Friday, September 30, 2016


(Written by Sheila Gail Landgraf)
Many of us need to comprehend the message that working toward being totally healthy and taking care of our own physical needs isn’t a selfish way to live!  

If you are trapped in this popular and common line of thought; you might need to stop and take a few moments to imagine those that you love learning to live without you.  It isn’t selfish to tend to your own health in the midst of tending the health needs of others!  

Think of it this way:  Realize that keeping you healthy is very similar to doing missions work.  You are the mission, because all of the other things will not be happening without you!  

The purpose of your body is to carry God’s will out in this life; and you can’t exactly do that if you have a dysfunctional body.  It is one thing for a body to be dysfunctional through channels out of control, but it is another thing for your body to become dysfunctional through neglect.   If you are going to help others eat better, sleep more comfortably, get enough sunshine and exercise in their day; you have to be able to do those things too.   Why is it so easy for us to consider the needs of others and put the emphasis there, but forget our own basic needs and feel they are unimportant? 

Please stop right now and take an inventory of how you go about your day.  If you find that you are so busy tending to the needs of your family, friends, church, job, community, etc., that you do not have the time that you need to eat properly, sleep properly or even take any portion of your time to get the exercise and recreation that your body requires; you might need to stop and ask yourself a few "why" questions.    

Are you actually denying yourself your basic needs in the name of caring for others?  Do you see this to be something that you are doing as an unselfish offering of love for those that you have chosen to serve?  If so, we may need to take a deep breath right here and examine the truth of your definition of love.
Image result for BUSY
This is a VERY common problem today, especially among working women and young mothers.    This is probably the worst unnoticed culprit that is stealing the health of every family in America.  I see it everywhere I look.  It is a very easy trap to fall into.  I have been among the guilty myself.  

I see busy, overworked Moms feeding their children very carefully and using all the healthiest choices, then turning around and doing without food themselves (or even worse - living off of easy and quick junk food) because they just are not taking the time to sit down to eat a healthy meal.  

I see Dad’s out there working hard, stressful jobs almost 24/7 in order that their families can have all the very best luxuries of life; but denying themselves the basic 8 hours of sleep that they need to regain enough energy to go out there and face all the workload again day after day.  

I  even see working people so concerned for the health of their dogs that they will spend way over their budget on vet bills and hire someone to walk the dog while they are at work; but they won’t even take the time off from work when they have a serious health issue to go to the doctor, nor will they be as concerned that they get out into the sunshine for a walk themselves.  

The children and dogs and the fringes of the social circles that we constantly do our good deeds for are all getting healthier and healthier while those who are helping them to be that way are simply exhausted and turning into couch potatoes!  

How sad!  

It will do no one any good to sit and read about health all day  in order to go out there and preach it to family and friends and make every effort to be sure they have the knowledge.  Nothing will ever be completely helpful and fruitful in our lives unless some of that knowledge sinks down inside our own heads and our legs and feet and arms and hands rise up and go perform what it takes to be healthy! 

The saddest part of all of this is that most people are in this trap because they think they are doing the right thing.  They actually think they are making valuable sacrifices out of their love for others.  

Perhaps it is time to re-examine our definition of love.  I prefer the biblical definition of everything and the bible says we should love others as we love ourselves.   Hmm…..that would mean, in order to love anyone else properly – I would have to properly love myself first!  We must realize the truth is that if there is no self-love inside a person, no recognition of the beautiful and holy spark within; then there is no way that person can truly love or give to another.

If you do not feed yourself first, (spiritually, physically and mentally,) or take care of yourself first, or know your own physical  limitations; you simply will not have what you need in order to be giving to others.  

In order for a new mother to take the best care of her baby, she needs to be able to eat and sleep herself!  The taking care of our selves is a prerequisite to all that we do.  It isn’t optional; it is necessary for ALL to be happy and healthy.  

In order for your happiness to spill over and serve those that you love, you must first be happy from within yourself.  Once you are able to see and appreciate all the beauty that God created within you, you will then gain a much greater appreciation for the goodness that God created and put within your fellow man.  

In order to stay on the healthy side of things you must value and accept yourself.  You must grow and learn from all of your life’s challenges and mistakes.  Don’t beat yourself up over them; learn to be kind to yourself.   Be creative.  Think of ways to incorporate the tending to your own health needs every day.  Make it a priority, then go and tend to the others that you love. 

Take Jesus Christ as your first example.  He did not rise and start serving immediately upon waking up; the scriptures speak of how He rose early in the mornings and went off to pray in a solitary place.  He knew the importance of filling up your own spiritual tank before taking fuel to others!  An empty tank has nothing to offer.  Once Jesus had communicated with His Father and received the proper instructions for the day; He was good to go out and serve the world.  It is the same for us; whether we are dealing with physical, spiritual or emotional things.  

