Wednesday, February 22, 2017


(Written by Sheila Gail Landgraf)

Lent in 2017 begins on Wednesday, March 1 and continues until Thursday, April 13th.  It is mostly the Catholic Church that faithfully observes Lent, but there are some other devout Christians who also believe it is a good thing to do, and they join in by offering up or giving up something to and for God to show they care and want to change.  

This year, as many faithful people begin to observe the practice of Lent, I am reminded of the story of Noah. 
Every time I stop to think about all that is going on in the world today, I see comparisons to the world that must have existed in the days of Noah.  Ironically, this sad fact gives me great hope because of the words of Jesus in Matthew 24:37;  “When the Son of Man returns, it will be like it was in Noah’s day.”  (New Living Translation).  This makes me feel it is possible that the Second Coming is near!

Consider what we know of the days of Noah.  We read in Genesis 6:5 that “The Lord saw how great man’s wickedness on the earth had become, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time.”  If you listen to the news, click into the Internet, or just simply walk down the street today you will notice a consistent pattern of wickedness and evil.  

Day in and day out we see greedy government corruption, children murdered while attending school, sex trafficking, the worship of pagan and demonic spirits appearing as half-time entertainment in televised football games, rampant homosexuality and the threat of being punished if you take a stand against it.  All around us there are people wishing to change the definition of marriage and family as God created them, and our government and civilization seems to be in the process of changing everything that has ever given us stability and hope.  

There are machines of special interest groups out there changing the whole essence of the world we live and breathe in; causing families to be wounded and ripped apart.  We see horrible sins committed against children and women.  We see men being martyred and put in prison for their belief in Christ.  There are more martyrs today than ever before in history.  Their deaths never make the front page of the the paper or the main event on your local news station.  The press looks the other way and promotes things of no value.  Most of us feel unsafe just walking down the street alone.   

Perhaps these same things were just what God saw as He looked through the windows of heaven at the world during the days of Noah.  

God probably saw the perfectly good, clean, pure world He had given to mankind being corrupted and used more for evil than for its original intended purposes.  This must have really caused the heart of God to grieve.  Perhaps today He is grieving even more.   

Imagine having grieved over this situation once and caring enough to send Noah a solution to change and correct it, then seeing it happen all over again, and deciding to send your very own Son to straighten it out.  

Imagine allowing your only Son to give His life for the good of the people, and then looking down again to see things only getting worse than before.  

Do you think God’s heart is grieved?  

I know it is.  

This surely helps me to understand the wrath of God when I think of the significance of how many times He has made a way for people to change and they have not done so. 

We really do have a way to change!  

There is a blueprint; it is in the Holy Days, it is in The Scriptures, it is even written in the stars of the sky.  God has provided His Son to save us and He has given us a chance for mercy and forgiveness.  

We only need to turn around and go in a different direction.   God has spelled out his instructions to us in a million different ways.  

If you’re living and breathing you can’t really miss this!  They are in the setting and rising of the sun, the ebb and flow of the tides, the phases of the Moon, the working of all things together.   Noah had the good sense to see them, accept them and follow the Creator that put these things into motion. 

In the days of Noah, there was one godly family; a man and a woman with children; the godly family of Noah.  God looked down and saw that they were good.  

Do you ever wonder what was so good about them?  

I think it was that they totally obeyed every word that God gave them.  That is all it takes to actually please God; just to be obedient.  

God is smart enough for all of us, we don’t have to be smart.  

He is good enough for all of us; we don’t even have to be good.  

We just have to listen and obey, like Noah and his family did. That was their secret for success, and that is all that is required of us in the end.  

The subject of obedience keeps presenting itself as people go through the process called "Lent."  

We can learn a lot about obedience as we ponder the old story of   Noah and his family.  

Many questions arise:  

Who is still obedient to God on this earth that we live in today?  

Who will get to enter that ark that will save us when the wrath of God comes to the earth the next time?  

Who can be like Noah and still keep their eyes on God and be obedient even when troubles come?

God said to Noah, “I will send a great flood of water to wash everything clean and to make all things new again.  Build an ark….”  

