin his fascinating stories and steal us away with false tales.  He knows we are lazy and that we sit back and relax while we are fed junk food instead of meat.   Please do not let this happen to you!  After the wedding night, when the next morning dawns and the light appears; it will be too late!

That evening, after dark, Laban brought Leah to Jacob and made a big production of the fact that he was also giving Leah, Zilpah as her servant and attendant as a wedding gift.   Here again we have to ask, how did this go on without Jacob realizing who Leah was?  He just kept walking blindly toward the wrong lover!   It was dark and Leah was heavily veiled.  It was also customary to give the groom strong drink before the marriage was consummated.  There is a picture in The Revelation of John where a description of The Whore of Babylon is given.  She is drunk with the power and deceptions of the world.  She has indulged in a horrible cup that the church is warned away from.  We must not fall into a drunken stupor and not respond with the ways of God when the world would have the opposite.    

Morning came and there was Leah! 

Jacob was outraged to find this out. 

He had served seven years for Rachel! 

Jacob, the great deceiver had been deceived. 

Jacob asked Laban; “What is this you have done to me?  I served you for Rachel, didn’t I?  Why have you deceived me?  Of course Laban gave him the prepared logic and told him that it was not their custom to let the younger daughter get married before the older.  He advised Jacob to finish the bridal week with this older daughter and he would give him the younger daughter later, in return for seven more years of work. 

Jacob had his heart set on Rachel.  He agreed to work for another seven years!  True love will do anything for the one who is the object of their love.  Is Jesus the object of your love?  Would you do anything for Him?  We are coming to a place where every Christian may have to make this decision.  Are you willing to continue on the right path in your journey to your groom?  

After Jacob’s wedding week with Leah, Laban gave Rachel to Jacob as a wife.  He also gave Rachel a servant named Bilhah for an attendant. 

So both sisters were then married to Jacob.  There will come a place and time in history when many of God’s ancient chosen people and many gentile Christians will together become the bride of Christ.  We will all be one family just as Jacob, Leah and Rachel were. 

Jacob’s love for Rachel was greater than his love for Leah.  This part of the story is a whole story unto itself.  The revelation of this fact will unfold more and more as we move through the life of Jacob.  What will happen to poor Leah?  What will happen to the cheated Rachel? 

In the meantime, Jacob found himself working for that evil, scheming Laban for seven more years.  Everyone in the family was subjected to his greed and thirst for power and wealth.  

Friday, July 10, 2015


As I've stated many times before, my house is a lot like me; always changing and flowing with the seasons.  

When my husband and I began our life-long hobby of constantly remodeling an ever-changing home that has raised four children, celebrated God’s Holy Days with our immediate family members, hosted events for our little church, fostered an office for my husband’s business, provided me a place to fulfill my writing ambitions, given us space for our hobbies both inside and out, provided shelter for sleep over grown children and grand children and entertained friends and family over the years,  I had no idea how much “seasonal” decor I had accumulated over time.  Much of it retains sentimental value and brings back memories of certain phases of our lives together as a family. 

 I really realized this a few years ago when I started cleaning out our storage building that was filled with things I had long forgotten.  I was making the transition inside our house from the red, white and blue of the beginning of summer when we celebrated Memorial Day, Pentecost and Independence Day.  I thought perhaps it was time for our home to go “beachy.” 
I deliberately chose neutral colored furniture and white walls when we began to redecorate so that I could make any color changes and decor changes I wanted with each season. Black or beige would have worked as well, I just liked white for us.  This makes our seasonal transitions easier by lending a neutral backdrop.   It is like getting a new house each time the seasons change.  You never get tired of using what you have this way! 
As I cleaned out our bulging storage building and prepared for a huge yard sale (I had not cleaned this building out since 1998,) I collected anything that I already had in storage that reminded me of the beach.  Soon I had an assortment of items on hand. 

There was an old wooden clipper ship.

There were some assorted sized light blue and white candles (slightly used, but still good).  I found a large old wooden bowl made out of beautifully colored and aged wood. 

 I found several “beachy” looking photo frames that had never been used.  I filled them with pics of the family at the beach and scattered them all over the house.

I found an old ash tray with a light house painted on it.  I found some lanterns with blue glass.  I had an old inexpensive set of dishes I had bought for one of the kids birthday gatherings years ago that had light houses and ocean scenes painted on them. Ten place settings!  They seemed to go just perfect.  So far I had not bought one item for my beachy look!

Looking at all these items, I decided the color scheme had to be light blue, beige and white.  I decided to use some vivid teal blue, brown and red as accent colors.  With that color scheme in mind, I picked up some of the teal colored pillows I had in another room of the house and placed them on the sofa.  I also had a lovely modern painting hanging in our den downstairs.  It was one that my daughter, Erin had painted years ago.  It was the focal piece I wished to use. 