Take care of your own necessities; then go to tend to those you love.  When you shop for others, include your own needs at the same time.  When you feed your children, let someone else hold the toddler for a little while so you can eat your meal too (or put them in their crib until you have had time to feed yourself.)  Work hard and do your best at work, but when you have been there for an acceptable amount of time, go home and enjoy what you are working for.  Take the time you need to find ways to refresh yourself and re-energize.  The rest of the world will not frown at you - they will love you more for it!  Your tank will not be empty, so you will have much more to offer and you will enjoy the process as it transpires.  

You know what will happen, you will eliminate one of life's silent killers; that old enemy called "stress."  Stress is very unhealthy and the leading cause of most health problems.  When you tend to your own needs, stress is kept to a minimum. 

So, my friends, the first rule of becoming a healthier person and walking into a healthier lifestyle is to learn to love yourself .  By now you have probably grasped the fact that self-love and selfishness are not the same thing.  They are not even related!  Don't be selfish; learn to love yourself.  The whole world will appreciate the new you.  Hence from this you will learn to love and better serve your fellowman.  This is the starting place that moves you into a much healthier lifestyle.  All of the rest of the knowledge we might discuss or gain in this blog will be totally useless unless you can grasp this fact first; hold on to it and remember to love yourself!


Thursday, September 29, 2016


(Written by Sheila Gail Landgraf)

When telling the Old Testament stories it is sometimes helpful and interesting to notice the actual dates of when certain events actually took place.  References to dates and times are often vague; but they are actually noted in the scriptures for a reason.  If you just remember to notice certain passages, such as the one mentioned at the beginning of Exodus 19:1, you can determine definite time frames that were observed by the Israelites in the wilderness.  This verse says;  “On the first day of the third month after the Israelites left Egypt – on that very day – they came to the Desert of Sinai.”

This noted time period would have been during the month of Sivan on the Hebrew calendar, which relates to late May and early June on the calendars we use today. 

When they reached this point in their journey, and they entered the Desert of Sinai and camped at the foot of the mountain; it would have marked forty five days since they left Egypt.

Moses moved a little higher up the mountain from the people and there he met with God.  God called down to him from the highest part of the mountain and told him:  “This is what you are to say to the descendants of Jacob and what you are to tell the people of Israel:  You yourselves have seen what I did to Egypt, and how I carried you on eagles wings and brought you to myself.  Now, if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession.  Although the whole earth is mine, you will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.  These are the words you are to speak to the Israelites.”

Moses must have pondered the words of God in his heart as he descended the mountain and moved back to the people.  He must have thought of God’s beautiful choice of words to them; and how God mentioned that He had “carried the people on eagle’s wings and brought them to himself.”

This beautiful and poetic language that originated straight from the mouth of God right there on top of Sinai is often used in our poems and songs today.  It is a beautiful word-picture of refuge and rescue from hopeless situations. 

Why do you think God chose to use an eagle to illustrate his care for his people?

Some have observed that the other birds of prey carry their young in their talons to protect them from the attack of other animals from above and behind; but this is not so with the eagle. 

The eagle is mighty and he fears no other bird.  The only thing an eagle fears is the arrows and shots from mankind. 

The eagle actually carries it’s young on its wings; knowing if it is shot by an arrow from below, the parent bird would suffer the injury and the young eaglets would have a chance to fly away and survive. 

Old Jewish legends have explained that when the Israelites were attacked by Pharaoh’s arrows at The Red Sea, God sent angels from the divine cloud that protected them from the Egyptians.  It is said that the angels absorbed the blows of the Egyptian arrows and they acted as shields in front of the Israelites.

It is so amazing to me that the Jewish people will see and relate to this great example; but they fail to see how Christ took the blows for the sins of mankind at the crucifixion.  Jesus was there for us, as if He were carrying us on eagle’s wings. 

Christ has always followed the example of The Father.  This is the way God was protecting and abiding with the people at Sinai; He was saying:  “I love you so much that I will defend you!  I will die for you if need be!  Because of me; you will survive and thrive as my children! “

The things that happened at Sinai represent God’s marriage to Israel.  It is important, before entering the covering of the wedding ceremony, to stop and consider the relationship we have with our Creator. 

After the marriage ceremony at Sinai, civil laws will be emphasized.  This is necessary even though at times these civil laws may feel heavy and burdensome.  It is important to remember that our FIRST commitment to God came from a prior loving and nurturing relationship, one that happened even before the giving of the law where God took us unto himself purely out of unconditional love. 