Who is listening to God saying “Build an ark?”  

Can anyone else hear that voice saying, “Heal My church, build it up, make it strong, because the rain is coming!”  

How many Noah’s are out there listening to the voice of God today?  

How many of them are warning about the days to come?  

How many of them are proclaiming the hard things instead of feeding unhealthy sugar to the frenzied crowds that flock to a building on Sundays just looking for some little spark of hope that God is still there, that He exists, that He has a plan and He is carrying it out and He will provide a way for them to be a part of it all?  

Where are the modern-day Noahs who say “I hear the voice of God and He is telling us to get ready?”  

Put your ear to the street and listen for their voices, I hope you do not only hear scoffers and unbelievers feeding you the same old lies; that things are fine, that we don’t have to change, that God doesn’t care what we do or how we live, that you shouldn’t worry about the voice of those old prophets.

Yes, we are living in days just like Noah’s.  How long will it be before God removes His people from this state?  

So Noah set about following the blueprint that God spelled out for him. 

As Noah built the ark the animals began to arrive, two by two, male and female, imagine that!  

Was God trying to give us an example here?  I wonder.  

The ark was finished, and the animals came inside.  

Last of all came Noah and his family.  

God shut the door.  Once God shuts a door it cannot be opened again until He decides to open it.  Get inside the ark before God shuts the door.  Time is short and the rain is coming!

And the rain came down, and it rained buckets of water for forty days and forty nights. 

All the 40 days of Lent will come and go so quickly and it is possible that much rain may fall.  

I’m thinking about Noah being all locked up in that boat with all those animals for all those days.  

I look around me, and I can have some sympathy for what that was like.  We live in a world of humans who want to act like animals, and those in the boat with Noah were pretty tame compared to some of the ones we have to deal with day-in and day-out as we go about our business.  

How did Noah feel?  

Well, he dealt with those animals in a loving way.  

He fed them and cleaned up after them, even though they probably smelled pretty bad.  

He tried to keep them safe and secure.  

He fed and watered them.  

They were like his career while he was in the ark.  He looked after them.  Even though they were dirty stinky animals now, Noah knew they carried within them new life for the planet.  

He respected this.  

He overlooked what they could not understand; and he looked after them.  

Every dirty stinky needy person walking on this planet today is carrying around a tiny seed that could grow into new life.  

We just have to care for them.  

We just have to feed and look after them until God brings that change about.  It is our career, while we are stuck in this storm we call life.

It might have been pretty boring living in that ark too; never seeing the sun, never going out for a walk; just staring at that gopher-wood day after day after day.  

Sometimes God wants us right where we are, and He has work for us to do while we are there.  

Just like Noah, we must learn to put away our own feelings and get to the chores at hand.     
So Noah and his family passed the days away on the ark.  The water rose and the ark rocked.  

Ever been in a rocking ark?  

It can get a bit frightening at times.  

Sometimes the ark of the church rises on a flood of water and the people get rocked and move around a lot.  

Some of them get knocked out of their places and they fall and slide and land in other areas.  

It happens when the floods come.  

Things change.  

You can’t see what God is doing and you can feel pretty shaken at times and wonder what on earth is going on.  Often there are rains all around and people are moving and changing all the time.  Sometimes they fall and sometimes they are able to hold on.  

Just know that God is in charge; and we just cannot see exactly what He is doing yet.  

It is the time to  have the faith of Noah and endure for a season.   

We have to wait for the ark to settle down on top of the more peaceful waters.  

We need to ride the waves of life every day for awhile.  Those waves can get pretty high at times, but you will be safe in the ark, all you really have to do is hold on and wait.  Just like Noah.

God spared Noah from seeing those who did not survive the flood.  

He kept him occupied inside the ark tending to the animals, just like you would spare your own child from the violence of hard situations.  All through the flood God kept Noah and his family safe, warm and dry.  They waited with faith.  One day the rains stopped and God sent a mighty wind to dry up the water.

Noah went up to the deck of the ark and released a dove.   The dove flew away but soon returned because it could only find water for miles and miles.  

After a few days Noah sent the dove a second time, and it returned with an olive leaf.

