Thursday, February 16, 2017


(Written by Sheila Gail Landgraf)

Now Moses has received the proper instructions from God about what is to go inside the tabernacle; and God is telling Moses exactly how to construct the actual physical tabernacle itself. 

As with everything else we have studied; the instructions God gave Moses in building the tabernacle were very symbolic.  Almost every element of this very special tent called the Wilderness Tabernacle has a meaning underneath the surface. 

We will discuss those meanings further; but first let’s think about why they were meant to be so significant.

Exactly what is God saying to mankind with the example of this wilderness tabernacle? 

God is actually saying many things; but today before we start analyzing what the tabernacle is built of and the symbolic meaning of such things;  let’s look at why all this symbolism matters. 
Sir Martin Lord Rees, a famous scientist and astronomer, has explained that the universe is shaped by six mathematical constants, which; had they varied by even a millionth or a trillionth of a degree; would have resulted in us having no universe at all. 

Keeping this in mind and considering how mind-boggling that thought is to us; let’s also consider the fact that a few Torah scholars have discovered that the construction of the wilderness tabernacle is based on the same theory and scientific principles as God’s creation of the universe. 

Thus; the tabernacle becomes for us a symbolic reminder of the whole universe that God has created. 

To carry this thought just a step further; consider that the Divine Presence of God within the tabernacle is symbolic of the fact that His Divine Presence exists throughout the cosmos.
Thus, the tabernacle is a man-made structure of a God created design that focuses attention on a divinely created universe. 

This divinely created universe is precise and mathematically exact; but just one slight change in calculations and life on earth would no longer exist. 

When we read Psalm 104:24; “How many are your works, Lord; in wisdom You made them all.” We know that the proper translation of the word “wisdom” means “precise, exact craftsmanship.”

The only other such man-constructed, God designed space in the holy scriptures that speaks of such precise craftsmanship is from the passages of the instructions that God gave to Noah on how to build the ark. 

When men make changes in God’s precise order of the things of the universe, there are  consequences.  Both Noah and Moses had to follow specific instructions and do it all EXACTLY as God designed.    This was one message we learned by observing the scriptures about the construction of the tabernacle. 

Everything God does has more meaning than meets the eye.  

We must learn to see with the eyes of our souls.  

This deeper meaning is not seen by many living in the world today, simply because they do not want to know the truth of the message.  They only want to know what THEY think, what THEY see and what THEY want to do.  They don’t really care to look deeper into God’s way.   

God’s precision and order matters.  

Change just one little thing about God’s order, and/or His original plan, and the rest of everything else changes too.  

God put man on earth to keep the order He originally designed.  For mankind that means we must be careful about what we say, think and do.  It ALL must conform to God’s pattern.

There is great wisdom in the words of Rabbi Sacks who has said:  “There is a precise choreography to the moral and spiritual life just as there is a precise architecture to the tabernacle.” 

We must align our minds, hearts and souls to the creator of the universe.  It matters in the end, and to be precise; it matters all the way through till the end.

The ark of Noah was constructed with two purposes in mind:  

1)  To protect the godly living on the earth and 
2) to destroy the ungodly living on the earth.
This tabernacle in all of the precise dimensions given to Moses acts symbolically the same.  

In the end of the story – our bodies along with God’s Holy Spirit living within them become the living tabernacles that all of this symbolism describes.  In these last days of mankind – we are nothing but walking tabernacles, or little tents that contain portions of God’s glory.  

When God makes his move; as He finally did in the days of Noah, and the world as we know it does not exist anymore; will your tabernacle carry you through to the next place?

It will be a whole new, fresh, clean place where nothing ungodly can enter.  It will be the New Jerusalem which God will send down from Heaven. 

Will you meet God’s specifications; or will you be lacking in the proper clothing for this New Holy City? 

Will you be covered in the blood of Jesus and filled with God’s Holy Spirit? If you don't have these clothes; all you have to do is ask.  God answers every prayer from every soul on this earth.  He is waiting to hear what is on your mind.  He will help you; but you must decide to call on His name.  

If you are not willing to call on God and conform to His very generous and easy requirements; your earthly tabernacle will be destroyed with the rest of the world whenever the New Jerusalem comes down from heaven. 

So you see the importance of these very specific dimensions and instructions for the things of the tabernacle which Moses is now hearing and which we are about to study.  They carry huge implications for eternal life in God’s universe.  A wise person will learn from all of these specific elements of the tabernacle and implement what he learns into his days here on earth.  A foolish person will walk away saying “none of those things are important.”

What path will you choose?

With this strong and significant introduction; we will be discussing more of the building of the wilderness tabernacle in the weeks to come. 

Be watching for the next session in COME AS A CHILD LESSON 158 posting next Thursday.