In many ways, the Israelites were as guilty and as sinful as the Egyptians that God destroyed; yet God chose them, He loved them, and He took them as His beloved.  He set them apart and proclaimed them special people.  He brought them out of Egypt as if on the bonding wings of an eagle.  His love swooped down just in the nick of time, and without stipulation he suffered the pain in our place and bore us on eagle’s wings to the foot of the mountain where He chose to instruct us on the best ways to live; so very much like an eagle looking after its young!

But; you say; I wasn’t born Jewish!  Where does that leave me? 

My friend; anyone who belongs to Christ has been adopted into the family of God.  This family definitely started out with the Hebrew people; but it has grown over the years!   If you have come under the love of Christ and made Him the covering for your life; you have come into the wedding ceremony and are a part of the Bride through the marriage covenant with Jesus, and through adoption by God.  You have been welcomed into the family as a much loved wife and daughter. 

Much more of this will become clear as we go along.  For now we are discovering how a people, living long before Christ ever entered the world, came to be chosen by God.   We are looking at the beginnings of the family heritage!

It is very important to get the “love” aspect of God before you delve into the giving of the law.  The law was given out of love, not works.  Real love always brings us to ways of righteousness and justice.

So in that day, the 46th day Moses listened to God and then went back down the mountain to summon the elders he had chosen to help him govern the people. Moses told them all the words that God had given him to speak to the people. 

The elders and Moses relayed the message of God together to the people.  All the people responded as one man and answered “We will do everything the LORD has said.”

On the 47th day after Passover (when they left Egypt) Moses climbed back up the mountain and relayed the answer of the people to God.    

Wednesday, September 28, 2016


(Written by Sheila Gail Landgraf)

“For the life of the flesh is in the blood,

and I have given it for you on the altar to atone for your souls,

for it is the blood that makes atonement by the life.  (Lev. 17:11)

At sunset on Tuesday, October 11, 2016,  we will come to the holiest day of the sacred year, Yom Kippur, or The Day of Atonement. 
One of the scriptures that compells me to observe this day is found in Leviticus 23:27-32.  

Also on the tenth day of this seventh month there shall be a day of atonement: it shall be an holy convocation unto you; and ye shall afflict your souls, and offer an offering made by fire unto the Lord And ye shall do no work in that same day: for it is a day of atonement, to make an atonement for you before the Lord your God.   For whatsoever soul it be that shall not be afflicted in that same day, he shall be cut off from among his people.  And whatsoever soul it be that doeth any work in that same day, the same soul will I destroy from among his people.   Ye shall do no manner of work: it shall be a statute for ever throughout your generations in all your dwellings.  It shall be unto you a sabbath of rest, and ye shall afflict your souls: in the ninth day of the month at even, from even unto even, shall ye celebrate your Sabbath.

As Christians and faithful followers of Jesus Christ, we serve a God who was willing to give up His kingly status and become like us.  He loved us so much that He was even willing to die for us.  What other god out there in all of the religions of mankind has ever done such a thing?  This is evidence that The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is The One True God. 
So how does this tie in with Yom Kippur traditions? 

Isn’t the Passover more symbolic of Atonement? 
In some ways, for the Christian, the answer is yes, Passover is more about Atonement for sins, but Yom Kippur is more about realizing that time is drawing short for everyone to receive that atonement. 
Passover is more about our individual sins, and Yom Kippur is more about the sins of our nation and the world as a whole. Has there ever been a more urgent time for this?
Passover is more about mercy and forgiveness, Yom Kippur is more of a statement that Judgment Day is coming, and a warning sound to help us to get ready. 

The Lord is going to return soon!  

There are many out there who do not know Him.  They do not yet have atonement; not because it is not available and freely offered to them, but simply because they have not believed that Jesus Christ is the Messiah and repented of their sins.  This is especially true of our nation, America.  

Satan has been very busy deceiving people because He too has a clue that the time is short.  He is on his usual favorite subject; himself.  He is worried that his time is coming to be put away forever.  He enjoys being loose and wrecking havoc on our world.  He has deceived the world with materialism, false doctrine, churches that want to entertain instead of worship, and “buy” their congregations, luke-warm worship, false worship, evil, death and lust.  His tools are always the same.  He rarely changes his techniques,
 yet the world falls for his tricks constantly. 
In the traditions of the Fall Holy Days it is said that on Rosh Hashanah the doors of heaven are opened.  This is God communicating with mankind saying, “Come closer to me.” 

In order to come closer to God you must be clean.  Those of us who have The Holy Spirit working in us are continually being led to come before God and confess our sins.  We have long ago repented and turned, trying to imitate Him more and more.  We have the good sense to realize and be constantly aware that we are not perfect, and that Jesus must keep us covered with His righteousness.  Yet, there are those who have not yet repented.  I am continuously shocked these days to find those who have never been taught the basics of repentance.  God is listening for them, waiting on them to begin a conversation, waiting on them to say “I repent of my sins, please blot them out of your book.” 