Noah knew the water was subsiding.  Noah sent the dove a third time and it did not return, it had found a new home. 

Soon the ark landed; and Noah let the animals out of the ark.  They too went out and found new homes. 

Then, Noah and his family came out onto dry land.  

The whole world was washed clean and new.  

God had made them a new home, and it was good.

Just like that dove and the animals and Noah's family that found a new home after the flood, the Holy Spirit can increase in the place of our hearts during the time of waiting through Lent or any other season of time, as long as we are trusting God no matter what the circumstances;  as long as we are being obedient to what He is saying to us.  

As the season progresses and the 40 days are passing by, the faithful know that God is going to take His people to a new home, one that is purer, cleaner, and better than this one that we live in today.  

That future home will be one where no evil or wickedness may dwell.  I know all of us who believe in Christ and have the faith to get inside the ark and ride out the storms of life will be shown a better place one day.  

It is just a matter of trusting God to see us through the storm.  

God is continually making things new in preparation for this new home He wants to give to us.  

So; during this season of Lent, won't you let Him make your heart new too?  

It feels cleaner.  

It feels fresher.  

It feels like a page turning, like a new place forming.  

It is good; and it makes you want to give thanks!

That was just what Noah and his family did.  They built an altar and they gave thanks to God.  At that time God must have smiled.  The skies reflected His smile in the form of a rainbow. 

The rainbow was the sign that said God always keeps His promises. 

Those of us who have weathered the storms of life are realizing it more and more.  

He will keep His promise.  

He will return again. 

Let us be found as faithful as Noah.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017


(Written by Sheila Gail Landgraf)

Why is it that keeping things simple always gets complicated?  Often it is because we do not make room for a place of peace and harmony in which to begin our days.  

As we continue our journey toward making a house a home I want to consider simplicity.  
Simplicity really matters in having a happy place to call home.  

John Burroughs once stated  "To find the universal elements enough; to find the air  and the water exhilarating; to be refreshed by a morning walk or an evening be thrilled by the stars at night; to be elated over a bird's nest or a wildflower in spring - these are some of the rewards of the simple life!  

It all sounds wonderful, but how does one get there?

Simplicity starts when we make a conscious effort to create the time and space for it.  Just as your spaces get cluttered, so can your mind and your time.  I suggest daily that we must establish an hour of unscheduled time out from the hustle and bustle of the merry-go-round world and come into a quiet space within our own homes to be refreshed and renewed.  This is crucial for peace and harmony in the home.

A very smart woman named Victoria Moran once stated it this way:  "A simple life is not seeing how little we can get by with - that's poverty - but how efficiently we can put first things first....When you're clear about your purpose and your priorities, you can painlessly discard whatever does not support these, whether it's clutter in your cabinets or commitments on your calendar."

With this thought in mind, I want to encourage you to establish a reading and meditating area inside your home.  It could be just a desk area where you keep books, notebook and pen, or a comfortable corner chair with a side table and lamp and a place to lay aside your glasses and set your coffee cup down while you are reading.  It could be as simple as the corner of your sofa, as long as you will not be disturbed while you linger there.  Any little corner will do.  Use your imagination.  Try as much as possible to keep this a place out of the main part of the home and away from the noise and business of everyday life.  When we go to this place, we want to be able to obtain and maintain uninterrupted time.
No matter how large or small your family may be, this is something important to each and every one of us.   I recently read an article that advised everyone to “jump off the merry-go-round.”  In other words – get out of the endless circles of life that lead you nowhere.

It all sounds very good in theory, but how can one really do such a thing?  

Establishing a set place and time inside your home and using it every day might just be the first step to spending a lot less time on this ever-turning, fast-spinning carousel of life.  Keeping this daily time alone is the next step.  Then, simply make a conscious decision to change your pace and priorities by beginning to consider and do one little thing at a time until you find yourself completely turned around and going in another more desirable direction.  Someone once said this a bit differently when they stated; the way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time.

So what would be the first step to take if your goal in life is to live a simpler, less complicated lifestyle, with more focus and less distraction and waste?  