The painting totally captured the blend I wanted of “beachy-modern-traditional.”  I placed the painting over the opening of the fireplace, since there was not a need for a fireplace in the summer heat.  The painting quickly became a focal point in this summery atmosphere I was trying to create throughout the house. 
I very much desired for the entrance to say “welcome to summer; come in and relax.”  I wanted to start the beachy feeling as soon as you entered the front door of our home. 

We have two lovely watercolor paintings over an old chest in our foyer.  The two painting's colors were perfect for achieving the blue and white beachy colors that I wanted.  They were different shades of blue and black on a white back ground, but I needed something to make them appear more beachy – and I found an old blue wooden anchor out in the storage building from a box full of junk.  I was delighted!  I hung it over the two paintings we picked up one year while on vacation in the Smokey Mountains.   This gave the foyer that perky summer look I was after.

I looked over the photo frames that I had found that looked either summery or beachy.  I printed some color photos of my different years of family vacations at the beach.  I loved them all, and thought how much the kids would enjoy seeing them again when they came to visit. 

I put two photos in the kitchen, three others of my niece and nephews and my Dad in a curio in the living room.  I put one of my favorites of Tom’s Dad on the end table, and some photos of a trip we made with my parents to  Gulf Shores years ago with our twin daughters.

One photo has the twins locked up in stocks at a Put-Put Golf Course that we had a blast going to.  We all felt like pirates that day.  How cool, I now had several memories sitting inside my pleasant new surroundings, and so far, I had not spent one penny! 

I set the starfish shaped bowl on our large black coffee table, and put the other beige and blue rug under the two modern side chairs.  I loved the affect of the beachy colors. 

I grabbed a small white wicker table from another room and used it for another side table.  I had a pretty pottery bowl that Tom gave me for my birthday one year with aqua blue swirly colors and brown accents.  It looked perfect on the white wicker table.  I put the wooden clipper boat in the middle of my dining room table.  I liked the look, but it seemed lonely, and I pondered what to do about that for awhile while I moved into the kitchen. 

I cleaned my patriotic dishes out of the cabinets and boxed them up until next year, and moved the lighthouse dishes into their place.  I found some silver coasters stashed in my pantry, and I liked them to use under the plates.  I pulled out a large square black plastic tray that I salvaged long ago when I bought some catered food.   I put the wooden bowl in the center and arranged the light blue and white candles in assorted sizes in the bowl and around the bowl on the tray.  I put this down as a center piece on our kitchen table. 

The more I looked at this, the more I thought the bowl needed to be filled with seashells.  I finally had to make a purchase, and my budget was extremely limited this month.  I decided to browse around The Christmas Tree store anyway.  It was my lucky day, I found large bags of sea shells for $1.00 each.  I bought three. 

Also in the same section I found bags of white starfish.  I purchased one bag for $4.99.  When I was checking out I saw some lovely shopping bags.   One bag had a lighthouse painted on it in beautiful colors.  Perfect colors for my room scheme.  It cost me one dollar.  I was so excited to leave that store having only spent $9.00, and having everything I needed to finish my look. 
When I arrived home I dumped the sea shells into the bowl holding the candles.  I loved it! 

 I moved an old blue  flower arrangement onto my glass sideboard in the kitchen.  It had blue and purple flowers.  It needed to look more “summery” so I found several long stemmed blue, green and white daises from another arrangement and added them. 

They looked great – just the effect I had hoped for.  I used some white wooden frames I had out for July 4th , and placed two of the lighthouse dishes cups inside them. 

I put two photos of my son and daughter at the beach in beachy photo frames on that sideboard too.  It all blended very well.  I caught myself wanting to cook some shrimp and flounder in that kitchen! 

When I got everything arranged on the sideboard I placed two of the starfish I had purchased in the front of the arrangement.  Perfect!

I put the other starfish in my dining room on each side of the clipper ship.  They were the finishing touch that I needed.  The ship no longer looked lonely.  I would pull out some wicker/grass place mats when we ate in the dining room. 

I was so happy with how all of this turned out and excited that it hardly cost me a cent!  I might not have made it to the beach this summer, but I brought the beach to my home instead.  It certainly helped to perk up my attitude, and I could sit in the air conditioned beach while the thermostat climbed up to 102 several times that week.  

I will enjoy this beachy look all through the end of July and August.  Then when September comes around it will all began changing to fall.  

Of course this will all serve to help us to get into the right frame of mind for the first annual family beach trip we have planned for late September/early October.  By then, we will be completely ready to become professional beach bums!