As a Christian I know my sins have been blotted out.  I totally understand that Christ died on the cross once for all.  But this is a time period when I am praying more for the souls of those who have not yet repented.  

As the ordinary priests, ordained after the Order of Melchizedek when we came to Christ, we Christians, as a holy nation and a divine priesthood, have the opportunity, just as the Old Testament Levitical priests did, to intercede for the sins of our people and our nation daily. 

The ordinary priests took the sacrifices of the people daily and offered them up to God.   Once a year the High Priest went into the Holy of Holies and offered up the sacrifice for the sins of the whole nation.  Our High Priest, Jesus Christ STILL carries these intercessions into The Holy of Holies for us and God hears and receives our prayers.  Unlike the high priests of Levitical descent, our High Priest, Jesus Christ, is perfect in every way. 

So can you see how I have come to relate that Yom Kippur should be a strong time of intercession by Christians for the souls of the world?  

Judgment Day is coming.  

It is said that after Yom Kippur the doors of heaven are closed.  On Yom Kippur whatever God has written for the year is sealed.  It is finished.  It is done.  You will either be a sheep or a goat when you enter into judgment after the final seal is sealed.  

If you know Christ, you are covered by the blood of the atonement.  You are separated into the fold of the sheep; and you will be allowed to go into the Marriage Supper of The Lamb.  

If you do not heed God's call and believe on the name of Jesus and repent, you will be separated into the group called the goats.  You will not be allowed to go into the marriage feast, because you are not “covered” by the blood atonement of Jesus.  You will be sentenced to eternity in hell.  The DOOR WILL BE SHUT, and anyone without a wedding garment will not be allowed inside.  

Do not let the doors of heaven close on you.  
Repent and be saved by the blood of Jesus.

In the traditions of Yom Kippur the “books” of God are often discussed.  The tradition is that the destiny of the righteous is written down into The Book of Life.  

The destiny of the eternally wicked is written down in The Book of Death.  

If you have come to Jesus Christ and accepted His blood atonement to cover your sins, you are written in The Book of Life.  Every sin you have ever committed will be blotted out of the heavenly records.  It is His blood that covers the sins.

It is ONLY all that Jesus did that allows you to stand clean before God on The Last Day.  It is nothing that you have done.  

There is a period of 10 days during The Days of Awe, from Rosh Hashanah until the end of Yom Kippur where you can be reassured (by talking to God) that your sins have been covered and you can pray for those that you love that do not have this blessing.  

The tradition says that many people are not yet written into either of the books of heaven.  This is because God gives us free-will and many have not yet made a final decision.  

You can plead with God for them, to do whatever it is that will change their hearts, open their eyes, help them to see the truth.  Our Jewish brothers and sisters fall into this category, but God has promised that many of them will one day wake up and believe.  There will come a day when their eyes will be opened and they will mourn for the One they have pierced.  This tells me they will repent and turn to Christ as The Messiah. 
Our prayers of intercession are important for everyone who has not made a decision to follow Christ.  This is an important time of intercession.  

The 10 Days of Awe are comparable to the period of grace that the church is living in today.  There will come an end to these times.  Judgement Day will arrive, whether the world is ready or not.  Yom Kippur is all about getting ready for Judgement Day.  It is a time to be purchasing oil for your lamp.   
Our High Priest, Jesus Christ, is returning to this earth.  When He does, there will be a great battle.  It is our place, as Christians to be ready to join in with Him.  All Christians will be right there with Him, riding on white horses into battle, riding by the side of our Groom.  We must be ready and prepared for that battle.  Yom Kippur is a reminder of this fact.  

When the last person that is going to repent has done so, the doors of heaven will be closed.  The writing in the books will be finished.  Christ will return for the final battle that will destroy all evil and usher in His 1000 year reign on earth. 

Are you ready? 

So many of my Christian friends are saying we MUST heed II Chronicles 7:14: If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land. 

Isn’t it ironic that we speak these words continuously in our congregations and sermons.  We clearly know the answers; yet many Christian churches still turn away from acknowledging or observing Yom Kippur, the very holy day that God, Himself set aside for all nations to do the very things that we are always so loudly proclaiming should be done?  

God doesn’t change.  He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.  If He said it to the nation of Israel, He meant it for everyone.  He isn’t just the God for the Israelites, He is God of ALL.  

If every Christian church in America would put aside their politics of the world for the period of time called The Day of Atonement and devote that time to prayer and fasting and intercession, as is the tradition for Yom Kippur, and begin praying for our nation and praying for the deliverance of our brothers and sisters who are still living in sin; we would fulfill the commandments of God.  

God would hear us, for this is the time that He has proclaimed that He will be listening with attention and deciding.  He would save us from ourselves and heal our land, just as He promised.