For many of us the first bite of this elephant would be to establish a consistent act of daily prayer and meditation within our home.  We would need to make this a priority and keep it the very first part of each and every day of our lives.  In other words, make a habit to consider each day before it begins.   Determine not to be robbed of this important part of your day!  This could be accomplished simply by getting up one hour earlier.  If you are not a morning person, let it be the last hour of the night before you go to bed.  Just sit quietly and concentrate on the coming day.   You will go to sleep prepared, especially if some of that time is spent being thankful and counting your current blessings as well as making plans for the future.

Just for comfort, indulge in a small treat.  This will inspire you to relax and enjoy this time so that you are always looking forward to and anticipating the next time you will do this all over again.  Persistence is key.  Before you do anything else in your morning or evening routine, simply sit down and have a cup of coffee with God.  After all, what could be more important?  If you're an evening person, pour yourself a glass of wine or fix yourself some hot cocoa and go find your quiet space in which to enjoy it.   I think Jesus set aside time alone and away from the world with God every day that he walked the dusty roads of this earth.  No one could ever go wrong by deciding to imitate Jesus.  God knows all those things that seem to keep us on the merry-go-round.  
 He also knows the direction He has planned and purposed for each of our lives.   If we take the time to listen He reminds us of what we forget.   Talk to Him about those “merry-go-round” things, and ask for His help with them.  

Afterward, simply sit still and let God speak to you about the other things He has in store for your next day and/or the rest of your life.  

Take it one day at a time.  Let yesterday prove tomorrow.  Build on what you are learning as you go.

It might be good to write down the things you feel God is saying to you.  Do not forget them when the first spin of the carousel winds up again and the music of the day begins to play.  Read the scriptures and use your favorite author's devotional books.  (I love Ann Voskamp; we all have our favorites.)  In doing this myself I just recently read a quote by Ann Voskamp that perfectly described our goals here:  "I don't really want more time; I just want enough time.  Time to breathe deep and time to see real and time to laugh long, time to give You glory and rest deep and sing joy and just enough time in a day not to feel hounded, pressed, driven, or wild to get it all done - yesterday."  

As you sit and listen, pull out the scriptures that apply to your thoughts and write them in a notebook.  As you talk with God, just look up passages that will take you deeper into the subjects that God brings to your mind.  A good concordance is essential.  Keep one handy in the spot where you chose to meet with God each day, as well as your notebook, a pen, your bible and your reading glasses.  If the outdoors make you feel closer to God by all means find a quiet little space in your backyard.  Once you get all comfortable and in-tuned to yourself and God you don't want to be distracted by having to search for what you might need.  There are cute patterns out there for crafting an organizer from cloth to hold your notebook, pen and pencil, glasses, bible and interesting devotional books.  Make one to match your room, or purchase a handy little decorative book bag for holding these things and just pick it up and bring with you when needed.  

Ask God to make the message of His words and/or his messengers clear and plain to you.  Journal as you go, referencing the scriptures and the words that God emphasizes to you from day to day.  Some people like to use illustrations in their journals instead of words, or they cut and paste little pieces of artwork that describe what they are learning.  Make it personal and make it artful.  Listen to meaningful music or sing yourself if you like.  Worship to God in song first thing in the day is awesome!   Write poetry if it helps you to express your feelings.  Pay attention to any patterns that begin to develop.  Review the notes in your journal from week to week and let God begin to  paint the picture of your specific purposes in life that He created just for you.  Make a list of the important things you see in this masterful new painting that He will put before you each day as you pray. 

Make lists of what is most important for your life.  Jot down the priorities as they come to mind and remember them throughout the coming day.  From time to time as you meet to pray in those early morning hours, review your list and ask God to keep you on track.  Make revisions to the list and add notes when He shows them to you.  You will soon feel the clutter of your life begin to break off and leave.  You will find yourself leaving old habits and developing new ways.  A peace and order will come to you even in the midst of troubles and trials, even if you are working through uncontrollable circumstances.  