God says what He means and means what He says.

He always keeps His promises. 

As fall brings it's beautiful red covering to the trees across our land, it is my earnest prayer that  the people of our nation turn to Jesus and receive His precious atonement covering. 

May God heal our land and bring peace to the earth.

G’mar Chatimah Tovah!

Tuesday, September 27, 2016


(Writen by Sheila Gail Landgraf)

Sunday night, October 2, 2016 at sunset begins the Feast of Trumpets for 2016 (also called Rosh Hashanah.)  

The Holy Days of God found in the scriptures of both the Old and New Testaments were observed by Jesus Christ and the first Christians of the early church.  It is sad to me that most Christian churches today tend to overlook these festivals of God.  Jesus FULFILLED the first four spring festivals and WILL FULFILL the last three fall festivals.  He did not do away with them. 

Why would Jesus abolish His Father's appointed times?  

He kept these days with joy and thanksgiving, and so should we.  This is yet another beautiful piece of the puzzle of Christian history that God's people have been robbed of.  

If you are a Christian believer and you have decided you want to honor God by keeping His Holy Days in your life, I have some good news for you; you do not have to become Jewish!   You do not have to become a member of a Messianic congregation!  You do not have to make a formal announcement to the world or get permission from all of your acquaintances and fellow church members who may or may not have the same yearning or desire! You don't have to do any of those things!

It is all really very simple.  You just trust God and start to observe His special Holy Days.   

Loving God is not complicated.  Follow your heart.  Your home is your sanctuary and your body is your Temple.  If The Holy Spirit dwells inside of your heart, then you are free to celebrate these awesome days!  

If you do not know where to start, why not begin with The Feast of Trumpets that begins in 2016 on October 2nd at sunset?   Prepare a festive meal ahead of time, right in your own home.  Have some bread and wine, and follow the simple service outlined in this blog with your family and/or friends.  

There was a time when I did not know what to do either.  From years of study I put together the following outline.  You can do your own studying of the scriptures and history and make your own program if you wish.  Nothing is chisiled in stone.  This is presented simply to make things easier for you.  It is not a universal form used all over the world, but it is good and proper for the occasion and it may be helpful to your family as you try to implement the commandments of God in your own household.

Yes, you may make mistakes, that is why we have grace.  If it is all new to you, it might be good to prayerfully observe the first time with just you and God and see what God shows you.  

If you don't understand something; study to show yourself approved, a workman who needeth not be ashamed.  Learn as you go, just as you learned to pray, to witness, to worship, to study the scriptures, to sing and follow God in all other areas of your life.  God will show you what you need to know when you are ready, but you have to be willing to step out and begin.  The Israelites had to take that first step into the water in order to cross the Red Sea.  Have faith!

I promise you if you set the time aside and honor God with the honest and sincere intentions of your heart, God will teach you everything that you need to know as you go along. He will continue to teach you something new and wonderful every year after - forever!  These feast days go on forever and ever.  How awesome is that?

Remember that in this age we are under grace.  If you make a mistake God will forgive you.  If you never try and He is prompting you to do so - which would be the worst end?  Don't miss your blessing because you fail to trust in God and depend on Him to lead you with love and grace.  

Here is a very simple outline of a service my family has observed in years of the past.  I borrowed much of it from another simple worship service outline, and I pieced parts of several favorite services' outlines together for my family to use. You will find yourself doing the same thing as God leads you and speaks to your family.  It is perfectly okay to create a format that your family will relate to.  Feel free to use this one as an outline or a guide to get started, or feel free to write your own from scratch from the beginning.   

 So stop struggling with any fearful legalistic thoughts and be set free to worship!  Shanna Tova!

A Service for The Feast of Trumpets

With the fall holy days we cross a bridge from those things that have already happened to those things that are destined to happen.  The Feast of Trumpets is symbolic of the beautiful return of Christ for His Bride!  It is a rehearsal every year until we actually come to The Marriage Supper of the Lamb.

Dance With Me 
(Pick any appropriate song that your family enjoys)

(It is nice for everyone to repeat this together in unison as we begin)
Our Father, Hallowed, Glorified and Exalted is Your Name. We give honor to Your Holy Name, Yahweh. The whole world trembled at the sound of the Shofar - at Your majestic Presence at Sinai. Creation shook in awe of You when You thundered from the mount and spoke Your holy words in tongues of fire to Your people.

Let the shofar we blow this night resound with the heavenly Shofar, in anticipation of that future festal shout of the Archangel, when the final Shofar will be blown and You will sound the battle-cry and gather Your people unto Yourself.


(You can find several good shofar sounds on You Tube.  Just go out and find your favorite one and use it here and during the other times that call for the shofar)

Prayer of Father/Leader:
Sovereign of the Universe, You have instructed us to sound the shofar on this day as it is written, "Blow the shofar at the new moon, at the covered time for our feast day, because it is a decree for Israel, a judgment day for the God of Jacob." Psalms 81: 3-4

Blessed are You, Yahweh our God, King of the Universe, Who has sanctified us with Your commandments and in the blood of Y'shua the Messiah, and has commanded us to hear the sound of the shofar.

May it be Your will that the tekiah-shevarim-Teruah-tekiah blasts that we have sounded tonight be embroidered into the heavenly curtain by the appointed angel and be accounted like the prayers of Elijah, through Y'shua our High Priest and minister of the Inner Sanctuary, so that Your mercy may be upon us. Blessed are You, Yahweh, Lord of mercy and grace.” [adapted from The Complete Artscroll Machzor, Rosh Hashanah, Mesorah publications, page 437.]


KINDLING THE FESTIVAL LIGHTS (Prayer and candle lighting by the Wife and Mother of the home. Simply say the prayer and light the candles.)

Blessed art You, Yahweh our God, King of the Universe, Who has sanctified us with Your commandments in the blood of Y'shua the Messiah, and commanded us to kindle the Festival lights.

 FATHER OF THE HOME OR LEADER OF THE GROUP: "Give unto Yahweh, O you mighty ones, Give unto Yahweh glory and strength. Give unto Yahweh the glory due His Name; worship Yahweh in the beauty of holiness. The God of glory thunders; Yahweh is over many waters. The voice of Yahweh is powerful; the voice of Yahweh is full of majesty." Psalm 29: 1-2, 4

Blessed are You, Yahweh our God, King of the Universe, whose Word created the heavens, whose breath created all that they contain. Statutes and seasons You set for them as faithful witnesses in the heavens, that they should not deviate from their ordained task. They all do Your will as their Creator and glorify You.

Blessed are You Yahweh our God for renewing the earth and sustaining and preserving us in life for Your glory. Blessed are You, O Yahweh for Your covenant of faithfulness and mercy to our father David which endures forever, as the sun and the moon before You.

May we shine as lights in this world and reflect Your glory even as the moon shines and reflects the glory of the sun, through Y'shua the Messiah, the Son of David, the true Light of the World.

All Hail to the King of Israel Who lives forever! We proclaim the majesty, honor, glory and dominion of The One Who sits upon the throne. For, "You are worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power; for You created all things, and by Your will they exist and were created." (Revelation 4:11)

Our God, and God of our fathers, may this remembrance of Messiah, the Son of David ascend before Your throne and be accepted before You for deliverance, life and peace on this Day of Remembrance for all Your people. Draw all Your people unto Yourself, for You are a gracious and merciful God. B'hem Y'shua HaMaschiach, Amein (through Y'shua the Messiah)
SONG:  To Him Who Sits On The Throne
(Use any appropriate music your family enjoys)


Father/Leader: Bless Yahweh Who is blessed.

Whole Family/Congregation: Bless Yahweh Who is blessed forever.

(Designate a person ahead of time to give this reading.)

"Yahweh said to Moses, "Say to the Israelites: 'On the first day of the seventh month you are to have a day of rest, a sacred assembly commemorated with shofar blasts. Do no regular work, but present an offering made to Yahweh by fire." 'It is a day for you to sound the shofar." (Leviticus 23:23-25; Numbers 29:1)

"This is the day which Yahweh has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." Psalms 118:24 "Seek Yahweh while He may be found, call you upon Him while He is near" Isaiah 55: 6 Y'shua said, "I and my Father are one." John 10:30

Let us draw near to Yahweh, in unity with Y'shua our Messiah and seek His mercy and forgiveness. (Time of silent prayer and meditation)

(To be read by someone chosen ahead of time)
 O Lord, open my lips that my mouth might declare Your praise. Blessed are You, Yahweh our God, God of our fathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; great, mighty, and revered God, Who is Lord over all; Who bestows loving kindness and has graciously given us Y'shua the Messiah as our Redeemer, to provide our atonement; and will bring back the outcasts of Israel and redeem them unto Himself, for Your Holy Name's sake. Thank you for the gift of life, and for inscribing us in the Lamb's book of life, through the sacrifice of Your Son Y'shua, the Lamb of God, Who takes away the sin of the world.
You sustain the living with kindness and revive the dead with great mercy; You support all who fall and heal the sick; You set the captives free, and will keep faith with those who sleep in the dust.
Who is like unto You, mighty God? Who resembles You, O King of the Universe? You bring death and restore life, and cause Salvation to flourish. You are Holy and Your Name is Holy, and holy beings praise You daily.