The truth of the matter is that prayer renews and rejuvenates our spirits just as sleep refreshes our bodies.  You feel the adverse effects whenever your body loses sleep for days at a time.  This is also true with your spirit if you neglect a daily routine of prayer. 
So allow yourself this little luxury first thing each morning (or whatever time works best for your internal clock.)  MAKE THIS SIMPLE LITTLE SPACE IN YOUR HOME.   Receive God’s blessings and direction for each day of your life early.  Start your day Christ centered before you go out into a man-centered world.  Remember the first step in living in a kingdom is recognizing and getting to know the king. You must grasp what is most important to the king and go in that direction with your time and efforts in order to have a kingdom (or a home)  that lives in peace and harmony.  Anything else is just another ride on the merry-go-round. 

Monday, February 20, 2017



(Written by Sheila Gail Landgraf)

 Here is a little Southern Comfort Food Menu for this Monday:


This menu is a standard monthly meal at our house. Everyone cleans their plate when I fix this meal, and it is easy and simple to put together. 

These Southern Comfort foods are not the best for your waist-line; so just to be safe, I left off the dessert this time.  I'll tell you what my Mom used to tell me; the fruit salad COUNTS for desert!  Sorry, all you sugar lovers, but you MUST get some control.  Just call the fruit salad your dessert and enjoy every minute.  After all if you check out the ingredient list; you WILL see VANILLA PUDDING in this fruit salad.  So there!  It is very tasty.

Meatloaf may not be the MOST healthy thing you can eat either; but occasionally there is nothing like a good meatloaf.  I like to serve this one up with lots of fresh salads and fruit, then temper them with a comfort food like a good old fashioned side of mac and cheese.   I'll tell you the secret to the mac and cheese (besides the smoked paprika,)  it is the heavy whipping cream!  Don't leave it out if you want that mac and cheese to taste delicious.

Everyone has their favorite green bean casserole recipe.  I have three different ones that I use according to whatever style of cooking I'm trying to achieve.  This is the one that I like best with meatloaf. It is simple, quick and easy and it always taste good.

Here is the meatloaf recipe I like to use as well as the recipes for some great side dishes that go well with meatloaf.  


2 lbs. ground beef
1 onion – chopped into thin pieces
3 eggs slightly beaten
2 cups Pepperidge Farm stuffing mix
3 tablespoons Worcestershire Sauce
¼ cup Moore’s Sauce
1 tablespoon garlic powder
2 cups ketchup (2 separate cups)
1 cup brown sugar
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.  Spray a metal loaf pan with cooking spray.  Mix one cup of ketchup with brown sugar and spread in the bottom of the loaf pan.  Combine all the other ingredients and mix well.  Place meat mixture over top of sauce in pan and place in the oven for exactly one hour.  Take from oven, invert meatloaf out of pan onto a plate to serve sauce side up. 


2 cups macaroni noodles
3 tablespoons butter
¼ cup all purpose flour
½ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon dry mustard
¼ teaspoon black pepper
1/8 teaspoon smoked paprika (also some for sprinkling on top)
2-1/2 cups heavy whipping cream
3-1/2 cups grated cheddar cheese
1 cup chopped bacon
Preheat oven to 375 degrees.  Boil noodles on the stove top in water until tender but not limp, drain and rinse with cool water.  Set aside. Turn the stove top to medium and in another boiler on the stove add butter until melted, then add all-purpose flour, salt, dry mustard, black pepper and paprika.  Stir with a wooden spoon until well blended then slowly add heavy whipping cream.  Continue to stir until sauce becomes thick (10 -12 minutes.)  Remove from heat and add 2 cups of the grated cheese into mixture while it is still hot.   Place one half of pasta in a prepared casserole dish.  Pour one half of cheese sauce over pasta and mix until all pasta is covered with cheese sauce.  Add one half of the bacon bits as the next layer.  Add half of the grated cheese that is left on top of bacon bits.  Add the other half of the pasta and pour rest of cheese topping into it.  Top pasta with last half of grated cheese as well as  last half of the bacon bits.   Bake 25 to 30 minutes until the cheese on top is slightly brown.  Serve hot.


1 bag frozen large flat green beans, or even better one bunch of freshly snapped and broken fresh green beans.
1 envelope dried Lipton Onion Soup Mix
1 tablespoon onion powder
1 tablespoon garlic powder
1 large can of Campbell’s cream of mushroom soup
1 can dried onion rings
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Spray a large casserole dish with cooking spray.  Lay green beans inside casserole dish.  Mix next four ingredients well in a bowl then pour over the top of the green beans.  Cover the top of the bean mixture with the dried onion rings.  Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes. 


1- 8 ounce jar tropical fruit mix
2 apples sliced, cored and chopped
2 bananas sliced in half lengthwise and then sliced into small pieces.
1 box vanilla instant pudding mix
1 small bag frozen mixed fruit (leave frozen, it will thaw quickly and keep the rest cold)
Mix all together well.  Keep cold in refrigerator until time to serve. 


Sunday, February 19, 2017


(Written by Sheila Gail Landgraf)

Just a few days after we have stuffed ourselves with chocolate and wined and dined and flowered our lovers; we come to President’s Day.  

What is this day all about, and how did we begin to celebrate it?

It all started back in the 1880’s when people began to celebrate the birthday of our first President, George Washington.  His birthday is actually on February 22nd,  and that was the official date of celebration. 
In 1996 congress decided that federal workers should move many of their yearly holidays to Mondays no matter how the date fell on the calendar.   

They implemented this with the Uniform Monday Holiday Bill.  This would give federal workers more long weekends with several days in a row off from work.  Most companies who allowed such holidays for their workers also followed suit and used the same calendar days.  

Hence, George Washington’s Birthday Holiday was moved to the third Monday in February, no matter the date on the calendar. 

It was noted during the debate over this bill that many states were
unofficially celebrating the birth date of Abraham Lincoln on February 12th.    Before the new bill passed there was extensive discussion about combining both dates in honor of both great men, and calling it President’s Day.  

This brought up the question asked by many; would we still be honoring just George Washington and Abraham Lincoln on this day, or would we be honoring all of our American Presidents? 

Nothing was ever resolved about this, and the official holiday stayed the same:  George Washington’s Birthday.  It was simply moved to another date and combined with the weekend. 

Some retail merchants wanting to profit from the events being held in and around Washington on this date began to call it President’s Day anyway.  They did commercials and promotions showing both George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, and even other presidents.  It seems now that the people of the country have unofficially changed the whole holiday to honor all presidents that have served, but the official standing still has it that we are celebrating George Washington’s birthday. 

This is yet another great proof that when the people desire something enough, they usually get their way whether it is officially declared the law of the land or not.   It seems the people desire to be profitable and have sales!

Ask any American walking down the street what day it is and they will say President’s Day.  Ask them what they are celebrating and they will tell you this holiday is in honor of all the great men who have held the office of President of The United States!  They might also give you a look that indicates you might not be from the same planet before they hurry on to the next sales promotion.

 Go figure! 

Should we even care?
How will you celebrate this day?

As for myself, I’m stuck in the category of those workers with an employer that does not even recognize this day as an official holiday.  It will be like any other working day for me, perhaps with a newscast or two that is accidentally overheard about the speeches that will be given in Washington, or maybe a child or grandchild coming home from school and asking that obvious question:  “Why do we celebrate President’s Day?”

Should we lie to them or tell the truth?  

Exactly what is the truth anyway?  

It obviously has not been taught in public schools much lately.  Has an untruth become the reality; thus the truth?  Perhaps this is a subject we should let our children ponder.   Just give them the cold hard facts and let them decide what to do with them.  Perhaps the schools just have too much fear of  the voice of the majority?  So is the truth now what the people are doing and thinking today, or is the truth what the law actually says? 

You tell me!  Poor teachers!

This is such a pleasant little problem compared to deciding how to properly teach sex education, religion and political views........Let's just count our blessings for little distractions and the new opportunity for a lesson on thinking for yourself.   Until the children of America decide the proper course and take it for themselves, let's just allow them to ponder this one for a while longer before we move on to the next hurdle of no clarity and unreality that our children must learn to face growing up in our society.  

Perhaps they will even actually learn to think for themselves!  

Is that still allowed?