You, O Yahweh our God, have graciously given us this day of Remembrance, a day for the blowing of the shofar, a holy festival in remembrance of the past exodus from Egypt, and a type and shadow of our future exodus from this world when we will be gathered together unto Y'shua in the clouds to be with Him forever.

"God has gone up with a shout, Yahweh with the sound of a shofar For the Most High is awesome, He is a great King over all the earth" He will ascend the throne of His glory! (Psalm 47:5,2)


(Pick any songs that are appropriate for your family)

Blow Three sets of blasts on the Shofar

Congregation: respond "Amen"

 Father/Leader: "Make a joyful noise before Yahweh . . with trumpets and the sound of the shofar. Shout joyfully before Yahweh, the King .. .. .. for He is coming to judge the earth" (Psalm 98: 4, 6, 9) 

Congregation: respond "Amen"

 "Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne; steadfast love and faithfulness go before You. Blessed are the people who know the festal shout ["the sound of the shofar"], who walk, O Lord, in the light of thy countenance, who exult in Your name all the day, and extol Your righteousness." Psalm 89:14-16

Blow Three sets of blasts on the Shofar Finalized by the Great Blast (try to hold it for at least one full minute)

Congregation: respond "Amen"

Designated Reader 2: Reads:
1 Thessalonians 4:13-17
Brothers and sisters, we do not want you to be uninformed about those who sleep in death, so that you do not grieve like the rest of mankind, who have no hope. For we believe that Jesus died and rose again, and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him. According to the Lord’s word, we tell you that we who are still alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord, will certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep. For the Lord himself will come down from heaven,with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever.


Father/Leader: Give unto Yahweh, O you mighty ones,

Family/Congregation: We give unto Yahweh glory and strength

Father/Leader: Give unto Yahweh the glory due to His name;

Family/Congregation: We worship You in the beauty of holiness.

Father/Leader: The voice of Yahweh is powerful;

Family/Congregation: Your voice is full of majesty.

Father/Leader: Yahweh sat enthroned at the Flood and He sits as King forever.

Family/Congregation: And in His temple everyone says, "Glory!"

Father/Leader: Yahweh will give strength to His people

Family/Congregation: Yahweh will bless His people with peace.
Father/Leader: All the living shall ever thank You and praise Your Holy Name, Oh Yahweh, You are our salvation.
May it please You,Yahweh of Hosts to bless Your
 people Israel at all times and at all hours. Call us home, Oh Yahweh, to Your Holy City, New Jerusalem, where peace shall dwell eternally within Your gates.

Blow set of Shofar Blasts

 MESSAGE (This is just a sample of a message that applies to the subject of the day - you may use your own and this should be different every year as God leads.)

(Taken from Ephesians 5:1-20)

In the traditional Jewish service of Yom Teruah, the Shofar was blown 100 times. The blowing of the Shofar is firstly a call to alert and awaken the conscience of man and initiate his response to the call of the Shofar to come into His Presence.

The Shofar pierces the darkness of this world's spiritual atmosphere which keeps man bound under the deceptions of the god of this world and penetrates the heart of man for him to hear the sounds of the Shofar - that is, the message of the Shofar. It makes a way for the Word of the Almighty to penetrate the heart for the purpose of bringing man to an acknowledgement of his need of repentance against a holy God.

The Jewish Rabbi Maimonides explained the meaning of the sounds of the shofar as follows: "Awake, you sleepers from your slumber, and rouse you from your lethargy.  Scrutinize your deeds and return in repentance. Remember your Creator, you who forget eternal truth in the trifles of the hour, who go astray all your years after vain illusions which can neither profit nor deliver. Look well into your souls and mend your ways and your actions; let each one of you forsake his evil path and his unworthy purpose, and return to God, so that He may have mercy upon you."

Paul reiterated that in speaking to the Ephesians when he counseled them to be imitators of him and "walk in love as Messiah also loved us and has given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma.  But fornication and all uncleanness or covetousness, let it not be named among you, as is appropriate for the saints of God; neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor coarse jesting, which are not right, but rather giving of thanks in all things to God. For this you know that no fornicator, unclean immoral person, nor a covetous man who is an idolater of the things of this world, has any inheritance in the kingdom of the Messiah and God. Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon those who are disobedient. Therefore do not be partakers with them. . . . . Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness or those who practice them, but rather expose them. . . . . All things that are exposed are made manifest by the light. Therefore He says, "Awake, you who sleep, Arise from the dead, and Messiah will give you light." See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise people, redeeming the time, because the days are evil." (paraphrased and expanded from Ephesians 5: 1-16)

The apostle Peter also exhorts us to consider what manner of person we ought to be in holy conduct and godliness with the approaching Day of God in which the world and everything in it will be dissolved, saying, "Therefore, beloved, looking forward to these things, be diligent to be found by Him in peace, without spot and blameless;" (2 Peter 3:11-14)

The day of Yom Teruah is understood prophetically to herald the beginning of the Tribulation period. The Shofar blown on this day is called the Last Shofar/Trumpet. The Shofar had been blowing in the Temple for thirty days previously, to call the people to prepare, and on Yom Kippur the Great Shofar will be blown which will herald the coming of Messiah. The message of the Shofar on Yom Teruah is an alarm to prepare for the coming judgment.

On the memorial of this day, the Messiah will ascend the throne for His coronation as King of Kings and the thrones will be set for judgment. We need to watch and pray that we may be counted worthy to escape the coming judgment and be found of Him in peace at His return, whenever that may be. (Luke 21:36 The blowing of the Shofar on Yom Teruah symbolizes the prevalence of Mercy over Judgment for those who come in repentance and seek His forgiveness for all their sins.
John says that if we say we have not sinned we deceive ourselves and His truth is not in us. We need to allow the light of His Word to shine into our hearts and examine us according to His holiness. (1 John 1: 5-8)
Our eternal destiny will be decided by our spiritual condition when this final day arrives. Yom Teruah is different from every other Feast, in that it has no prescribed date and is dependent on the arrival of the new moon which is concealed from view. So that day will come upon us, if we are not prepared and catch us unaware. We need to watch and be sober and keep our spiritual garments white and unspotted from this world.

 (Play the song – Fine Linen or any other music that you wish to chose, have liturgical dancing if desired)

Blessing of Kiddush - Leader holding cup:
Blessed are You, Yahweh our God, King of the Universe, Creator of the fruit of the vine. Amen.

Blessed are You, Yahweh our God, King of the Universe, who has chosen us from among all nations and has sanctified us by the blood of Y'shua. Blessed are You, Yahweh our God, King of the Universe, who sanctifies the Festival of Trumpets.

Blessing of Challah
Leader holding bread: Blessed art You, Yahweh our God, King of the Universe, Who brings forth bread from the earth. Amen. Baruch Atah Yahweh, Elochenu Melach ha-olam, ha-motsee lechem min haarets. Amen.
May we be inscribed for a good year as those who are trusting in Y'shua the Messiah for eternal life.

Nehemiah 8:10 "Go your way, eat the fat, drink the sweet, and send portions to those for whom nothing has been prepared, for this day is holy to Yahweh. Do not sorrow, for the joy of the Lord is your strength."

If you wish you may have prepared baskets of goodies to be delivered to others during the Holy Days.  It is customary to let the little children participate and take the gifts to others.

Your family may wish to discuss a way they can contribute together to help someone less fortunate or in need over the next two days.  Plan a quiet humble way to be a blessing to someone else during this season. It doesn't have to be monetary, the gift of time and service is a good way to serve others too.


(Festive celebration of God's goodness by the partaking of apples dipped in honey, followed by a festive meal of sweet dishes.)

This is the appetizer to your festival meal!

May it be Your will, O Yahweh, God of our fathers, to grant us a blessed and prosperous Year. (Everyone partakes of apple slices dipped into honey)
"Your mercy O Yahweh is in the heavens; Your faithfulness to the clouds. Your righteousness is like the great mountains; Your judgements are like a great deep; O Yahweh, You preserve man and beast.
How precious is Your lovingkindness, O God! Therefore the children of men put their trust under the shadow of Your wings. They are abundantly satisfied with the fullness of Your House, and You give them drink from the rivers of Your pleasures. For with You is the fountain of life; In Your light we see light." Amen (Psalm 36: 5-9)

We trust Yahweh our God, to soon behold Your majestic glory when all abominations shall be removed and all iniquity shall be at an end. Then shall the world be perfected under the rule of our Mighty King and all mankind shall call upon Your name through Y'shua our Lord. For to You every knee must bow and every tongue declare that You are God, our everlasting Father.

May Your kingdom be established in our time and may we see the kingdom of David's greater son be established forever. For then shall the words be fulfilled, "Yahweh shall be King forever over all the earth; and on that day Yahweh shall be One, and his name One." Hallelujah! (Psalm 104:1-2, Deuteronomy 4:39, Psalm 10:16, Zechariah 14:9)

(Maybe play some appropriate instrumental music during the meal??????)


After the meal, don't forget:
·         "Be inscribed and sealed for a good year!
·         To a man - "Leshana tova tikateiv v'techateim!"
·         To a woman - "Leshana tova tikateivi vetichatemi!"
Note: It is customary to prepare for this occasion by a ritual immersion in water beforehand. White "Kittels" (outer garment) are traditionally worn to symbolise the person's faith in Yahweh God to extend His mercy toward them on the basis of their repentance.